Discontinuing model line =/= shelving a sectorial. Probable introductions: Ramah (3rd sectorial, many of its units are out already, so unlikely it'll push anyhing Haqq out), Tunguska (ditto, and already out), SEF (rework), something for Tohaa. Maybe some tweaks for armies like QK, Corregidor, USAriadna. So nothing that would require discontinuing anything.
I might be misunderstanding you, but if you are bitter about them shelving armies, what would you prefer they do instead? They can only juggle/support a limited number of Sectorial armies, at a time, so would you prefer they just don't release new ones? Honestly, a rotating cycle of, "active Sectorials" seems like an elegant solution. You get a small buff, accept that you don't get new model releases for a couple years, and then get an update and hopefully new models when they return. Apologies if I am misunderstanding you.
Semantics. Discontinuing a model line effectively means shelving a sectorial as it'll likely be offputting for new players to ever think about playing those factions. SEF were dropped from HS for OCF. Just like FRRM were dropped from HS for USARF. And really, QK should have been discontinued before FRRM or Shock Army. It serves no real purpose with the introduction of StarCo and Ikari Co and Druze Bayram. I'd rather they get their house in order with SKUs before expanding and I'd rather they not try to pull the wool over our eyes when it comes to discussing this stuff.
Nah... semantics would be to remark that it's deshelving the models. They're removed from store shelves :p Seriously, though, I think in the long run you might be correct, but we're talking about at least 2+ years before those annoying Sixth Sense camo markers are removed from game. Though, they'll probably just migrate to TAK or something.
I think this is what many of us are afraid off. But we have two options, continue playing Infinity with this and wait for a good job of Corvus or move into other games if we desagree too much with the new policy. Other thing probably go out of question.
That's your opinion, not a fact. Different circumstances for SEF. It was dropped, because they obviously had no idea at that time where to go with them. FRRM is the first drop that introduced the idea of rotating catalogue. All in all discontinuation happens to sectorials that weren't that popular to begin with, so it's not like new players flocked to them.
Agreed ^^^ Also, lets all be realistic, the second hand market for Minis games is VERY lively. I am currently finding very little difficulty in putting together a Tomb Kings army for Kings of war with 100% GW models. They have been OOP for years and are still relatively available. And before people mention that the effort involved in trolling Ebay/Amazon for OOP models, yes it is additional effort, but CB is still a small company. They have limited resources, they can only maintain so many Sku's. This is best realistic solution other than, "JUST FIX THE PROBLEM CB".
QK has been suggested as hitting the freezer by Bostria some time ago, when Acon was mentioned going there too.
As pointed out, this effect on newer players is only your oppinion. And even IF this would happen for newer players why would people who already own these armies stop playing those sectorials? Especially with the slight buffs they got, we will continue seeing them on the tables even at tournaments. How on earth is that shelving it?
Maybe. It is however an opinion shaped by years of watching the introduction of players to far more popular games than Infinity(not meant to be a dig, just pointing out that Infinity is still kind of niche in some areas). When stuff becomes unavailable outside of a secondary market, that faction will basically cease to exist. It's a great way to justify removing the items permanently. SEF and FRRM were both removed from Human Sphere because they "had no idea at that time where to go with them". It's not like they just announced when Human Sphere came out they were shelving FRRM "indefinitely". It took a few years for them to finally make the announcement. Promoting things helps. How many FRRM releases were there until they decided to drop the models? How many times did you see them shown off or mentioned? Let's be honest here: Tomb Kings are still available on some store shelves. I know of at least two hobby shops I can go to locally and buy 4-5 Battalion boxes for them. Some items are easier to find than others. And that's for a major, mass produced company's product.
"Slight buffs they got"...now compare those to the new items. We're seeing power creep, whether you want to admit it or not, with each book being released. There will be a point where those Sectorials will not be able to compete and then we will start to see those "people who already own these armies on the tables even at tournaments" stop taking them.
Where do you see the power creep? I haven’t seen any tournament results even vaguely supporting this claim. Where is your usual tournament meta? What are the largest tournament results you base this on?
...Yeah, at this point I'm inclined to think you're just trolling. Between your post regarding the Libertos and now this, if you can't see power creep then you're just not going to see it. When we keep seeing more and more and more and more optimized profiles? That is the power creep when other armies are sitting on bloated units.
Of course they did... :eyeroll: What next, are the Scots going to have a clan war needing them to get drawn back and USARF replaces them?
Seriously, I finished in the top 3 of two 2 day tournaments of the German Warcor Tournament Series this year (both with about 40 participants). In one linited insertion tournament the top three was Vanilla Haqqislam, Vanilla Ariadna (me) and Vanilla Tohaa. So no, I am in no way trolling, I simply can not match your unsupported opinions with my actual tournament experience.
If you cannot (or will not) in this case understand that power creep does not simply mean something the Infinity fanbois like to accuse GW of, you're willfully blinding yourself to the reality of the situation. If you cannot see why people might think power creep is a thing when we're seeing an 8 point unit featuring: Hyper-Dynamics L2 Forward Deployment L2 Limited Camouflage V: Dogged Submachine Gun Chain Colt D.E.P. If you don't see power creep there when comparing it to similar items from the past? I don't care about your "tournament cred". Oh and I especially don't care about your tournament cred when it's about "limited insertion tournaments". What a joke that setup is.