A brilliant suggestion with only one minor flaw... I've already converted my poor Lu Duan to a Rui Shi
It's also perfect 'cause they're fast and cost no SWC since we're probably gonna be quite limited in that regard with HI SWC weapons cost 2 rather than 1.5. I guess it's time to make some S4 holoechoes...
Really, This is awesome! Combining this with our abundant Engineers option, I see no reason not fielding Lu Duan and pairing it with Zhencha! And Guess what, Lu Duan's AVA 2 in IA... sweet mother, this is great. @Daemon of Razgriz you are a freaking genious.
An added point about Lu Duan support, they carry Repeaters. If you park one near your Zhencha at end of turn, it will help protect it from hacking, but also open up your hacking network to attack. I wouldn't use it aggressively without at least a KHD on field, but it could make for an excellent threat to enemy Hackers and HI in the midfield. Here's hoping the Daoying has a HD+ for maximum support synergy, but that's a pipe dream, so 4 Zhanshi Hackers and a Shang Ji Tinbot it is!
I mean, Yu Jing has literally nothing else to talk about. We had ISS updates a good while ago, so those have been gone over to death; JSA/Uprising was a horrible mess and pretty much all of us wish we could just forget it completely; and Vanilla profiles have kind of been done to death since the beginning of N3. Even if we had no information about IA, we'd probably still be talking about it. The positive we should be looking at is that we're predominantly ignoring Uprising, which is good. There is also an extreme rush to fellate CB whenever they give us the tiniest hint of something good, even though their track record for YJ hasn't been great since Uprising. See, I can make a snide statement too! Yay, the "wait and see." Where have I seen that before and had it be utterly craptastic... The reason "wait and see" gets shouted down a lot is because we heard that for months with regards to Uprising. It was trotted out over, and over, and over: and then when we did see, it was awful. That whole thing has soured a lot of the community and created a pretty big divide - and just saying "wait and see" is enough to bring back the bad feelings of Uprising, because "wait and see" was used time and again to try and justify shitty things because "they might not be so shitty later!" At least this time we know that CB are releasing IA stuff on to Army in November, so unlike the festering shitshow of Uprising we can actually see the pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel, instead of just, "it's going to be a rough year for Yu Jing." Hmm, damn, that is a good point!
Glad to be of help everyone. And because i play Nomads. I use Bran. So i understand the value of a climbing plus camo marker. Glad that i'm not the only one as the other thread has shown. The value of having a camo marker hanging off the side of a building. The shenanigans! And added bonus. Because it's ARM 3. You can kind of get away with not getting cover. Which is also a thing. As i've been known to hang Lunokhod's off the side of buildings safely due to ARM 3 combat remotes.
The inability to fire a direct fire option might become a liability though, given the prevalence of Xenotechs in season 10.
Looking forward to Triumvirate, where this will be patently untrue. Conveniently located Warcors may also receive a push near minefields to clear the path for the Invincible Army's glorious charges, the media pays for them. Now I think about it, Yu Jing definitely leads the pack in questionably-ethical minesweeping tactics between Kuang Shi, tanking it on line troopers and throwing adorable semi-sentient robot critters to their demise. Against poorly-infiltrating factions like PanO or the Phalanx, I can see the Zhencha working as a pricy piece of bait to draw the enemy, at the cost of several of their orders, right into a perfect drop zone for the Liu Xing so they can be exterminated during your active turn and still allow you to keep a specialist on site for the objective. There hasn't been a lot of discussion so far on the Zhencha's ability to trade up, that DEP could do some real work if the enemy uses a TAG or solo HI to hold down a central objective.
This is a missed opportunity, IMO. They should have staggered the release of the Army updates as a further hype into the book - I mean, I read somewhere that the book won't even have profiles for the units, just the new rules and ava charts. Should've kicked off with Week 1 November - Morat release - because they appear to have the least changes. Week 2 November - Military Orders release Week 3 November - Varuna release - because they're the next to come out model-wise Week 4 November - Invincibles release and book drops end of that week (assuming normal release schedule)
This really divorces the armies from their associated lore and purpose. Mechanically its a good suggestion and great for us hungry for more info. From a product value point of view, it kinda signals that the lore isn't valuable and I don't think thats good. While we might all be playing the game and dissecting the armies and units and hungry for more. I feel its important to remember this whole thing is something more to its creators.
This is good news, it leaves room to correct some typos in the profiles and do minor last minute corrections until the units appear in army.
There will be an absolute shit storm if the IA profiles aren't in there given that everyone is expecting they're in there.
No profiles are in the book. As in, they've finally realised printing profiles in books is just wasting paper.
Given that CB's business model seems to be, in part, trying to tempt existing customers to spend on new sectorials they are already part invested in, rather than chase the Next Big Thing, they don't necessarily need to over-hype the next army - they're already working on the assumption that you may have half already, so will be easier to sway. Certainly seems that the sectorial structure supports that. Granted, that tactic didn't come across very well for Uprising (unless the numbers of Yu Jing players who, like me, picked up JSA was enough). Also, the newer releases don't seem to invalidate older ones, to the same extent as other companies' business models, at least.
They don't put profiles in books anymore. Supposedly the army's are being unlocked on the day the book releases.