Whoa, whoa, whoa. There are some people who claim the HMG is currently "too common" because it's too good, trying to imply it's OP without outright saying OP. So it used to be BETTER?
Yep, used to be +0 out to 8", and +3 from 8-32". Spitfires were +3 at 0-24". Molotok was a Spitfire with +0 at 0-8", DAM14 with no AP, strictly worse than the Spitfire.
Yes, it was strictly the best option on 98% cases if you could afford the SWC. It definitely deserved the nerf.
Oh, I used the re-edit, but I also bought the three books as they came out. The re-edit and the old ARO army builder got me through several years of N2.
I came in on the release of Human Sphere N2, and bought those two books, then Paradiso released and I bought that too. I didnt know there was a re-edit. I got in before college, and only paid attention to the local community. Which was very small.
Did anyone consider we might get a new Surprise Sectorial? With people still waiting for their new ones, like Ramah, IA etc we might be overlooking something. My money is on getting a HSN3 style prerelease for all the missing Sectorials without miniatures immedeatly after. We might actually get Shas/Triumvirate and *gasp* maybe Exrah way warlier than anticipated. Imho the HMG is still the best standard active turn weapon. B4, can hit from DZ to DZ with a +3, DAM 15 is pretty high and universally good. If you have a good shooting platform you'll be happy to slap a HMG on it. It's a fire superiority piece's weapon of choice. Spitfires compliment an assault piece, but need some further setup like deployment Skills, Smoke or, how ironic, a HMG.
There was such rumor that we might see additional sectorials this year. One particular comes to mind, especially with rumored changes/updates done to MO (probably as test/control subject).....
I remember at some point hearing rumor of the triumvirate : a NA2 sectorial mixing tohaa and mercenary. This could be to Tohaa something similar as what starco is to Nomads (and release in 2019). Then the Tohaa vs shas release will come (in 2020 with a new operation something box) with Tohaa release being the exalted sectorial, with lot of new alien races (and maybe antipode because Tohaa created them) Why choose ? Always want both
Uprising gave us Druze, JSA, Starco and Ikari, with the Dire Foes missions booted on. Call me pessimistic or realistic but Third Offensive is going to be: Tunguska, TAK, OSS, and Varuna, along with a Paradiso style campaign bolted on.
Military Orders has a TO Camo MSR, an MSV2 MSR, a TR HMG that can be buffed, a five man linkable Missile Launcher, a five man linkable BS 14 HMG, a five man linkable HRL and/or MSR and Mech Deployed Spitfires, one that can be buffed and one that's BS 14. If you can't get out of the DZ and bring De Fersen's or whoever's Spitfire into play with those options for enemy overwatch clearance, you can't do it with anyone and you are in fact not good at Infinity. This whole "oh we've got it so hard in our faction and nobody understands" line is tiresome from everyone. I will accept that Teutons are uninspiring and that MO lacks a KHD (Teuton KHD?!?) and that's about it.
So: - Linked ML is fun untill you face enemy linked ML and discover that you are at even odds (at best) at killing them. Really sounds like a great plan.... - TO MSR I always take in MO, it's a secondary/auxiliary tools to either remove TR drones, ARO pieces (if eneme weapon allows) or general nuisance as - Montesa Spitfire is indeed an option, had I played Montesa more. - Fersen has same problem as Santiago -> how to get into 24" of enemy ARO piece - TR Drone is might be good, but it's rarely the reason to play MO (NCA/ASA can do that better) - Hospitaller linked HMG is a stample and solid option, sad it's only valid linkable HMG in MO
One of the things to keep in mind is that if you can draw LoF from one DZ to another on ground level you probably have too little terrain. If so, getting into that 24" can indeed be a problem.