Yes, that's new and different. 10+4 split combat group, though? I think you forgot 300pts in that Holy Grail, which is why I was saying that the Zuyong were about 2-3pts too expensive. More like, "How in the Nine Hells are you going to be able to field a single Guijia if your order generators are 25+pts each!?" I'd certainly be a lot happier about the Zhencha.
We have Climbing Plus on the Su-Jian Mobility Form. It's a well loved unit, and that is certainly part of it. Yes "We"* know it's good; is it really good enough to carry the whole profile? Maybe! * The nebulous, non-specific We, that is.
Don't let Reading previous posts (or subsequent) by a user get in the way of whatever youre trying to do.
I mean, you wrote the post. I wasn't attempting to take you out of context: you stated that we didn't have Climbing Plus on anything before, besides on character. This is a 48-page thread: do you honestly expect me to believe that you go back and check every single post someone has written in each thread to check whether you have the full context for something? In a shorter thread, sure, that'd be more reasonable. Quite simply, I either missed those posts you made, or I forgot about them during the reading catch-up. Don't make this out to be more than what it is; I missed the context, and you made a vague statement.
On the topic of the Guijia, it's something that hasn't been brought up yet. Running 2 is likely the domain of higher-then-average point games, but just one Guijia brings a lot of power to the table. While very vanilla, the Guijia still tanks mines and light skirmishers like a champ while also being a mobile specialist. The DTW and height can allow it to hurt opponents hiding on rooftops or in heavy cover, and it's carrying one of only two large templates in the faction. Its main competition will come from the Yan Huo, which in a Haris will likely be more costly and slow, but more dangerous. I've used it once or twice in Vanilla to excellent effect clearing light AROs and taking objectives, but I've never taken an active, aggressive link team and a TAG at the same time. Any more experienced players know how a TAG and HI team work together?
Dude, I like that you're one of the more positive people on this forum but why are you trying to pick a fight here? Kallas hasn't said anything inflammatory.
Nah, man, that's entirely too much work. Climbing plus is good, and I usually play on tables where you can take advantage of it (we run lots of buildings, enough that you can nearly Jump from one side of the table to the other without ever getting down to street level, Super-Jump makes it trivial to do) I'm still not entirely sure it's able to carry the Zhencha. @Daemon of Razgriz had an excellent point in the Zhencha thread, though: Lu Duan for Holoecho minesweeping. You're going to want a KHD on the table, since the Lu Duan has a repeater on it and will be up close to the Zhencha. Though you're going to want a KHD on the table anyway, so I don't see that as a significant downside.
I think the main cause of complaint for the Guija is that other, similarly Vanilla-ish TAGs have received significantly more personality in recent reworks. I say this as a Morat player who never had any interest in running a Raicho, but who is now fielding one in all my games in order to get a solid understanding of using the Fatality Heavy Shotgun and Mine Dispenser to their greatest effect. This isn't to say that the Guija is bad - but for a handful of points difference, there are exciting and interesting things available on other TAGs. Even Plainy McPlain Squalo has the distinction of being one of only 2 remaining TAGs with a HGL; and the bs15 to make it meaningful.
I agree that the Guijia is plain as far as TAGs go, but there is nothing like it in-faction, however much I'd like there to be. What it does have over other tags is CC 19 and an AP CCW. Which sounds tame, but it's a Damage 17 hit punching through armour without inordinate spending or cuts to its ranged capability. I haven't had much practice with it yet, but I've found it great for dislodging isolated units or links that have managed to launch an alpha strike into your deployment zone, because there's no good options against one fighting on its own terms. This seems like an important capability in a sectorial with low model count, with the DZ guards consisting of Yaozaos hiding around corners trying to tase people.
Raicho MultiHMG/Heavy Flamethrower is 89/2. 1 point more for the same CC, loses the AP CCW but gains Veteran (immunity to Oblivion). Plus pilot differences, of course. But the magic happens when you jump the Raicho to 94/2 with the MultiHMG, Shotty, Mine Dispenser. Not even a repeater bot's value in points, but so much more utility and flavour.
Yeah... my opinion about Guijia isn't that it's bad, but that the cost makes the rest of your list weaker. It's lacking something to make it asymmetrical to be exciting and while the pilot doesn't really matter the flamethrower is not a good idea.
Dick...fucking... What the hell guys? You cannot keep it civil? Do you know the existence of the "ignore" function if you don't want to read a forum user? Last call to politeness in this thread.