Specialists or minelayers. One between both would have been amazing (specially if they add positionable repeaters to am hypothetically milelayer BS profile) @ObviousGray you forget about heavy pistols, ojotnics, redfury and shock marksman rifle. Many of those are having more and more presence on the last years. I think Zenchas are pretty cool and potent tools. But you need to be weary of It's main weakness and don't act fearless with them (as you can do with a Daofei if you need it). I think that's cool. It's something that will push us to keep learning and improving our gaming. I love the 2 specialist profiles, but the AHD is a specially tricky one. Let's see how it fullfils it's role inside the Invinicble
To be fair, Pano players have a lot more to be positive about so far. They got a new sectorial and 2 of their existing ones basically got revamped. Meanwhile YJ had lost a whole sectorial this year and had finally see two units for its second sectorial. And it's not like YJ players are perpetually gloomy or Pano players are eternally optimistic, hell a few years ago the mood on the two forums were essentially the opposite.
[sarcasm on/]no we don't need this button[sarcasm off/] Well, I'm just going to assume no immunity of any kind for the Zhencha and roll with it. I think it sucks but what can I do?
I confirmed with Bostria, the Zhencha doesn't have shock/bioimmunity, the previewed profile is accurate.
Quoted for context. This is why I said earlier to view the Zencha as a "heavy skirmisher" NOT as a "skirmishing heavy."
It's not easy to be positive about it right now, CB haven't given us a particularly great first look. It's not bad, per se, but it's hardly a good out-of-the-gate charge. After Uprising and the ridiculous reasoning given there, it's hard to find solace in, "Just wait guys, we totally promise it'll get better" - we heard that before, and it didn't get better.
I'm actually very much looking forward to Invincible Army, it's bound to offer the most versatile way to play my favourite class of unit in Infinity history. Liu Xing will be great for wiping out all the types of models that personally annoy me the most. We'll see improved command skills with lower model count, making for faster games, and the threat of a Liu Xing or Zhencha ripping through cheerleaders may even bring down enemy model counts. The only thing I'm still annoyed about is that unit classifications that aren't TAG or REM can no longer reliably indicate anything, which makes them feel arbitrary, especially with the way certain Classifieds interact. Looking forward to more reveals, some of those HI MSRs might indicate that Yu Jing has finally figured out this "ARO" business all the kids keep banging on about.
OK. But both of these units feature skills or combinations of skills which are new out quite rare. As far as Infinity units go they are interesting and balanced. Would you say the disappointment is to do with expectations not being met? Why are we expecting units better than interesting and balanced? I thought we didn't want power creep?
New Yan Huo Variant with 2 MSR and Neurocinetics? I am wishing for some multi-marksman personally. It is ironic that when CB granted my wish for that weapon, they also put it on a unit that is part of a sectorial that is leaving YJ :( Also seriously where did JSA get all the Marksman Rifles? Were they secretly manufacture in preparation for the Uprising?
From PanO? I thought that much was made obvious that PanO is supplying JSA given much of their SWC weapons are PanO made.
The one Kempetai is holding yea, but Pano doesnt have a multi marksman to my knowledge. Who knows, maybe they have one now somewhere in the previews, they seem to have everything these days.
We haven't seen the multi have we. It's just on the daiyokai profile? Yeah Pano will probably get one eventually. It seems to be appropriate. I've always seen Pano as more the weapons and arms manufacturers of the human sphere. But to be fair they've only just recently got a glut of interesting new weapons. Their previous sectorials have been pretty devoid of anything other than multi rifles and multi hmg.