4 Releases or 4 announcements/reveals? We know something big is coming at the start of the next BoW Infinity week in March, and that it ties into the release of the Dire Foes 7: Hillbillies a-bug-huntin' with Kandi Candy Double Mayastar (sorry, Kandi was her stripper name.) I was under the impression that the big something is a reveal, not a release. And a Dire Foes box is not a big release. To me. GenCon is the big release, and it's probably Paradiso: N3.
Yeah, Dire Foes 6 wasn't a big release last year either, if memory serves. Part of the continuation of Red Veil (SPACE AND BEYOND!) reveal
It was the year before, actually. Came out the month after Red Veil I think, to round them up to 150pt(?) lists, and was first spoken about in the GenCon seminar (or the BoW infinity week for Red Veil).
Combined Army vs Aleph would make a much better themed release than Ariadna vs CA, plus it could supplement a new iteration of Campaign Paradiso.
They could theme it after the Ariadnan Expeditionary Force coming to rescue the rest of the Human Sphere during the first Paradiso Offensive. Operation: Here's how it's done lads!
So, is this a long-term speculation thread, or just an early march speculation thread? Because if it's the latter, I would like to ask if there's some place with all known bits of info on upcoming new sectorials. For now the only way people can learn from it is from people occasionally mentioning them in random threads.
This is March speculation, hence the title (that never referenced May, no sir, I never constantly get those two months mixed up). Adepticon is late March, there's usually a Seminar there. Last year Bostria was at Rumble on Route 66 which was a bit earlier IIRC but I can't find this year's dates.
CanCon will have a sorta kinda Skype seminar. Adepticon is the legit seminar; if @Bostria goes to Rumble, the seminar is a preview of the Adepticon one.
You're right for fluff, but if you think of it in game terms Aleph and Tohaa both get fireteams in a different way to the normal method, so it makes sense to put them in the same box to avoid the imbalance of fireteams on one side only.