Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Took all notes of what You said. . .

    Now will have to properly "mirror" the Roughs of Tony and Alistair; as some of the Conceptual Sketches were hastily drawn there are some errors . . .

    In some images the Burnscars of the Corregidoran are left-sided and in others right-sided !!

    At the same time the Caledonian Werewolf has a Right Cyberlimb and in other images is on the Left. . .

    But with Photoshop is trivially easy to put the "right side" on all the images. . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  2. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I don't remember the tattoos of Daturazi being yellow in any art that I've seen. Wether on dossiers or in books such as the RPG core book. Is there a link or page that showcases these yellow tattoos? From what I've seen the color of the tattoos are white, light gray if shadowed or beige as in the concept art for the unit.
    We did agree that Uja would be the type to wear his scars as a badge of honor.
    #502 Golem2God, Oct 2, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
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  3. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    O.K. Still Today some R.W. Issues of Family and Work, but should be solved soon. . .

    Updates of Game "Debriefing" and Concept Art SHOULD be for Tomorrow. . .

    Fished back the old "Cyberpunk 2020" Manuals of Talsorian R.P.G.; these could give Me some solid BASES onto which building a sensate "Reward System" of Monetary Value to support X.P. Doling. . .

    The "Acquisition Rolls" by Modiphius are good to check on BULK purchases (such as CRATES of Ammo for a Squad as opposed as a couple of Banana Clips for an Ariadnan Assault Rifles) or ABSTRACT things (such as checking if a Corporate P.C. "Stock Exchange Assets" are rising enough to purchase a Varunan Villa-Ship, but not if the P.C. could rent a nice beach resort for a Romantic Weekend). . .

    What I did not like of the system was, during Character Creations in my L.G.S., a supposed Veteran of Paradiso, renowned ALL AROUND the Human Sphere for Selfless Heroics was hard-pressed to TRY acquire a Battle Knife, a Light Pistol, a Chainrifle and a Ligh Infantry Armour that was JUST a little more than a Fatigue Jumpsuit with a Kevlar T-Shirt worn over, and this ONLY because His Parents were Ateks. . .!!

    And then another Player Character, WITHOUT any meaningful Military Background, but Hyper-Elite "Glitterati Scion" of Pan-Oceanian Lobbyists was able to acquire a Teseum Broadsword, a Multi-Rifle and a cheap (but still good) Orc Heavy Infantry Powersuit and so was FAR MORE LETHAL in Combat that His supposed "Grizzled Veteran Bodyguard". . .

    . . . . .

    A Gamemaster could always "Deus Ex Machina" handwave uncorrect results, but it become very tedious to micro-manage everything (such as "Life Event: Your Comlog is Self-Aware, CONGRATULATIONS You are Now A.L.E.P.H. . . . . .even if the Game is supposed to be Nomads Fanatics helping Ariadnan Patriots curb the encroaching of Hyperpower Bureaucrats !!!" ). . .

    And while the abstract Reload System is good enough to not tediously count ALL the Bullets in ALL the Clips of ALL the P.C. Ammo, when the devastating T2 Bullets, A.P. 40mm. Grenades, Viral Rounds come in play EXACTLY know how much a P.C. "burn" COULD be useful. . .

    . . . . .

    Also the Minotaurs are a MERCENARY Company that stop Teseum Smugglers; know EXACTLY how "Space Credits / Rodinan Rubles / Teseum Coins" a band of Thieves pilfered from a Transartic Train could be useful to ALSO calculate the %share of P.C. earnings when stopping the Robbers. . .

    Players will also have a Monthly Income of "Mercs Stipend" (easily subdivided in Weekly Allowances or even Daily Allotments for small cash expenditure options) and this is more akin on the Background of Ariadna, where NOT EVERYTHING is connected to a Planetary Datasphere and so EVEN a Warm Meal in a Backyard Stanitsa have a sizable, hard cash value (or a "Barter for Services" easy calculable cost). . .!!

    . . . . . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I agree. That makes no sense whatsoever.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  5. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Rich people have access to lots of stuff? I don't think that's unreasonable.There are individuals who literally own tanks.

    Equally, poor mercs rely on issued equipment. They don't have their own personally owned equipment (Instead go with personally issued equipment).

    The actual issue is more how often that comes up: hyperelite is the top 1% and maybe only the top 0.1% of the population. And most of those aren't going to be Batman, so you're looking at (Extremely optimistically) around 0.01% of the population are both hyperelite and likely to use daddies money to fund their life as an 0-12 agent/ABH/Batman/interstellar-terroriat/whatever.

    Compare that with the numbers of demogrants who join the military and progress to special ops? You're still talking low numbers, but it's likely to be orders of magnitude higher than the hyperelite.
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    While it can be relatively good to have the "Big Spender P.C." with good allowances (Old Cyberpunk 2020 with the "Corp P.C." as "Playable Mr. Johnson" or Warhammer 40.000 Rogue Trader R.P.G., with the Ship Captain Player with so much clout / money to Equip the other P.C. with ENOUGH wargear to make shame of Astartes Elite Squads of Space Marines) there is a catch in the Systeme developed by Modiphius. . .

