It's a madness, a cabin fever of sorts. Joking about it weakens it. Frees the mind from its grip. Or I could say, grippe .:smilingimp: Still, maybe Madagascar should close its ports for a while. ...And the joking has begun. Our long forum nightmare is nearly over. Kiss is S2, and essentially a Pi-Well analog. Anyone have an idea how large it will be compared to Kiss? The concept art makes me think it may be larger. Pi-well is smaller than Zoe though (and yet S2. :S)
There's a few little things I love on the model, she looks really warped after joining the EI. Love it! Code Lyoko forehead goin on tho, more of a fivehead.
Insert "shut up and take my money" image from Futurama. He funny, Kiss is described with an SMG. It doesn't look like one. Typo in the description I guess.
Well, that answers my question about size. Now if CB would only answer a few other questions... I was hoping that Bit would have cooler hair. Hmmm, and a better paint job. Kiss looks cool. Is that our first look at a Combined Army Glue Gun?
It's the first CA Adhesive Launcher modeled, yeah. But don't get too attached because CA weapons are all over the place with their sculpts. They also mislabel frequently, as Piersatzy said. She is carrying a pistol though, so it might not be the SMG.
I think they did a solid job on Bit, nice to see that they took her in a decidedly dark direction. My Umbras were worried she was going to try to make Onyx all pink and furry. As it is, she'll fit right in!
While I can understeand why Bit - being a sepsitorized human - wears the strange EI-inspired outfit, I can't really get behind KISS being an Ur construct. Especially given it doesn't seem to have chnaged stat-wise / equipment-wise from the TAG-line version, implying it is still the very same piece of hardware... Still, there might be a piece of background there I haven't read yet that has the original KISS blasted to smitherens, and an Ur construct brought to replace it (and take the name)... Oh, someone doing the weapons design in CB got to do some research, apparently. The BSG looks to me way like it was inspired by a Mossberg 500-series with Magpul furniture :P
Loving the new Kuang Shi, but I don't collect Yu Ying. Regarding Bit... that face is weird. Not sinister, nor dark, just very weird: it took me a while to realize that THAT was her face and not some kind of mask or photoshopped picture someone made for the laughts.