Yes, but Tohaa is not a Sectorial. Nowhere you can find Tohaa referenced as a Sectorial, only some Forum members say that Tohaa is a Sectorial. If Corvus Belli intends Tohaa to be a Sectorial, they should clearly say so, and also change how it is referenced on the Main Webpage, the Store, the Gallery, the Forum, the Army, the Books...
Again not argueing about what was promised or is promised. I dont particularly care what the label currently is. im just looking at the reality of where the faction is and what seems to be happening around it. We have a faction that is set up similat to a sectorial and has releases like a sectorial. The only update weve heard for it sounds like it will be essentially an unrelated sectorial. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... Like I said theres moments it sucks or gets frustrating but its really only hurting ourselves to get worked up over it. And we get enough grief from outside the faction to get worked up over something we cant control. Enjoy the game relax and let what comes come :)
As Abrilete points out, Tohaa is clearly a faction, and not a sectorial. Here is another truth we have revealed: not all factions receive the same amount of attention. Tohha is receiving less than the others. This is OK. I picked up Tohaa recently specifically so I didn't have to keep up with something else. I like that they're nearly complete with regards to their model range. It's nice to not have to run on the treadmilll to keep up with a faction for once. Could they use some additional models to fill the line out? Yes. Could they benefit from some resculpts of older hand-scuplted models with microscopic detail? Absolutely! Acceptable reactions to this reality: Start another faction to once again experience the joy of regular new releases and spending money Quit Infinity in a huff and go play another game Unacceptable reactions: Bitching endlessly on the forums about it, smearing every available thread with your outrage over having been neglected
I don't know how long have you been around, but since the begining Tohaa received new models almost at the same rate as the other factions. It's only this year when Tohaa stoped receiving models. It's not like Tohaa has always been a duck: until recently it was an eagle, and suddenly and without explanation it has been transfigured into a duck.
I've been playing about 8 years now. My first faction was the Aleph, and my second was Tohaa. The minute Tohaa was previewed I preordered two starter boxes for the faction. Personally I would say Tohaa releases started to decline in 2016 (A good chunk of their lifespan now). Starting in 2016 the releases have been: Kosuil 2 Kaauri 1 Kaauri 2 Sukeul Commando 1 Gorgos Pilot Sukeul Commando 2 Gao Rael repack Neema Resculpt Igao Repack That is a reasonable chunk of releases. Just also 2/3rds of them are resculpts/repacks. In some cases needed in some cases not. Of the releases 2 of them are a unit that I think was seriously imbalanced and one is just a pilot model for a unit most people seem to think is garbage for some reason. But at the end of the day it honestly doesn't matter that we had some solid releases and then they slowed down. It just is. Why do I need to get upset over it? I'd only be depressing myself and I sure as shit do that well enough on my own :P
If you are adding repacks to that list, you should also add the 2016 Army Pack. And that just shows that until recently Tohaa was just like any other Faction in term of releases: you could regulary find new things in your Store. Going back, we can see how many releases Tohaa had each month in 2014 and 2015: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 That's 12 releases in 24 months, just like any other Faction. And then... well, we were told that Tohaa would have its moment in 2018.
To be honest, the last release was new Nema and that's, I think, exactly one year ago. What else releases we got 2017 I can't say.
just for shits and giggles, what would you guys like to see release for Tohaa? Something other than a Sakiel box set.
I've tried those types of threads before and had Tohaa haters jump in to tell us we didn't need anything and our army was complete. Kinda ruined the fun of speculating. Also there are those who post clock things...that's annoying too...
Sakiel Box. Taqeul Box. Boarding Shotgun Clipsos. Vulkan Shotgun Ectros. HMG Sukeul. SMG Kerail. Forward Observer Kotail (forgot to add the most used Kotail to this list). I don't even know how many times I have already posted that list.
Ditto! Thanks to this slump I started Warhammer Underworlds, and it's not a bad game. CB are digging themselves a hole with such a release schedule, I'm afraid to say.
CB are digging themselves a hole with such a release schedule, I'm afraid to say.[/QUOTE] CB is a small company, and they don't have the staff like GW, were they can release anything at any time, If we want more new releases, then we need to increase our player base, more players may mean more money for CB, and at that point more stuff for CB = more and new releases.
CB was even smaller before, and they didn't have problems regularly releasing models for all the Factions (Tohaa included), so CB's size has nothing to do with the current problem. CB has decided not to release models for Tohaa, and given very little explanation for that decision. CB has the right to do so if they want, but we are also free to complain and to explain our complaints and worries. And many of us are already "voting" with our wallets.
I would love to see some new Clipsos. The existing combi is an ancient gross hand sculpt and I love the sniper, but I have been AVA 3ing Clipsos and I always feel like a chump using it in the midfield as an FO. A digital sculpt Clipsos Combi and Boarding Shotgun would be awesome.
I agree with you 100%, and I do wish CB would communicate better when It comes down to Tohaa, but don't give up! We have to find away to put pressure on CB when it comes down to the Tohaa army, I'm not sure what to do to put pressure on CB.
Aliens are harder to design, and they seemed to want a consistent base for doing updates rather than a scattergun approach over many moons. Plus, to them, most of the Tohaa stuff is reasonably new compared to some other things, and also didn't really tie into their narrative plans yet. That said? The more time passes the more I kinda wish Tunguska wasn't a thing. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and even with some of the new skills coming up they bring a fair bit to the table, but it looks like an afterthought in some ways compared to the TAK and OSS setups. I'd rather Tohaa had got some attention in our place, so when Tunguska did drop we had the new minis coming soon, and some fluff for the new stuff.