    The "Wilderness Of Mirrors" idea that ANY Basic Game is of a hand-picked Squad of O12 Agents, taken from various Hyperpowers of the Human Sphere (friendly competing at best, like Ariadnans and Haqqislamites, fierce rivals at worst. like A.L.E.P.H. Vs. Nomads or Yujings Vs. Pan-Os !!) made any "Backstabber Player" with more money EXTREMELY favoured against other Players. . .

    THERE IS NO VALUE in NOT spending 1 or 2 Lifepoints to NOT acquire the "Hyper Elite Family Status" with all Perks and Extra Money that ensue, EVEN if You are supposed to be a Rough Frontier Scout or Hardboiled Bodyguard. . .

    The aforementioned example had "Beverly Acontecimento Hills Prettyboy" flaunting His wealth AND SUPERIOR COMBAT EFFECTIVENESS against "Tough-As-Nails Human Edge SOLE Survivor of Alien Attack on Paradiso Colony"; unfortunately the "Glitterkid" Player was silly enough to ask the Gamememaster to allow Him, Scion of VERY INFLUENCING Pan-O Lobby Family, petition to gain "Military Order Squire" status to be allowed wearing Heavy Infantry Armour (and Order Tabard over it) ALWAYS, even when doing Corporate Board Discussions (saying "Could NOT Unwear My Order Colours; will be a Blasphemy against Church"). . .

    The "Hard Boiled Edger" Veteran WITHOUT Money was so disappointed that leaved that Play Group; the Corp Player was NOT actively whiny and uncaring, simply saying "The Manual Allow That-And-This, why could NOT I do it". . .

    When a couple of Players retired their Characters, or otherwise lost them (one was a Cubeless Ariadnan; once Dead = True Dead. . .!!) WEIRDLY ENOUGH (sarcastic emphasis mine !!) they made OTHER Hyper-Elite Character to buy immediatly AS MUCH ARMY SURPLUS WARGEAR they could, even if the Game was supposed to be "O12 Corporate Investigations" rather than "Main Frontlines against the Combined Army". . .

    . . . . .

    But that was a Problem of one of the other Infinity R.P.G. Groups of My L.G.S. (I was NOT the Gamemaster; JUST a Prospective Player that stopped interest immediatly AS SOON AS the Immature Aptitude of many Players was evident !!). . .

    Should "Mr. Money Man P.C." will be amenable to "Lend" necessary stuff to the other Players then it will NOT be a problem. . .

    What I DISLIKE HEARTILY is the Randomic, Casual "Toss Of A Coin" system of Value that Modiphius employ; as said before having Money that is a % Possibility force UNLUCKY PLayers to reroll totally Characters, waste Life Points or be at the mercy of the benevolence of Gamemasters. . .

    I prefer "Hard Cash Systems" and tried to employ them even when they were not used. . . . . only the FIRST of the Warhammer 40.000 R.P.G. Games, "Dark Heresy" (Players start at Low Levels "Mooks" of the Inquisition, but COULD arrive at Planet-Killing Inquisitors of the Imperium !!) had "Currency Value" for Everyday Gear. . .!!

    NOT SO the others: "Rogue Trader" (Merchant Crew outside the Imperium Borders, quite "Firefly / Serenity" but with a Star-Battleship sized like Yamato-Nadesico or Star Wars Destroyers !!), "Deathwatch" (ELITE Space Marines, handpicked from ELITE Astartes Chapters, to go kill THOUSANDS of Aliens !!) , "Only War" (You are ONE of MILLIONS of Imperial Guard Rookies; HOW MUCH UNTIL YOU DIE ??) and "Black Crusade" (Fuck the Imperium Of Man, GO TEAM KAOS, Warp Cultiusts and Traitor Marines, MAYBE EVEN FROM THE SIEGE OF TERRA and "Pals of Warmaster Horus" !!). . .

    The latter was especially aggrieving with PURE DUMB CHANCE OF LUCK straining the Background; similarly to the aforememntioned "Pan-O Lobby Kid Vs. Veteran Elite Merc" a Traitor Astarte Player, who was at the SIEGE OF TERRA 10.000 Years Before, had BAD% and had NOT "Enough Clout" to own a Terminator Marine Suit and a Warp Cultist Sorcerer, hailing from a Neanderthal Cavemen Planet, instead acquired it and flaunted the "Bling Ballers Loot" against the Astarte JUST to spite annoy him. . .

