PanO should always be the home of mobile, heavy, overwhelming firepower. The new Montesa is that for CQB.
I’ll mourn the loss of the old Montesa. I played my fair share of LGL silliness. Never got around to playing the LRL profile. I liked being able to castle up in the midfield with an Overclocked Peacemaker HSG, Montesa, and a Naga Minelayer. That being said, out with the old in with the new. New Montesa brings some new things to the faction that we have really never had before. Super fast 2w specialist, true CQB/CC, and undoubtedly a kick ass model. We can miss the old Montesa, but no amount of pissing and moaning will bring it back. Learn to start using the new one, because it’s the only one we got. Looks like Looting and Sabotaging is back on the menu, boys!
Make it S6 and you've got my CQB TAG concept right there (though I want eclipse smoke and/or limited Camo as it's defensive options, not a 360 visor).
It's just a shame that we didn't go and adjust that to, say...the Auxilias or Guarda de Assalto before reworking something that was actually regarded fairly well. Ohh well!
I really like the assessments on the previous page by @Ayadan . Bigtime. I keep running into this mission. I sigh, put my PanO back on the shelf, reach for the obligatory JSA. Regardless of what the other missions were in the tournament lineup, PanO felt badly handicapped in L&S, and I was already dreading this because a number of tournaments I want to attend this season have already announced Looting & Sabotage in the lineup. But now I'm not concerned anymore. I can bring PanO, and I absolutely love that.
you mean to say yo can bring Acon.... but let me tell you, the new Montessa with Joan looks mighty good
Considering how the Teutons are a main part of the story for this ITS season my first thoughts ran along those lines. I still think the Teutons might disappear from the future of Infinity like how the Templars were dealt with.
Nope, and I doubt Teutons will be going anywhere, considering the Black C is one of the vital forces holding the line.
No but they were a Military Order that got disbanded. I'm thinking that Teutons could be headed in that direction.
Well, it COULD be a final blaze of glory before they get totally wiped out. But I don't think that's how it's going to happen. Yeah, I do wonder if PanOceania will be any good at it anyway. It's not like we lacked fast HI options with can openers... we just lacked options that can ignore hacking and/or bring smoke. And the Montesa doesn't help with either of THOSE issues.
More specifically, I was playing Acon and NCA. Acon had Guarda's d-charges, but that was a lot of orders and a long way to walk. NCA has Locust d-charges, but then I'd have a list with breaker rifle Locusts. New Montessa's in both Varuna and Acon of course, and (at least for Acon) slots into a list pretty comfortably. That mission's a hot mess, but at least I don't have to abandon my favorite Sectorials to play it now.
I mean, I hear you. NCA just doesn't have a fun time there at all. But Guarda is actually a pretty solid answer, and thanks to Eclipse I'd argue better than these bikes (the speed difference is going to be made up by EXP+AP on the attack vs DA vs that bloody ARM 8). I agree that Acon is better with two options rather than one, but I don't think that it's worth the loss of the LGL, LRL or Spitfire starting midline.
i think this is the one mission which mo can claim to do better than the other sectorials. you shoot your way upfield then dogpile it with magisters using MA 2
Or a Seraph + Auxbot buddy (if he lived). Or Joan v2 EXPCCW. Or a Teuton if you are mad enough to field one. Yeah MO is decently well equipped to kill the AC2 if you get there. IF you get there.
What it's not so hot at handling is hacking AROs immediately covering the AC2. Which the Montesa biker does nothing to solve.
It's worth remembering that the GDA is hitting on 14s with those D-Charges, whilst the Montesa auto hits with a +10% crit chance and DAM16 This gives the Montessa a slightly higher chance of doing at least 1 STR, but lower chance of 2 STR. Obviously the Montesa completely lacks the GDA's ~10% chance to do 3 STR