totally wishlisting, but i want a xenotech merc available for all factions with pheroware type abilities...(think biotics, mass effect)
Ah, well then, the The Beginning of the End. Paradiso is over-run with giant locusts. Those darned Tohaa. They'll exalt anything. This means that the LE mini will be a shout out to Peter Graves! Awesome. The Xenotech Engineer. Perfect. Semi-seriously. The background and details for TAK, Varuna, Vedic and Tunguska, along with the Paradiso Campaign and the Spec Op rules updates. I expect all of it to be in this book. And a nice send off for the ASA. MSTies will get this.
Why does that make sense to anyone? Like you want totally unrelated thing from IP A in totally unrelated game B.
or is it? who knows where they gonna take the xenotech story line? speculating if there is any more to it then just additional objective points. what are the xenotech artefacts going to do? will they provide additional technology and or abilities?
I really hope this is worth for preordering.. Frankly Uprising was wrote in very one-sided manners, the shadow government stories were not enough to soothe the fandom (Or, at least, decimated Yu Jing fellas.). Will preorder this, thats quite sure, Im giving another shot for CB.
You guys are all too much focused on the past. Fluff for TAK? OSS? Tunguska? They are already gone and done! This will be the glorious introduction of the year of the Alien, with fluff for the new Tohaa revamp, the new Shasvastii Revamp, the Invincible Army, and somethingsomethingelse. PanO Tears will flow as their planets explode due to CA invasion and horrible Tohaa plots, and the one to save the day will be the Invincible Army (maybe together with somethingsomethingelse) , letting Yu Jing shine as the Human Spheres new saviors as PanO desperately licks its wounds as it slowly fades into the background as the new "2nd biggest Hyperpower" after it lost its planet and its pride! The Preorder Miniature will be Sun Tze V3, in a bloody TAG! Glory to Yu Jing! :-P
Just mashing together two unrelated games is not exactly imaginative. Except for the Stalker TAK. That's cool.
Bad YJ fluff aside, I actually really enjoyed the rest of the NA2 sections. Am I the only one not negative about the Uprising book? :(
No I lked it, even the Yu-Jing part (but then I'm not a YJ player so I can read one-sided story without problem)
You are not alone I love the background for yu jing sectorial 3: the ikari company. A mercenary company running the human edge system (really badly) with pirates, renegades, wild bill? aliens, mercs and such. Populates those parts of the human sphere where the boundaries are blurry, lots of good plot hooks, fluff potential there, CB did good.
This. I think the YJ storyline was hamfisted (discussed elsewhere) but the way this and the Haqq sourcebook have fleshed out some of the Human Edge is gold. Looking forward to seeing what drops about the Merc market in the Nomad sourcebook.