    I rather answered to a Player saying "Why Eye-Of-Chaos Barbarians will employ Imperial Credits" by instituting a "Ammo Money Value"; an Astartes Bolter Shell costed ROUGHLY 100 "Imperial Gold Thrones" Credits and so become the "Basic Value Barter Tocuhstone" as ANYONE wanted to Buy and Use Bolter Shells (essentially 20mm. Gyrojet Rocket-Propelled Ammunitions for the "Feuerbachs" of Infinity !!)

    It would be like an Haqqislamite Player wanting to be "Upgrade" to a Pilot of an Azrail / Ahl-Fassed "Superheavy Powersuit" but having Bad % Luck, so. . . . . NOTHING ! ; and then, lo-and-behold, another Player, Teen-Ager Mayastar Influencer "Candy Triple" obtained it FOR FREE by fucking the right Pedophile Silk Lord. . .!!

    . . . . .

    Instead with Hard Currency Cash, You COULD waste away ALL OF YOUR MONEY in what You want, but at least YOU HAVE WHAT YOU WANT (or at Least a "Surplus Damaged" Good with Strings Attached, if we are going towards too much stuff). . .

    . . . . .

    I dislike too much "Micromanaging" of Players Assetts, with Back-&-Forth Posts between G.M. and Players trying to obtain a cherished Piece Of Gear. . .

    Also a %Share of the Smuggled Teseum that a Minotaur Squad will take is OWNED to the Players; knowing if the Teseum Ingots are valued "Rodinan Rubles" of 1000, 10.000 or 100.000 will be important to know ALSO if You are facing a Rag-Tag Band of 4-6 Caledonian Bandits with JUST Kilts and Chainrifles. . . . .Or the FUCKING "Druze Bayram Alpha Team" with Commander Arlsan Himself leading Scarface AND Cordelia AND 10 of the MOST Hardboiled "Could-Be-Worse" Mercenary Criminals. . .

    . . . . .

    Also Ariadna is the "Source" of T2 "Magic Bullets" Ammo; instead of G.M. "Deus-Ex-Machina" Fiat how much of the "Mitrhil Shots" You can have, You can pay HOW MUCH YOU want (but ALSO start to Invest in Medical Skills, to carve the splintered remains from Enemy Corpses !!). . .

    At the moment of an "Empyrical Comparison" if the Basic "Ariadnan Spitfire" 5,56mm. "F.N. Minimi" S.A.W. (like the one combined with a Riot Drum Grenadier on EACH arm of Your Gecko) is costing, let's say, 1.200 O12 Credits / Rodinan Rubles / Teseum Shillings, the Normal "Full-Metal-Jacket" Bullets are a Basic Price of 120 "Credits" for a 100 Rounds "Ammo-Belt-In-A-Box" of good, old. reliable Ariadnan Cased Ammunition (NO LIQUID-METAL RAILGUN-AMMO SHIT on Planet Dawn, Sorry !!!) comparable to what N.A.T.O. Forces / U.S.Army employs Today nowaday in R.W. !! . . .

    "Basic" Armor Piercing Ammunitions (let's say Unjacketed Lead Bullets with a thin needle of Low% Teseum embedded in the Slug Core; when "Squashing" against Hard Armour essentially they "Syringe" the Needle inside the Target, past the Armour) could cost a comparable x2 or even x3 of Basic Ammo. . .

    . . . . .

    Horrible, devastating "A.P.E.X." (Armor-Percing-Extra-eXplosive; Unstable Semtex Core inside a Teflon-Titanium Prefragmented "Penetrator Slug") Ammunition existed, that HALVED (or reduced to 1/3, for very Big Calibers) Armour and DID NOT REDUCE "Organic Impact" but were Army Issue, limited to BIG Calibers (NO Handgun Cal. UNDER .44 Magnum; NO Rifle Cal. UNDER 7,62mm.; USUALLY done in BULK just for Tank Issues like 12,7mm. for Heavy Machineguns). . .

    Essentially as being likely as T2 Ammo Effect for Infinity, will apply the x5 // x6 Cost Multiplier of A.P.E.X. from Cyberpunk. . .

    You spray a Full-Metal Jacket Machinegun Box at low mooks, it cost You 120 "Credits". . .

    You spray Armor Piercing Ammo at Heavy Infantrymen (let's say Corporate Mercs likened to Pan-O Orcs or Yujing Wumings), You have to know that it will cost between 250 and 350 "Credits". . .

    You have to face an Enemy Heavy Exoframe (an Iguana / Salamander / Lizard souped up enough to seem a "Guijia-On-Steroids") You have to know. . . . .BEFORE pressing the Full-Auto Trigger, that the T2 Ammo Box will cost between 600 and 800 "Credits". . .

    A SINGLE Anti-Tank Shoulder-launched L.A.W. / R.P.G. like the "Descanze-En-Paz" Bazooka Tube of Infinity Infantry will cost 200, 300 "Credits" at much, and will be a SERIOUS DANGER for Your Gecko T.A.G. (unless You start to pile up "Teseum Alloy" Armourplates AND / OR Tohaa-Made "Regenerating Techno-Organics Myomer-Muscles" instead of Hydraulic Servomotors)

    . . . . .

