I think a lot of people were a little underwhelmed by Uprising, and I think that's fair. A bunch of the stuff in there was just recapping the outcomes of the online narratives and re-editing the dire foes into a more cohesive narrative. The only really new content was the background for the titular uprising, along with short writeups for the merc companies. I don't have a lot of insight into what's going to be in this new book, but I'm hoping it has a bit more meat on its bones. I'm hoping that Uprising was the interim catchup book that they needed so that they could get things moving again.
Even so, having the rulebooks in ebook format would be much appreciated, frankly, since most of us prefer to use the phone to a laptop or tablet or dead tree formats... As for piracy, if the product is good enough you will still have buyers, or even the people will feel more motivated to buy the main product (miniatures). Not being in digital format to begin with has never stopped piracy... and sometimes that piracy has made people to go and buy the products legally (for example, I starter reading the Honor Harrington series in the public library until Honor Among Enemies, which was not translated to spanish... then I got the epub books until some Mission of Honor, which I got legal access thanks to the CD they shipped me with the Saganami Island Tactical Simulator game -I made engineers cry when they faced that game... and I still don't fully know how to play it- and then bought the books from Baen Books as soon as they were out...). In short: piracy can't be stopped, no matter what. The choice is to make things difficult to all, or go GOG style with DRM-Free. I think those guys are successfull, btw... Thus the need to provide more than just "motivational posters" and "look, exclusive miniature".
At least there's the pdf availables. But it's like 3-4 pdf you need : N3 rules+HSN3 rules+Updated profiles+Updated FAQs
Precisely. And they use a program that makes even the ITS document to weight a ton in the device's memory...
You are forgetting one aditional .pdf: the one with the rules released since HSN3 So in the end it's five .pdf files. The Wiki is so useful...
Meanwhile MO 300pts box allegedly got a serious upgrade? Gabriel De Fersen pops up and hits the fray 'cos #DEUSVULTed
Am I only one to appreciate Dire Foes content in Uprising? I never bought any of boxes so there were no chance at all to download and read these bits of fluff. Also about preorders. Preorder culture is everywhere in entertainment nowdays. At least in preorder physical thing there is actual physical bonus, not some meaningless character skins, useless weapon etc. like in videogames. So in my opinion, preorder a book is a lot more tempting than a game or other digital thing.
Wait, wut ? They derped ? Unless MO got some crazy crazy crazy discounts there's no way you fit Fersen into 300 pts with this merry band ;P Someone messed up this video hard ;P
I don't think any company uses a pre-order bonus as an incentive to buy the actual product. I think they use it to incentivize you to preorder said product. Huh, funny how that works, a pre-order bonus is used to get you to pre-order something..... Really what the argument boils down to is if you think pre-orders are ethical or not. It's a tall order for a company to ask you to pay full price for something you have no idea the quality or content of. The mini is there to sway the bulk of people who buy the book at a later date at a discounted price, and the very very few people who will buy the book just for the mini. Although we may enjoy the mini, it really isn't for us, because chances are a lot of people here would buy the book regardless. As for what the mini could be, I'm tempted to say something like a merc that everyone can use, but we've had so many of those. Do we really need another ABH with a sniper? This would be like the third one. Do we really need another CSU? My bets are still on Xenotech HVT model, but that might be a little weak. so who knows.
I'm really interested to know if the box content includes De Fersen as I ordered a De Fersen blister with it So which one is right ? The picture who show no DeFersen or the video that show him. If I end up with 2 DeFersen because the picture is wrong I will want my cash back
Quote from the bottom of the Blog post "We have thought of everything, and together with the information found of the Third Offensive book, the Military Orders will be revised and will receive small changes to their profiles, and new options for linked teams that will make this box a perfect fit." I'm very much looking forward to this update