I don't understand what a Yan Huo is supposed to do in a fire team. That special could mean it can duo with things other than yan huo, but it could also mean it could join a haris or maybe (unlikely) a core. If it's the former I don't see the point. The main draw of Duo is movement efficiency and you don't want your Yan Huo charging into the midfield, they want to hang back and exploit their long range. If it's the latter, getting an extra burst would be nice, but it's value is going to depend on what he's linking up with in terms of how cost effective it will be.
It's call Neurocnetick + haris bonus making at the end the double missile launcher a good defensive option worth his 55 points ( burst 3 on ARO, burst 2 in active). And maybe corvus can make something to let us use the multi hmg over the MHRC one. I don't expect a double Yan Huo haris, i want a mixted one with zhansi or some cheap HI
As far as I can tell you are correct. The Neuro MODs the weapons burst and Fireteam bonus is not compatible with other MODs in the reactive turn.
That's what i was getting at. If the unit is limited to only Fireteam Duo, I don't see the appeal of Special (or Duo for that matter). If they're allowing the unit into a haris (or emperor forbid an actual core) then I'm not disputing that the +1 burst would be nice to see across all profiles, I'm asking "is that +1 burst worth the points you will need to spend on the other two models in the link?".If i can spend 20ish points and some swc on some Zanshi, absolutely, but that seems unlikely. Two Zuyong and you're looking at 50ish -60ish points and that is much more questionable, especially depending on what the haris profile looks like. If I make one of those a Zuyong with an hmg or a missile, that's definitely putting us in the 60ish points range, plus it's and extra 1.5-2.0 SWC and that assumes no extra charge for the haris. So you're probably looking in the range of 110-120 points and 2.5-4.5 swc just to get an extra burst on one or two models with heavy weapons. I don't know that I'd take that. A lot is going to depend on how the army shakes out.
Keep in mind you might have a relatively cheap Zhanshi + something Core. Maybe a heavy hitting Haris doesn’t look that bad then. Kinda like the CG Core backing up a Hsien Haris team.
Zhanshi don't have a special link team listed though so I dunno if we're getting that, outside of Wildcarding a Shang Ji in but then you might as well just play ISS because the Crane's link is going to be better with smoke, number 2, Mad Traps, and maybe a Sensor built in which is a pretty big downer.
A CG link is also significantly more expensive and won't have you fueling orders into Yan Huo or Hulangs. But seriously, CB, just nudge the AVA on Zhanshi up 1 or give us a Zhanshi Dire Foe for that sweet Ghulam completion.
Yeah, but then you get orders fueling into a Su Jian instead, and the cost is offset because all the Kuang Shi you can poke a stick at. My point is the idea was with this supposed to be our grand wait for it JSA replacement, rehashing a link that we already have that is already up there in terms of power levels is a pretty poor plan from CB. The idea was to diversify not give us a bunch of models that do the same shit we were already doing.
Small note: No AVA Total on anything means that the largest independent force of the Invincible Army is about 30 guys and their robots. I suddenly understand how the Japanese won the Uprising.
But then you're no longer playing IA, you're playing ISS with the limitations that comes there? IA wasn't deployed against the secessionists if memory serves. Yu Jing were threatening with escalating the conflict by deploying them.
If you're already spending 200pts on Cheerleader+HI core and Solo HI of choice, you're already practically playing the same list. I'm not saying overlap between sectorials isn't allowed it's fine. Just not right now for Yu Jing, it's really what we don't want or need right now, we have 1 sectorial and less unit entries than every other faction besides Tohaa and Aleph. When we're pushing our 4th sectorial let's do some flavour overlap, but not now.
Maybe not in active, but i can't a point in the rule that don't allow the +1burst to stack on reactive burst. Anyway this will be a new interaction and if corvus belli want to use it they will fix it fast. Anyway what are the ither haris with YH? HMC: doubt, burst 6 is a tabu in CB Multi HMG: it can be but is really worth giving the hmg a haris option to have the same that the other YH just with a bit better reactive? Missile launcher without neourocinetics: burst 3 in active 2 in reactive, i find it the most worth. Missile launcher with neurocinetics: well deppending of how they clarify the rule can be a burst 1 or 2 in active and 3 in reactive. And for haris companion more than zhansi i see or remotes or terracota soldiers ( hope for remotes). I feel wierd two zhansis really being able to help a big YH to shot more,. Like hey i can help you with my combi xD
Just like: "Hey, let me reload that for you so you can spend more time shooting stuffs... Holy sh*t! That's heavy! How am I supposed to refill it?? :O" :D
I'm still weirded out by the Panggolin having Fireteam Special. I mean, it wouldn't be a bad idea if you can Duo it with a Yan Huo or something so you can have a 21 point yapping (TR combi-wielding) dog guarding your back... but the other two profiles are woefully equipped to be in a fireteam so I'm wondering what special team it's got...
@Mahtamori Actually, the EVO hacker could use a tinbot B, and i could see myself going to town with a zuyong team and an 8pts minesweeper drone to help do a bit of clean-up or, more realistically, just to have something cheap to throw in and detonate a minefield. Could be kinda hilarious if the haidao ends-up being an engineer with zuyong linkability: kamikaze the drone, repair the drone, repeat 'till no mines are left. Besides, we don't have the full fledged army list yet. Maybe pangulling will have other profiles (the flash pulse/heavy pistol one from the CBL would be lovely), maybe we'll get some zuyongs profiles with disposable weapons, or mines, who could benefit greatly from a baggage following them, etc...
It is a possibility, though I know a certain profile that doesn't have a name who'd be envious of having a Pangdoggo in their link - you know the guy, the one who's in the SWC box but is mostly famous for being converted to Chain Rifle profile. Giving Human Baggage REMs a Heavy Pistol and a Flash Pulse would be long overdue, even just the pistol would go a long way.