    The system is anyway abstracted; in Infinity Wargame Tabletop Miniatures a Ninja-in-Pajamas with a Monosword arrive nearby a T.A.G. and slice it in half. . . . . .UNLESS something went SERIOUSLY wrong in the R.P.G. the aforementioned Ninja chip the paint of the T.A.G. and then is flattened by a hydraulic punch or exploded by "point blank" Machinegun Fire. . .!!

    In Cyberpunk 2020 the VARIOUS Armor Piercing Ammunitions had the counterbalance of HALVING the Protection Value of the "Heavy Biker Leathers / Kevlar Clothing" Basic Armour that EVERYONE (and their DOG !!) was wearing, but ALSO the Damage inflicted to "Wetware Fleshy Organs" (as Armor Piercing Ammunition do NOT tear innards, but rather quickly exit in a nice hole on the back, for a "Clean Wound"). . .

    Essentially the MORE efficacious a Armor-Negating Ammo was against "Full Riot Gear Swats" and Full-Body Conversions Cyborgs (less advanced Lhosts; more the repulsive, clumsy "Dieselpunk Mechanoids" of Battle Angel Alita, rather than the elegant "Semi-Organics Posthumans" of A.L.E.P.H.) and LESS good was for "Damaging" Organic Tissues like the ones of "Everiday Street-Level Player Characters". . .

    Remember that Armor Piercing of REALISTIC Types is good against Hard Armour (Flak Jackets with Ceramic Plates, like the ones of U.S.Army Troopers) but not so much against "Soft Protections" (S.W.A.T. Riot Gear, like the ones of Metros and Loup Garous of Ariadna); also is RARE the brawny Wulver, transformed Dogwarrior or wild Antipode that goes around with Hard Armour (Ritual Battle-Scars of Veteran Antipode Chieftains and Tribe Warlords become a sort of "Organic Soft Armour"; beware the TWENTY-FIVE Millions of Antipodes, Wild or Domesticated, that populates Planet Dawn, on the 8,5 Millions of Human Settlers / Colonists !!!). . .

    I'm checking the Rules of Wounding and Armour of the Infinity R.P.G. to provide a similar Balancing Value (or, lacking it, will JUST amp up the cost; Players could have enough SINGLE BULLETS for EVENTUAL Mission Heavy Targets, NOT waste whole Ammo Clips liberally throwing away Reloads after Reloads against Low Level Mooks !!). . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  7. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I sense a backstabing incoming. That or an unfortunate series of events that leads to the Warp Cultist's death.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  8. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    All the previous "Wall Of Text" is just SOME of the Homebrewed Stuff that I'm creating for the Game (with the help of My two other "Co-Gamemasters" of the L.G.S. and 2-3 mature, interesting Players of the aforementioned Place, along with ANY meaningful suggested idea on this very Forum !!). . .

    Ported, and adapted, from Cyberpunk 2020 will give a list of COMMONLY Available Technology (Everiday Life, Entertainment, Cybernetics, Drugs, Weapons, Armour, Ammo) on New Knossos Island for a Officer of the Minotaur Mercs (such as ALL the Players are) !!

    Also will try to "Monetize" all Gear (Ordinary and Commonplace) of the Players, so that they would have a knowledge of what is good and what could be improved. . .

    Based on the Tactical Role, Background Ideas, Past Life "Merits & Boons", and whatever is good will also try to calculate the "Monthly Stipend" of the Players, to know how much they could "INVEST / LOAN" for very big purchase in the future. . .


    While Tony is, technically JUST a "Master Sergeant" is ALSO the MORE EXPERT Mechanic of Gecko Exoframes that the Minotaurs managed to hire (they have a very competent Guijia Mechanic, but "Retrofitting" a Yujing Heavy Powersuit with Teseum is FAR MORE EXPENSIVE than with the Geckos, that are smaller, simpler and designed to be "Parts Modular"). . .

    Also His smuggling ring contacts could be a source of wealthy, if risky, extra income. . .

    . . . . .

    "Signature Weapons" should STILL be a couple of Gecko Pilot Assault Pistols; rather than Corregidoran "Space Laspistols" these are sturdy, durable, reliable "Beretta 93R M.P." with an elongated ammo clip and "Gunblade" Bayonets of Teseum Alloys. . .

    Tony is considered to be AMBIDEXTROUS and able to wield them 1 in each hand. . .

    @Danger Rose

    Dreanna is another Pilot with the Rank of "Master Sergeant Gunner"; while NOT a Mechanic of the fame of Tony, from the Background She has grown up in Nomads Spaceship; for the fledgling "Modernization Program" of the Ariadnan "Kosmos" Technology this could be VERY valuable. . .

