Or it might be relatively minor. Or not! I'm just saying I would avoid being overly optimistic because disappointment is worse than a pleasant surprise. I do hope that PanO players get a bit of a nice boost mind. Teutons being sorted for MO, maybe a KHD for them too, that'd be good to see. I do feel like they lack some stuff they could really use effectively.
I guess I should sell all that unpainted Ariadna since I will no longer suffer from biker envy. My only gripe is the one shared with a few other people: it should have been either Teutons or Sepulchre, preferably Teutons. Xenotech storyline is supposed to put them in the spotlight, getting a rework in the process would be great. It would also set them apart from other knights and bring them back to "crazy fast berserker" role they lost with edition change. But I'm fine with Montesa. I just don't think they were in need of a "reinvention".
I think this gripe would be better suited after we see what kind of tweaks Teutons and Sepulchre get in the new book... they might get things taht wouldn't make sense with Montessas. After all, we're going to have some sort of event like De Hell's Group that puts SAA on the shelf, so all sorts of re-jigging will happen to fill roles that SAA previously filled.
I believe that the SAA update will be on the 15th of October, when pre-orders for the book go up. I'm looking to get my last games with the current SAA this weekend
I would lay money on the updates happening later, around the same time players actually get the book in hand, at least as far as Army is concerned.
For real, give the Sepulchre special operative to use that WIP and he becomes passable, give him CoC and he becomes awesome and fluff compliant
Hopefully not, haha. The initial communication to distributors cited changes on the 15th. I think thats when they'll "officially" announce the discontinuation of SAA as a whole. just like they did with the French
Well the only and actually not that simple solution is unfortunetaly just sit and wait. We discussed as much as it can be discussed with current info. Just let us all hope that the future will be as bright as it rumored to be ;)
You know they are the best of the best, because they have holoprojector! Also you know Aquilla are the best of the best (the other best), because they have MSV3! Fluff!
I fully agree any other knight might have needed a "reinvention" more than the montesa. the montesa is the one MO knight that even manages to get into my vanilla lists. On the other hand if i remember correctly the montesa is the knight order that is mentioned in the fluff as the one that is going for mobility (lighter armor etc). So if you really want a knight on a bike and that is the goal the montesa might be the best fit fluff-wise. Ruleswise nah.
We don't know yet exactly what the changes will look like, so I'm willing to hold off judgement. The Montessa's already available to Vanilla + 2 Sectorials, and it's background is already very fitting for a rapid unit design that we haven't seen before, so I think it's a pretty natural candidate for this kind of change.
I would have actually really liked to see Bolt bikers or some other NT police enforcement. *slowmo Bieber in the background*
That would be kind of crazy, but I guess you're right. We don't know yet. It would be a shock, though. All the Knights are HI. If they were MI or LI, it would be basically Order Sergeants on bikes.