@mothman those wings are great!! What are those off of? @taylor , that repose looks so good, much better than the original pose. Great work.
Since I was fed up with bent swords I went for a second Chain Rifle. It was a pleasant surprise that the one from the spec ops mini fits perfectly.[/QUOTE] I actually just did the exact same thing while making a McMurrough conversion from a Devil Dog.
So I needed a Vassily for a Tournament this weekend. I had these marauder bodies and puppetwar heads laying around. I am pretty happy with it.
More like "WTF did I just see? I need another drink." (Also, missed opportunity to model the binocs as a vodka flask.)
I hope you don't mind this image retouch: Just get a dark brown from top of eyes and cover a bit there. Also get a black/dark grey and convert the vertical line into a rounder shape. You can use an image viewer that lets you swap images to quickly compare (it also makes a nice WTF animation... I can hear the TAG going BOOM). My advice for next ones: non pure white horizontal splotch (don't worry about shape, cover a bit of skin too), black (or whatever color you want) vertical blob (only worry about width and shape inside eye, ignore errors in skin zone), follow with dark brown (or strong black if doll eye lashes) moving towards the eye (to cover white & black errors, and give shape), then lighter skin tone in similar way, but leaving a bit of the dark zone. Or cover all roughly in black, then sides with vertical white lines, then dark brown for shaping above and below, repeat with basic skin. The idea is to apply the brush in such a way that you only have to pay attention to where you reach with "one" side of a small width stroke (not going to lie, you need a bit of control), avoiding ultra fine lines (smaller than small, with both sides perfect, and thus harder), because you will cover the "other" side in next steps.
Mob of Blondes: Thank you for the advice. I just reworked the eyes and they look much better now. I appreciate the in depth explanation.
My first conversion made, a Dakini lgl since CB decided not to release one. Not exactly wysiwyg with the feuerbach but it looked cool.
After seeing this it convinces me to "try" Puppetswar heads. They seem to mesh with the model well in my opinion.
My first Ikari conversion is painted, I will play her as a krakot chest mines/SMG her name is Fumiko (old magic card game reference: "fumiko the lowblood")