    Also Dreanna is EXTREMELY knowledgeable of Chimera Zoanthropic Genetech; the Minotaurs have a LOT of Chimeras from Bakunin, Jaguars enhanced by Custom Drugs and Wulvers that are trying Bio-Technology previously unknown on Planet Dawn to counter their Inbred Flaws. . .

    Also, very sooner rather than later, Dreanna will understand that EVERYTHING that could be salvaged from the Moderator Dragnet on "Malpheas Module" in Bakunin, was unceremoniously chartered to New Knossos Island where Haqqislamite Genengineers and Tohaa "Consultants" are busy Reverse-Engineering that dangerous stuff (SPOILER ALERT: Morlocks, Pupniks and Chimeras made by grafting Combined Army Alien Bodyparts harvested on Paradiso Battlefields !!). . . . .

    That could be useful as "Player Insider Knowledge". . .!!

    . . . . .

    "Signature Weapons": a Couple of "Gong Shotgun Pistols" (check Masamune Shirow mangas and animes of Appleseed and Ghost-In-The-Shell movie "Innocence" for Batous' Sidearm) finely made and family heirloom heritage; technically Light Shotguns that could be used each 1-handed, are far more precise than an usual Sawed-Off Shotgun and with a Orbital Tempered Steel barrell specially made to withstand MULTIPLE shots of "Point-Blank Conical-Spread" Dragonsbreath White-Phosporous Slugs (essentially the Shotgun Pistols become Light Hand Flamer) that usually ruin normal shotgun barrells. . .


    Alistair is the HIGHER Ranking of the Squad P.C. (Junior Lieutenant if compared to the other Master Sergeants); more importantly is the SCION HEIR of the McElliott Clan, destined to take the mantle when Grandfather (Human, still spry and hale) and Father (Dogwarrior and Retired Star of Dog-Bowl) will retire. . .

    The more You decide to be active and re-active the McElliott Clan on the Teseum Trade Wars the more HIGHER Risks and Gains will be. . .

    Also as one of the more stable Dogwarriors (even amongst the far stabler "Second Generation" Offsprings of TWO Dogwarrior Parents, rather than an "Infected-In-The-Womb" First Generation) that is of Noble Birth, the plight of the disenfranchiseds between Wulvers and Dogwarriors (and EVEN Sentient Antipodes NOT enemy of Humans, but seeing them as "NOT Alien Invaders") could offer a lot of "Political Clout" that will trade risky Politics Interferences with "Healthy Discounts" with the Hybrids Workforce. . .

    . . . . .

    "Signature Weapon" should be OBVIOUSLY a Dogwarrior Sized Clamore 100% Pure Teseum Battle-Blade; it is to be considered an "Anti-Tank Melee Weapon" rather than a SIMPLE "T.A.G. Hand-Weapon". . .


    Uja'Rak Se'Ok is Master Sergeant; while technically has the Adopted "Prettyboys" Orphans to take care, let's assume is Arabelle's Stipend to take care of them (and the small, but efficacious Odalisque School of Mistress Jasmyne could offer them a lot of good "Teen Employement" Jobs, even if ONLY as Nice Waiters at the Haqqislamite Cafeteria !!). . .

    There is a scant number of Morats in the Minotaurs; should Uja decides to train with the "Teseum Bladesmith" in secret, ritualized techniques of Morat Blademaking then His "Monetary Value" will increase accordingly. . .

    Also His family is of "Engineer Guild Status"; with a little effort Uja could project, and build, Morats Heavy Infantry Suits (or even weirder stuff like Sogarats "Superheavy Suits" or Rasyat Jump-H.I.) made with Ariadnan Teseum this could be IMMENSELY valuable. . .

    Being a Daturazi Martial Arts Master NORMALLY would be a problem, as "Baseline Hyperpowers Humans" would be hard-pressed to withstand the brutal training regime of even a "Gentler Path Walker" like Uja; Wulvers, Dogwarriors, Crazed Morlocks, Drug-Addled Jaguars, Chimera Veterans and Genetech-Enhanced Kum Bikers would flinch less much. . .

    "Signature Weapon" is the complex, difficult-to-master Composite Staff (sacred to Cotoya, Warrior God of Morats Past); we discussed is a "Kung-Fu Halberd" that is made with a couple of Teseum "Escrima" Jo-Sticks that could join to create a Teseum Bo-Staff, along with a Chain-Mounted "Axe Head" (rather a Kusari-Gama when not affixed on the Polearm) and a Short Morat Blade (the other head of the weapon, a curved Spear-Head) and obviously the more costly of the whole bunch: the Vorpal "Boomerang Triskelion-Shuriken" taken by Your Ex-Commander of the Krakots on the Umbra Overseer corpse !!

    That alone will be ASTRONOMICALLY costly; but BEWARE, as with "Templar I.A. Sword" the more "Independantly Useful" You choose the "Flying Krull-Glaive Blade" to be ("Krull" being a 1983 Movie starring a similar weapon, with 5 curved blades) and the more "Weird Side Effects" will be. . .

