this isn't a new interaction. Fireteam bonus doesn't stack with other B mods in reactive. It's the same reason it doesn't stack with "enhanced reaction".
Actually... that'd put is at a fourth S5 unit. The Su-Jians combat form is S5, so technically we'd be at 4. Or 3.5, depending on how you want to cut the Su-Jian having access to S3 and S5. Yan Huos in a ZuYong Core pls I need that in my life. Honestly one of my favorite things about YJ. I suck at painting... so here's a very nicely uniformed faction that isn't too hard to paint.
Only way I see that happening is with the Twin ML (non-Neurocinetics) profile. That would be a pretty great unit to have in a Core Link (Active B3; Reactive B2) but they're definitely* not going to do that. *I assume....
Agreed. In fact, I've kinda been expecting that the 2xML and M-HMG would be Haris-able. Just no way in hell that the HRMC would be.
The MULTI HMG Yanhuo needs FTO to be remotely relevant. And then it will need a model because I will use it every day.
Taking into account that Orc troopers are gonna have a CORE linkteam in Varuna (just 1 less armor) with a feuerbach option... I think a Yanhuo Missile launcher in core could be posible. It would be my ideal of a Reactive piece for invincible (due to the 6th sense and the +3BS)
Gonna break the mold hard here, but: I would much rather have Tactical Sense on Yan Huo than fireteam options. If I could also stick a guard-Pango in Duo with a Yan Huo, that would be equally sweet compromise between their atrocious close range ARO. And while I'm wishlisting: Neuro-bot on MHMG profile. Hell, let's wishlist some more: Missile Launchers converted to Smart Missile Launchers. I dunno, I don't actually play with the ML model, but Neuro-SML for reactive turn and Guided spam for active turn sounds like a neat compromise for how this profile is currently fairly bad in active compared to HRMC and doesn't put up sufficient burst to be reliably dangerous in ARO.
My main concern with the neuro ML as an ARO piece is it’s lack of Courage. He does put up a fight... But one hit and he goes prone :/
In vanilla lists you definitely need those precious orders to coordinate and change units from groups... but in Invincible... you'll probably end up with only one group and half of it may be a death-stat corelink of zuyongs+shangjis or whatever is available. So... maybe courage is not so critical inside Invincible army for the Yanhuo
Taking into account that they are listed as AVA 4 in IA but every single profile is SWC 2, I’m assuming they will get little touches here and there. Those may involve new profiles as well as, maybe, revised skills/stats. I don’t know, it’s just a guess.
If it wasn't for the fact that it's such a big over-shoot in SWC (and way over 200 points!) I'd say that the AVA doesn't have to make sense for 300 pts only, but... 8 SWC at max AVA... Without an SWC generating LT, that makes no sense even for 400 pts