So either its a typo or another attempt at trolling the Pan-O players. :D It would mean no SMG for the KHD tho. XD
Good point, and this is actually a very big deal. I think the Zapper's a better point defense weapon than a flamethrower... It's a really hi-tech elegant way of stopping a close-range attacker in their tracks. Definitely nice to use against incoming CC troops, and will make the Squalo very dangerous at short range against a lot of opponents. It's a great design choice.
Everyone sure about the SWC of the Feuerbach ORC ? 1.5/1 but not ? The Cliper and Machinist have Fireteam Special, surprised no one seems to discus to what will those two link, specially the Cliper
To be fair, I've always argued that this was because there was nobody in the CB HQ who played PanOceania. With no "advocate" encouraging more interesting stuff we tended to get the "quick and easy" solutions. But that's no longer true. We now know that @HellLois is a PanOceania player, and having someone "on the inside" is clearly making all the difference. It seems that PanOceania CAN now have nice stuff!
Judging from other HI of similar caliber, their Feuerbach is 1.5. It would be pretty impressive if they got a 1 SWC feuerbach LT. although, I'm not sure how much mileage I would get out of that. eh, if acon is anything to go by, machinist will probably be stuck in Kamau core or Harris, which is pretty good. same goes for the clipper. maybe ORCs like in Ikari, or Kamau like in Druze (equating that the Kamau are like Druze in the aspect that they're both premium poster boys of their respective sectorials.)
doesn´t sound half bad to me. done some list crafting leaving the Cliper aside and taking the Feuerbach like 2swc 44pt, that .5 swc is a big deal, also, Varuna STRONK
With two Machinists you may even be able to take the "modified" version for a Kamau Haris (like for Acon) and a "straight" version for running with an AuxBot for regular work to get double the value out of your Tech Bee. No matter what the actual SWC is on the Feuerbach, we can all agree with @Bostria that starter pack is bonkers. But if the Kamau really can freely drop into Fusilier Core Fireteams then it'll be less of an issue as we just won't need as many Combis for most lists. I'm thinking that the ORC character will "special" into the Fusilier Core, maybe even Wildcard. And the Clipper? I expect that to "special" into the ORC Core and MAYBE the Kamau.
I would assume that our character just says counts as orc for fireteams and let the fireteam rules do the work
Being honest here, I will always feel like it is a missed opportunity when Fusiliers are the "core" of the Sectorial rather than the "guest stars". Would have loved AVA Total Kamau. (and no biker knights but hey whatever.)
"An elegant weapon for a more civilized age" So there is even less reason to take Uhlan now. Not complaining, we got a lot of nice updates.
Why 'though? I mean, Fusiliers already got that treatment in NCA. There was always going to be one Sectorial where they got AVA: Total, and it's not like it's a surprise that Varuna is that Sectorial. I'm with you on the Kamau, 'though I doubt it's going to come up much (especially with mixed Fireteams).
As weird as it might sound, I felt like them not being AVA Total in a Sectorial would have been something to set the Sectorials apart from Vanilla. It would have been something to set PanO apart from other factions as well, where their "basic troop type" isn't actually part of the specialized forces but rather only appears in the general forces. I'm still a bit wary of mixed Fireteams. They feel like an answer to a problem most people weren't really having. Sorry for being a downer on a good day. Just my thoughts.
I think it's a step in the right direction - sectorial starters have generally been built with the idea that you have the vanilla starter, so in this case it's both a Varuna starter and an SWC box for Kamaus, which helps both with SKU reduction and means you won't have to buy a SWC box or Kamaus later because all you got in the starter were combis you'll never use.
RE: Echo Bravo being dull Yes they are but I keep wondering about the WildParrot. We know from the first video that its a mix between a fast panda and an E/M Mine. That's useful but not shit your pants amazing. But hey, its a parrot. Maybe it flies. If the EB can walk off a board edge and the parrot will fly 8" onto a roof top to tag a nasty TR REM, suddenly this is really cool and useful. But if it just moves along the ground just like a fast panda then its useful, but again, somewhat boring.
On an AD trooper it's freaking amazing, especially against Fireteams that are heading up the flank, or Camo/TO Camo markers that are near a revealed trooper. TAGS and Remotes, in particular, will really struggle against the 1-2 of placing the WildParrot followed by shooting them in the next Order, when they have to decide between shooting back and trying to tank an EM hit that could Isolate and IMM-2 them, or trying to Dodge what the bad MODs. An 8" Move from the WildParrot gives this far more reach than the usual equivalent tactic of placing a Mine on the corner and then shooting - in a perfect situation, coming on an inch when deploying, plus a 4" Move plus 8" of WildParrot movement plus 8" and a bit of small teardrop template reaches about half an inch short of the middle of the table. The perfect target again being a Fireteam that you then want to shoot at with someone else, as anyone that reacts is going to set off the WildParrot template and probably have it hit multiple troopers.