    It will be YOUR CALL to decide if You have "Francis, The Ever-Singing Sword" (a staple of Fantasy Satyrical Comics, with a talking sentient sword that NEVER stop speaking AND singing atrociously) rather than, let's say. . . . ."Elric's Stormbringer" of Michael Morcook

    You could also decide that the "Sanitization" of the E.I. Influence on the Glaive-Blade had essentially lobotomized it, halting a little its efficacy, but avoiding a weapon that could decide, on a whim, to swerve in mid-air to strike "That Annoying Ally" (or even Uja himself !!) rather than the intended target. . .

    Just A.L.E.P.H. could be considered a possible LEGAL buyer of a FULLY COGNIZANT Umbra Vorpal Blade (or You could risk to sell a similar monstruosity to ALL MANNER of shady Submondo Killers). . .!!
    #508 stevenart74, Oct 5, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
    Golem2God likes this.
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    It was a lot of witty banter between the players. . .

    Unfortunately the Astarte "Veteran of the Long War" was a fastidiously preppy Follower of Slannesh, that polished Armour and Weapons with "Everbright Warp-Wax". . .

    The Cultist was "Witch-Doktor Flige" ("Flige" means "Fly Bug" in German) a Sorcerer of Nurgle, Father of Pestilence, that hosted in ITS VERY BODY all manner of Flying Vermin Bug. . .

    Not only the Termintor Armour of the Cultist was Human-Sized in the interior (could anyway be adapted to Astartes Physique) but was ESSENTIALLY a "Level 5 Biohazard". . .

    If not for a particularly well-charismatic "Word Bearer" Telepath Marine (Word Bearers being Kaos Followers of ALL the Evil Pantheon, and that preach "Unity Between Traitors") the group would have started to tear up from Game Day One (also there was an Egyptian "Thousand Sons" Librarian of Tzeentch and an Poweraxe-Wielding Space Ork FOLLOWER OF KHORNE, called "Khornan, The Barbarork"). . .

    The more SANE of the group of "Evil Dudes" (even saner of the "Charismatic Word Bearer" that wanted to betray EVERYONE at the Campaign End) was a "Druchii Pirate", a Space Dark Elf raiding with us "Just for the Lulz". . .!!

    By the way, I was the "Egyptian Pharaoh" Librarian Marine of Tzeentch, with the unwise idea to REVERSE the Rubric of Ahriman and bring back all the "Rubricae Marines" (essentially Empty Armours of Kaos Marines, animated by the suffering warp-ghosts of the wearers). . .

    I had a good idea about how doing it, but FIRST would have to "Collect" 100 Standard Rubricae Marines, 10 Terminator Rubricae (with the "Nice Bonus" of being Obliterators with UNLIMITED Flamer Ammo !!) and a SINGLE 6m. high Rubricae Dreadnought that seemed a Bipedal Sphinx of Giza. . . . .!!!

    I was joked to be the Warhammer 40.000 Equivalent of a "Pokemon Trainer - Gotta Catch Em All"!!!. . .

    The other Players had similarly absurdly difficult "Endgame Aims" (the Warp Cultist of Nurgle SHOULD have convinced the WHOLE of the Imperium to WILLINGLY submit to Nurgle's Diseases AND survive the Ordeal !!). . .
    #509 stevenart74, Oct 5, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
    Golem2God likes this.
  10. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I don't remember that. Then again it has been a long time since we talked about Uja's weapons.
    Out of those two, right now the Vorpal blade would be brainless. Unless Uja wanted the Templar Knight to upgrade it with a conscien...On second thought what about the Templar placing Uja's Geist in the blade? Would that work out as well?
    Waiters?! Cafeteria?! Who is this owned by? The same man who has all the ladies who own the weapons shop Uja visited? Only Ayrrn would be interested in that type of job. Jo-Un could care less & Ricardo would be flat out against it. Seeing as that the Hispanic-Latino is focused on being more masculine despite being paired with Ayrrn in the past.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    For putting the Geist housed inside the Vorpal Blade would be easy and practical. . .!!

    Good Call. . . . .!!!

    As for Ricardo there are ALL manner of Jaguars from Corregidor that would like to make Him a true "Vato Loco" ("Tough Guy" in the Pigdin Pseudo-Spanish of Mexican Gangers !!). . .

    Problem is, the Minotaur's Jaguar Crew unofficial Leader is . . . . .LaTigre Balam (that would not mind "Train Extensively" the Hispanic Prettyboy). . .

    On a more serious manner, Balam could empathze with all manner of "Mother Hen's Chicks"; She was a Teen-Ager Prostitute that was FORCED to Sell Herself, or starve to death in harsh Corregidor Underbelly. . .

