And compare Bolt with Akal. The basic profiles of both units cost the same but one has just -1CC, -1 WIP, +6 BTS, as LS, Vet L1 and Bioimmunity while the Akal only has AD L4 and Religious troop. AD L4 is a very expensive skill. So, I'm not surprised. The Liu Xing would have been about 45-50 points with his second wound and no Bioimmunity.
Solar, I've seen your posts on the forum. Corvus Belli could murder your first born child in its sleep and you'd still find a way to be positive about CB. Second of all, where do you have your numbers from? ALEPH ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 2 DAKINI Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) GARUDA Tacbot Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 22) 0 SWC | 35 Points Open in Infinity Army That's 9 points of different for 2 troops who are almost identical. The Garuda have +1BS and PH. AD4 costs AT MOST 5 points. Which means the YJ "HI" AD troop is still overcosted.
But that's the thing. You already have Tiger Soldier for straight up gun-fighting. I see Liu Xing in different use. It's much more of a jump straight in the middle of them and make them choose between bad options. It's there to land with a thud and make itself known. Is it OP? No at all (unless Explode Lx is hilariously broken). But will it be fun to play? I expect so. Yeah, I realise this pain (OS got the same short shrift on interesting new stuff), but I hardly think it is as bad. Daofei is basically the heavyweight; Zhencha is there to be the specialist to Daofeis fighter. That's a completely different thing. Although again, I feel the pain as OS has gotten the same thing - vanilla gained basically nothing / minimal options. I was speaking on 40pts NWI thing exclusively. As for Zencha vs Dasyu, are you unaware how good Climbing Plus is? Or the advantages of Submachine Gun? Sure, Dasyu has its advantages over Zhencha, don't get me wrong. But I can use both.
surprise, surprise I'll say a tip, pano is gonna cry Also... for those complaining about liuxing... see carefully the image Spoiler Where is the Tiger?
Well, currently the best sectorial camouflaged spec, we know of, is Hac Tao KHD. And the best infiltrator is Ichtyandros-Freedom-Fighter with mines (if yesterday spoiler was true). AD trooper is more or less OK, though not what was hoped for, but "a beautiful profile, I like him almost as Guilang"© just meh :/
Huh? As someone who hates SMG for being broken good and played 1,5 years purely with Nomads and climbing+ REM, yes and yes. Except you said "Invincible Army gets Daysus but better".. So...
Yeah and I think that CB gives this to bikes because they already have to give up for cover and dodge poorly so at least, they aren't too expensive.
PH and BS at that level probably cost about 1pt each so that's 7pts ;) But hey, let's assume it costs five points. Which it doesn't. But let's say it does. And then we give a Zuyong ADL2, and - 1 or 2pts for V:NWI and Bioimmunity over a second wound. That means it's costing 2-3pts for Explode LX, a rule which... We don't know yet!!! So your claims that the costings are off seem pretty baseless to me. Also I like what I like and I criticise what I feel needs criticism... Constructively, offering alternatives, additional viewpoints and suggestions. But hey believe what you want.
In....Vanilla? Vanilla YJ is still a thing...I know IA is the main thing here, but the impact of new profiles on Vanilla is also of importance...
Well I really wished he could be ARM7 in cover with -6 to enemy :) (but he would then probably cost like ~10 pts more)
6 Points für +1 BS and +1 PH? Seems a bit much at lower BS Values. I think 1 Pt for 1 PH is about reasonable, I would however agree that BS is a bit more expensive, unless you are PanO then it's basically for free.... :-P
Well, this all feels decidedly half-cocked so far. Glad I stopped getting my hopes up. Both carry all of the downsides of HI but don't even have two proper wounds. The Xiu Ling actually has pretty poor basic stats (with PH12 no one will really find Explosion to be worth it, especially not on something that will go down in a hail of gunfire since it lacks visual mods). The Zencha honestly would have been better off staying at 2W and just getting Forward Deployment instead of infiltration to save cost. Worst of all, the list still gives no indication of where the IA will actually save the points needed to take all these over-bloated top-heavy units. Unless we're on the cusp of seeing Frenzy, 1W+NWI Zuyong... Yeah, four Zhanshi aren't going to make fielding all the expensive stuff really possible, and I doubt even hypothetical uber-cheap Zuyong would solve anything. This has left me decidedly "meh" on what has been revealed so far. Not the best foot forward if they're trying to hype up one of Yu Jing's most hotly anticipated sectorials. Hopefully other units are better designed and more interesting.