I'm pretty sure it's just a cool design. None of the other boxes had any special meanings in the design of the cover
its not really a beauty.... will buy for the book anyway. And as coldfront preorder ( over german retailer) is supposed to show up tomorrow theres a new preorder right in time...
The freedom fighter certainly looks interesting, but not interesting enough for me to drop money on another book that I'll skim once and then put on the shelf. Depending on his stats, I'll source him from elsewhere.
I actually like the mini, but my biases as a YJ player are probably at play there... I wouldn't vote for it as 'best sculpt of 2018' but it definitely has a basic, gritty vibe to it, a proper guerrilla fighter. And, of course, the StateEmpire stands ever-ready to put SMGs in the hands of those willing to stand and fight against PanOceanian oppression. Recalling the old mentions of Helot psychology being influenced by water pressure, also can't help but note that the PanO-serving Helots seem to be locked into a particular pressure suit, while the Libertos is free of such trappings...
Oh, so fish-people, by dint of being fish-people, automatically are more rebellious than non-fishpeople?
This is the least-appealing limited mini yet. Oh yay, yet another new mercenary unit that I will never had any interest in fielding! The video did absolutely nothing to enthuse me about the book, and the lack of a mention of Tunguska was a little off-putting. Hopefully the article on Monday is better. Uprising made me a little less inclined to pre-order Infinity books, and so far Corvus Belli are not convincing me to give them another try.
Our enemies don't fear our weapons! They don't fear our armies! They fear our will to defend our people!! They fear our will to defend our home!! Fight proudly, sons of Yu Jing!! Alone we are strong!! Together we are INVINCIBLE!!!
You should probably read the YJ fluff. The Emperor is NOT the head of the government. The Emperor is the head of the Judiciary, he is effectively the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (in US terms). The Party did that deliberately, to make the new nation more than "China uber alles(tm)". As opposed to making entire armies of terrorists (JSA)? Or war criminals (Imperial SS)? My guess is that the Libertos is going to be like the Krakot. Yeah, that's a Helot/Oom outside of the pressure suit. By fluff, the Libertos fight against PanO/Varuna. Yes, I agree that it looks like a proper guerilla fighter.