It doesn’t have every single skill people want it to have and fails to meet their expectations 100%? Beyond that, I got nothing... I’d love to have something like that in PanO.
NWI isn't a "technical superiority" thing though, it's about the grit of the soldier. Unless we're talking Su Jians.
NWI is ability to continue operating while ignoring damage to soldiers body. Vet Kazaks do it through grit, Aleph LHosts do it through superior technological control of bodily functions.
Daofei hacker I'm assuming is number 1, who would you say is #2? Nagas? Prowlers? Because it's the only infiltrator we have. Only having one unit for the role makes it much more important that the unit be as capable as possible.
Dasyus, which have TO camo and nwi but arm1/bts0 It's incredibly capable, I don't know what else you want from it from a capability standpoint? It's less vulnerable to Hacking than a daofei in the specialist role, because the Zhencha FO can't be affected by KHDs (which also means fairy dust will always take affect). It's more manueverable, cheaper, and more utilitarian because of mines and the DEP/D-Charges. How is this any less capable than basically any other camo infiltration specialist?
What if.. the design space freed up by letting go of so many ninjas was to allow for more infiltrating pseudo HI.... *not entirely serious
Its one unit within an army which currently has an abundance of heavy infantry profiles. Care to notch back the hyperbole just for a little while? The thread had been bare of it for a few hours at least. Yes the Liu Xing is an HI for ALL intents and purposes, not having an unconscious state is actually a bonus on that model.
I don't know how to do hyperlinks on this forum, but the article "How do I get equipped?" on the Infinity website explicitly states that the Yan Huo will receive a Special Haris, although it does not say what it will be linked with. On the topic of the Amazing Minefield Gib Zhencha, I'm less upset then I am baffled. It really does look like a fair unit, although not my cup of tea, but the absence of shock immunity is unusual from a fluff standpoint. Shock ammo is hollow point rounds, shrapnel and poisoned blades, how is that getting past an armoured car on legs? I'd drop the NWI for Shock Immunity just to save myself wondering how that plays out in physics terms!
Before this, all HI was either 2W or crappy Ariadnan HI. There's no reason why they needed to buck the trend for these guys, except to point out that Yu Jing doesn't get the nice things that PanO gets.
FD1 is workable especially if you have marker state and people have called the Shang-Ji a midfield unit. Point is, Zulu Cobra has near perfect skills for handling midfield marker units.
Perfect tools would've included Mines and Super-Jump, but they have Sensor which will ferret out which markers are mines and any TO camo hiding as risk free as you can get in this game, and then be able to challenge the revealed models with decent chance. And if their mimetism and short range weapons (you still don't need Shock against most mid-field skirmishers) isn't enough, at least you have revealed the enemies for units that do have mines, grenade launchers or your local friendly Swiss Guard (etc) Edit: heh. Thought I saw a profile with SMG on Zulu Cobra, but it's Combi+Assault Pistol. In either case, the Assault Pistol is much better at clearing most skirmishers than an SMG, and it seems like the Jammer is on the Sensor profile which makes it even stronger.
Yes, but this excellent anti-camo unit will actually have a harder time to crack Zencha open, in a bit of contrary to all the flak Zencha is getting here.
Eh... we're still looking at higher chance to do 2 wounds to the Zhencha with that Assault Pistol than the Zhencha killing your less expensive Cobra (11% vs 9%). If you can deny the Zhencha cover we're looking at 29% chance of 2 wounds versus 6.5% of losing your Cobra. If you still don't like the odds you can recamo to get surprise shot and if the Zhencha opts to try for Suppression instead of Camo state, just Jam him and the main point of the Zhencha disappears as he'll have a hard time reaching objectives in just 1 order. Zhencha isn't the perfect victim, but unless the Zhencha is your priority target, the Zhencha will make an okay speed bump needing slightly more than 4 orders to reliably remove (not counting the expected 2+ necessary to move into position with ZC) I can not stress enough how powerful an Assault Pistol is in active turn.
As a minor foot note, these odds doesn't change by adding bioimmunity. All it does is illustrate how much of a bully the Sensor equipped Zulu Cobra is. Cobra'll be having similar effects against basically any other target except Libertos and possibly BSG Guilang (haven't checked BSG, but MSV and BSG might push things far enough)