    The fact that Her Pimp, Texcatlipoca Tex, was a BETTER Parental Figure than Her suicidal blood-relatives, speaks volumes about Her upbringing (that could be, nonetheless, useful for Ricardo. . .Now "LaTigre Balam" Kill for Work and Fuck for Relax, an attitude that could resonate with the Hispanic Boyo !!). . .

    Or Wulver Maniacs could try to dress Ricardo in a Kilt ("That's Not A Skirt, Lad !!") and help Him learn Claymore Fencing. . .

    Kum Bikers / Ariadnan "Sons Of Anarchy" Desperados could also be appealing to the rebellious youth. . .!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 The whole game session sounded fun.
    I'm a Word Bearer at heart since I feel preaching true religion is important. I'm also an Imperial Fist at heart due to my ethnic background (The Fists are Prussian influenced) and some their beliefs are shared with myself. So I would be an Imperial Fist/Successor Chapter Loyalist or a Word Bearer traitor/Word Bearer loyalist during the great culling that the legion went through in the birthpains of the Heresy. Being an Imperial Fist or successor chapter traitor would also fit me well. If I choose a mono chaos deity it would be Nurgle due to myself want/drive to outlast, persevere, tank all things in my path. That and the family aspect of Nurglites or Astartes & Guardsmen also goes with my core as family (spiritual or blood) is important to me.
    If I was in 40k would never choose to follow the chaos gods and stubbornly fight till the end wether I be Guardsman, Astartes or Inquisitor. I'll have to look through the many different regiments to see which guardsman I would be.
    All interesting ideas. Though I feel that Ricardo would view Balam with distain even though he would take some of her words to heart since she is a Corregidorian. He is proud of his nation ship background and the toughness it distills in the minds of Humanity. He could interact with all three groups in some fashion though Ayrrn would borrow/take any kilt for his own use and Ricky would be fine with it. A Jaguar Biker might be right up Ricky's alley.
    #512 Golem2God, Oct 5, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
    stevenart74 likes this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 How much does the sheik (the man with the weapon shop filled with his wives) own? What is his importance on the island? My mind is currently drawing blanks here.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    The Sheik is NOT one of the "High Officers" of the Minotaurs (the three Haqqislamite Roles for Merc High Command are a "Cabal" of Khawarjis, currently led by a Woman Sufi Imam, THEN a Veteran Hashashin "Low Master" and THEN Mistress Jasmyne of the Odalisques). . .

    Another important "V.I.P. from Bourak" is Leyla Fahrad Bey, Wife of King Mynos of the Ariadnan Bikers and Boss-Lady of the Kums, but She is outside the normal "Chain-Of-Command" (instead of Her Husband, ESSENTIALLY Ariadnan Commander of ALL THE U.S.ARIADNANS between the Minotaurs, almost all Hardcases / Desperados / Maverick Bikers !!). . .

    The Sheik is JUST an influential Haqqislamite that exchanges Haqqislamite Technology (Silk-based or otherwise) with good Ariadnan Materials (Teseum, Refined or Rough Ore; Claymore Blades; "Weaponized" Antipodes and so on); it could be considered a sort of "Lesser Silk Lord" but specializing in Weapons, rather than the important "Cybernetic Enhancer By-Product" of the Nassiat Plant, that grows ONLY in selected parts of Bourak. . .

    Could be comparable with one of Your pals, the Krakot Teseum Bladesmith, technically a grumpy miser living in a semi-abandoned Blacksmith Shop, in reality a Fearsome Warrior-Savant that create the Morat Equivalent of Masamune / Masamura "Legendary Katanas" but made with Teseum smelt in ritualized Morat Ways (often involving quenching the still-hot blade in the freshly spilled blood of an Apex Alpha Predator). . .

    Rare "Treasures" like a Teseum Cleaver (1 handed Battleaxe / Small Scimitar - Broadsword) or even Teseum Claymores (or comparable hefty 2-handed weapons, like Labrys Waraxes, "Trench Hammer" Mauls and T.A.G.-sized Morningstars !!) are everyday occurrences for the "Bladesmith". . .

    You could be sure that with someone expert in Artifical Intelligences like "St. George, the Templar Knight" that Morat could be able to DUPLICATE Your Vorpal Blade in a PERFECT MANNER. . .!!

    . . . . .

    Returning to the influence of the "Weapon Sheik" sufficiently motivated by Money and / or Favours could be able to smuggle, from Bourak, a MAGHARIBA AKREP T.A.G. (supposedly ONLY available to Elite Armoured Cavalry Battalion of Haqqislam). . .

