Indeed, Ariadna are in needs of camo. The faction haven't enough of them. Poor Ariadna players XD. I think the Liberto is a good profile. Nothing extraordinary but it suits very well (maybe too much) in some factions, like Ariadna. I really don' believe that in Ariadna makes some difference. Only another one. Perhaps factions with camo options but not too may could take more advantage of this profile.
It's not cynical. This is the case and has been with Infinity for some time now. People can argue against it until they're blue in the face, it doesn't change the reality of the situation. It just highlights the necessity of backdating skills to units.
I'm planning to proxy it with a PanOceanian Helot militia for a sleeker look. Those of you who are saying it's not OP need to re-evaluate what OP means. It's probably the most OP profile that we got in the game atm. And we've got Ghazi or Diplomatic Delegates already.
im Kinda sad that we dont get Tunguska fluff @Koni any idea when we will get it? without it ill likely skip book and buy more models. Helot militia will probably join krakots in lots of competitive vanilla lists, soon all vanilla human lists will be 80% alien models /s. Still find it wired how the alien mercs are always super cheap and discounted yet no one really takes regular bounty hunters cause they cost too much for what they bring. (ive yet to see any Tunguska list with ashcroft or her hunting party) I dont think Helot militia is op just cause it lacks certain things like ghazi and some other cheap units have that make them obnoxious, what its going to do is buff camo spam a little, Main thing that I think is maybe "too much" is that it has a DEP+camo for 8 points. I think the profile is probably worth about 12-14 points and people would still buy it. If it had smoke, a jammer or other power tools I would view it as completely broken, at the moment I view it as just as an under costed decent unit rather than an under costed great unit, so joins the list of Interventor KHD, Krakot and warcors who I think are better than their points but not in the near game breaking tier like ghazi
Seriously? "I think it's OP, and everyone who disagrees needs to change their mind". Yes, Libertos are good. Yes, they will nicely mesh with some armies, especially Ariadna. No, they're by no means an autoinclude and OP unit, much less evidence of power creep. If I were to look for a power creep, I'd start with post-HSN3 mixed fireteams. Which are now being retrofitted to more and more old sectorials, exactly to avoid the power creep...
They're an 8pt unit with a SMG. SMGs have been considered wildly undercosted for how long now? You saying they're not evidence of power creep because they're not an autoinclude is kind of silly. So where's my USARF mixed fireteams? CJC? NCA? You'd think that if they wanted to "avoid the power creep", they would have had these things ready to go from day one. But they didn't. Because they (and whoever was involved in testing them) likely didn't see it as power creep or didn't think it would be a big deal.
No, I'm saying they're not evidence of power creep, because they're not that powerful, and won't be especially problematic to deal with. Plus, they're available to each vanilla faction save PanO, so the upgrade is pretty evenly distributed. What is silly, is the alarmist, cynical tone some people use, as well as constant misrepresenting of opposing arguments, invalidating them on the "I don't think so" basis, and moving goalpoasts. Yeah, because CB is infallible in their wisdom and can predict, plan, test and implement everything and on a game-wide basis. It couldn't be that they're testing the changes and implementing them in waves.
Speaking of "misrepresenting opposing arguments"... You stated: My reply addressed your statement. You made that statement, I replied to it. If you think that's "misrepresenting of opposing arguments"? Welcome to how I felt the first fricking day I posted on the old forums and here. If only they had individuals who get special little yellow tags under their names who are supposedly their ambassadors to the community at large and help organize groups of players that could be given rules to playtest...
Montessas had better ride the most Godly hogs we've ever seen. I want them to look like something He Himself would ride on the weekends.
I'm really shocked that the Montesa lost their Spitfire option... The latest miniature is awesome looking, but is now completely irrelevant. I was hoping to at least use him as a dismounted version.
Was it mentioned that the Montesa Knight on foot cannot take it anymore? Sorry, I am at work and cannot watch videos :)