Libertos having Hyperdynamics could be linked to them being "twitchy" without a pressure suit. Helot Militia will have the suits.
It does give us a basic stat line though, which means that Helots are gonna be CHEAP. Even with Limited Camo, FD2 and Dogged, they are gonna clock in at less than 20pts for the SWC profiles. Now our Helots might be Regular/Frenzy instead of Irregular/Frenzy, because pressure suits, but with that stat line it’s hard to make an expensive model. Echo Bravo having an E/M Koala sounds hilarious and amazing and I want 3. Also I’m not sure on dual anything for the EB. His left hand is a standard PanO pistol and his right hand is an unidentified weapon. We have seen this pose before, it’s the new Crusader. Multi rifle in right hand, pistol in that exact same pose is his left. Decoy on Helots sounds amazing and I cannot wait to see the full rules interaction. Is it 3 camo tokens deployed, because if it is I’m going to have so much fun with head games. Acontecimento’s going away present, Military Orders rework, Varuna, new Montesas, man this book is going to be great! Now if only we could actually use the pre order mini.
Looks great! Really looking forward to it. I'm also super excited to see what the Helot models will look like, as I love the concept art for them.
BOARDING SHOTGUN KAMAU SIGHTED @barakiel That’s definitely a BSG, see the forward grip! Edit: you changed your forum title to MSV2 Red Fury Echo Bravo :(
It appears they plan on reinforcing some of the older, basic units. Tactical Sense is one thing, and I have a strong suspicion that it won't just give a standard Irregular order, but one that will be usable in a fireteam. It'd make sense given the skill name, and would reinforce HI links (Suryats, ORCs, Janissaries, etc - I expect that's the kind of units that will get access to this skill). Elite but underutilized units like Aquila are another possibility. Can't wait for the final rules. And I'm really hyped about Echo Bravos, looks like we're getting a more non-standard AD trooper this time.
Just realized that the Helots in this image are all in groups of 3, mimicking the same pose! Makes sense, given the new info we know haha
¿Could be that the ORC commands the Helots? Like an antipoda controller or something like that?? Who knows... :P
AAAHH!!! The hype is real. Seriously though, this is some really great artwork. I hope the Echo Bravo is a real tool kit. I wouldn't be surprised if they made him into an E/M trooper with zappers and Parrots. The libertos stat line is interesting, I wonder how much of it would translate to the helot we get. It would be a little strange if they were just carbon copies of one another with minor differences. deploying 3 camo tokens at the start of the game for one trooper is pretty powerful. We also now know that the Crocman in the starter is an Assault Hacker, which pushes us to 7 SWC in the starter box, unless something is a discounted LT option, or that Zulu Cobra spitfire is .5 SWC.
I assumed the Feuerbach to be 2 SWC on the ORC. We also know the Crocman doesn't have a KHD. look at the picture
They are – multi rifle is the worst. at least it isn't a combi. Although in PanO 40 points 0 SWC is tough to justify for me. but I'll absolutely try him. The only problem i'm having is what to do with the spitfire model I picked up to paint for Varuna.....