    Should You need a Azrail and / or Ahl-Fassed "Superheavy Powersuit" to start Your hypothethical "Teseum Sogarat Light Exoframe" program, the Sheik have enough Spares in His back-shop to build a couple of them. . .!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Good to know. I might be seeing about using that man's connections in the future.
    George: "Foul Apollyon! Evil of the Abyss! I summon ye to be forever trapped in this weapon of Darkness! Forged in the firepits, deep in the bowels, in the belly of Hell!"
    Uja'rak: "George could you not.."
    Michael: "Shhh..he is about to get to a good part.." Spoke the sword being held in the Morat's hand.
    George: "Ulm Saint Ulm! Ulm Saint O-num! Ulm Saint Parthea!"
    Uja'rak: "What does that mean?"
    Michael: "Rubbish. Absolute Rubbish."
    George: "Now to confine ye with the Holy Seal!" He then takes a brand and places it upon the Vorpal Blade. "THE POWER OF CHRIST, COMPELS YOU!!!"
    Uja'rak: "GEORGE!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! STOP!!"
    Michael: "Alright. I've had my fun. George, I think the weapon of Darkness has been sanctified now."
    George: "Yes it has! For I can no longer hear the daemon's praises! Only a soft whimper of madness!"
    Uja'rak: "So my Geist is inside the blade now?"
    George: "What?!"
    Michael: "The daemon George."
    George: "Hm..oh yes. I'm sure of it." He then turns to Uja. "No longer will this terrible creature utter sweet words of destruction in your ears."
    Uja'rak: "I never had any voices in my head."
    George: "Thank God! I thought you were lost forever!"
    Michael: "See? He does care about you."
    George: "Well here you go." Handing the Vorpal Blade back to Uja. "Have a pleasant day!"
    Michael: "Oh George.."
    George: "What?!"
    Michael: "Chimera." Sure enough one of the Chimera bikers was nearby them. Seeing this heinous monster, St. George sprung into action taking the living sword from Uja's grasp and charging headlong into the beast's direction.
    Chimera: "Oh God No!! Oh God Please No!!"
    Michael: "Take care of that blade Ugee! We living weapons can be a great asset to your quests in life! Faster George Faster!! I want to hit him with my pommel!!" And Uja stood there watching two bodies run at high speed to only God knew where.
    #515 Golem2God, Oct 5, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
    stevenart74 likes this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    A trench hammer could be something to think about using.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Uja'rak: "Hello? Are you there? Can anyone hear me?" Silence prevailed. "Damit George. What did you do.."
    ?: "Jorge? Oo iz Jorge?"
    Uja'rak: "Wha..you..you sound weird."
    ?: "I iz weird?"
    Uja'rak: "Your voice has an accent. It reminds me of a friend of mine."
    ?: "Whaot iz frwend?"
    Uja'rak: "That's it! I'm tracking him down now!"
    ?: "Kech up to em all sneaky like. Right bozz?"
    Uja'rak: "Lets just focus on finding George.."
    ?: "Not Jorge, WWAAAAAAGH!!"
    O.O.C.: Just a little tongue in cheek/non-canon writing & dialouge. I'll figure out what the Giest's true personality is. Got any ideas or opinions on what it should be? Any suggestion helps.
    Danger Rose and stevenart74 like this.
  18. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    As Antipodes (Bipedal, but preferibly Quadraped) and Superheavy Ariadnan Suits (like the Kazak Ratnik) attests that they use it ONE Handed, I hereby G.M. declare that Uja could employ a Custom Version, at least 2 Handed, thanks to His burly constitution. . .

    Ajax the Heavy Combat Lhost (or "Failed Achilles" as is often derided) was the first to use it, and as You choose, at Player Creation to play a "Not T.A.G. Pilot" then the Stats are more or less ON PAR with Military Aspects or other kind of Supersoldiers (like the Khawarjis Red Turbans, 100 % Organic and YET able to go toe to toe with the best A.L.E.P.H. could deploy). . .

    You could also decide to have 2 Stats, 1-handed "Backswing" (not very precise and with less strenght) when You have the other hand occupied or a full 2-handed "Up-To-Down" downward swing with ALL Uja's considerable strenght behind. . .

    Stats will be comparable to a rougher, inbalanced, less "Vicious" Teseum Claymore, but with Explosive and / or D.E. properties, as I believe the Fluff of the Weapon describe it filled with Shaped Charges in the Impact Point. . .

    Not a "Subtle, Elegant" Martial Weapon, but Kung-Fu study also brutally heavy weapons and so PERFECTLY suited to Morat Psychology !!
    Golem2God likes this.
  19. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    But is Your Geist "Kunningly Brutal" like Mork, or "Brutally Kunnin" like Gork. . .??

    And You will paint the Vorpal Blade a fiery Crimson-Scarlet because "Red Wunz Go Fasta" ???
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    ?: "Don't worry bozz u'zz kach up to tem. U'r red. An' red wunz go fasta!!"
    Uja'rak: "I don't want to hear it right now!!"

    I also found a personality for the Geist I think is perfect. It will take awhile to type out the short story blurb but I shall post it as fast as possible.
    #520 Golem2God, Oct 5, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
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