What would you like to see???

Discussion in 'Core Set' started by Agorapocalypse, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Just an open thread to discuss rules/abilities/mechanics/character-types/etc... that we would like to see introduced into the game. Obviously Aristeia isnt infinity and a large overwhelming rule set is out of the question, but think of simple universal rules that could be introduced on a few different characters and be a part of them without it being their sole personality. Taunt being on Maximus and Senor massacre would be an example. Hell, maybe even just make it a unique passive or switch if its a bit too good to be on multiple people (looking at you "Benediction of Thor"). So ill start off and say id like to see a form of camo be introduced in Aristeia. Its a part of Infinity the game, and has a big enough lore impact to at least see some form of perhaps TO camo where a character is hidden deployed in some way, or perhaps just cant be targeted if outside of a certain range and only moves during their activation? It would be a cool concept and lead to some cool characters aswell, perhaps a ghostly themed character released around Halloween?
  2. -V-

    -V- A! Team member
    CB Staff

    Jan 31, 2017
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    At this moment, we haven't any TO camo. But, of course, there are some Infinity rules/equipment that are more likely to have their Aristeia! version in future.

    Smiler and Agorapocalypse like this.
  3. Vain

    Vain Active Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    1) I don't think it would be outside of the realms of possibility for the Artichokes to send a skilled fighter to the Aristeia fields to drum up some popular support. Could be interesting to have a Tohaa player in the mix as one of the few Aliens, perhaps mandatory to be taken with his meat-shield Chaksa so you would have to take 2 others to fill out the team.
    Something that could link their activations could be a cool mechanic. You have a "cool guy" Tohaa model, sanitised and specially cultivated to appeal to the humans and his loyal "friend" who hangs around to provide physical cover and take wounds for him/her.

    Don't think we could work with a Krakot or the other races we know...though if they stop blowing stuff up a Helot might not be out of the realm of possibility.

    2) We have 8-Ball...so how do we feel about a Latino Dog-Warrior in a lucha mask?
    Didn't have the discipline (or wanted to get his tail docked) for USARF but managed to get bumped from local Dogbowl leagues to a big time death sports by a promoter who wanted to punch up their ratings with something new? While hard, it isn't impossible to cube a doggie right?
    I would love this, though we would need him in Dog-Warrior form for the entirety rather than morphing for simplicity and models.
  4. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Combined army stuff could be represented by saying that it's an aleph recreation, a holographic display over a combat frame, or even someone in elaborate cosplay...

    Dog warriors are almost a given at some point, Dogbowl would be awesome but it probably needs a full new box even if it is based on the aristeia rules, and I think maybe the market on fantasy football games is a little bit saturated at the moment, so a themed box of 'alien' aristos would be a great way to get the tohaa, combined and hybrids represented...
  5. itsuncertainwho

    itsuncertainwho Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I think you could go "Team Alien" with a Tohaa and a herd of uplifted creatures, like the previously mentioned Chaksa, a Kauuri, and a symbiobeast.

    I think a "Black Lab" team would be pretty interesting. Four characters that are all radically alien bread/grown/created specifically for Aristeia! I would start with a giant mutant uplifted cephalopod, a dolphin hacker/controler, maybe a mutant bear creature and a snake or lizard-man of some kind...... Sleestak. The Black Lab team MUST have a Sleestak.

    Agorapocalypse likes this.
  6. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Mutant cephalopod? Dolphin hacker? Sleestak? Dude i want whatever youre smokin. Either way im back again, Holoprojector time! Some guy who appears to multiply on the field but only 1 is really him! As for themed characters, maybe Haqq can finally see sinbad as a character, or perhaps an Imperial service cop type character, detains aristos in the middle of the game lol.
  7. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Putting a Krakot in Aristeia, regardless of whether he/she's on a CA team or not, would be fun. You could also have a character be a Speculo infiltrator. Or Sepsitorized.
  8. Drayton

    Drayton Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Aristeia needs a man like an Airborne Ranger with a baseball bat with barbed wire!
  9. Cilionelle

    Cilionelle New Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I think having the Dolly Dagger crew show up as a team would be pretty cool. In fact, I might try tinkering with them...
    daszul likes this.
  10. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I'm assuming smoke and mirrors will introduce smoke to block LOF on the fly, and maybe fire which will damage units that move through it, both as tokens placed on the board.
  11. Vain

    Vain Active Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Could just mean that we are getting more trickster style Aristos, Holoprojector stuff etc. But I wouldn't object to a Aristo who could throw out a space or two of smoke to cover their buddies.
  12. zagdag

    zagdag Split box orphan

    Jan 9, 2018
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    This may sound dumb but I am focused more on weapons that inspire nteresting tactical abillities. Someone with a bow or crossbow seems almost certain.

    I would likewise love a character with an Urumi or whip sword. The idea of setting a "stance" with it for one AP and having different stat dice based on the stance sounds really compelling to me.

    Additionally: while we have Mushashi, I would still like to see a Domaru or Odelisques some point. They have been depicted as Aristeia contestants in the past.
    Smiler likes this.
  13. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    We know for sure we are getting:
    A Chinese sorcerer
    An antipode hybrid (dogface or wulver)
    A loli controlled robot
    A knight with a flamethrower
  14. Vain

    Vain Active Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    If you are yanking my chain, prepare for more burnt artichokes in your future...
  15. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Carlos spilled it all over beasts of war but I can't remember which video.
  16. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    A Krakot gladiator is a must.

    Also FinalBoss, whatever he is - a human / manbearpig hybrid or whatever...
  17. harl3quin

    harl3quin Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I would like to see some wild animals or animal like robots. Like lion pits and lose tigers in the old gladiator tales, but than like playable characters.

    Most of all I would like to play more different missions, hope they will offer some more game types.

    And when you are talking about characters I just hope to be taken by surprise about the stuff they come up with!
  18. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'd love some sort of "dungeon crawl" mode like the board game Descent by Fantasy Flight. A team of Aristos decides to clean up the Acontecimento favelas...?
    Kahlain and PedroP like this.
  19. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I would like to see a couple expansion boxes focused on Aliens, like, one tohaa and one combined box. Could be something like this:

    Tank: A big mutan symbiobeast
    Scorer: the kerail controller of the beast (these two could have an requirement of them being chosen together)
    Damage dealer: and Igao type of guy/gal
    Support: a Kumotail with some hacking like skills but based on pheromones

    Tank: four legged drone, kinda like a beefed up, four legged Unidron
    Scorer: a Daturazi or Krakot, kinda like musashi in that they're a high damage scorer
    Damage dealer: an umbra, preferably a legate to make him something of a commander
    Support: a Shasvastii bio-engineer. Would be cool if this coincided with Shas getting new toys too
  20. PedroP

    PedroP Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    What I really want to see... is those great, great, great and dense rules(and characters) used outside of hexadome... for something more "meaningful" then scoring some points before the crowd. What does it mean: that I would really like to see some story based scenarios like:
    1. Infiltrating some mega-corp high security office to steal some prototype of drug to heal some disease on planet X. I can imagine those: security guards trying stop our heroes or other team of mercenaries haired to protect the serum. All those covers from pillars and devices in the office. Autonomous drones that can be hacked and used as "obstacles". Heroes in more serious skins.
    2. Trying to free some hostage from other group of mercenaries that is held in some building on tropical island.

    And so on... :)

    And I wouldn't mind "standalone expansions" for this or something like that. And if we have to stay with sports feel/vibe I would like to go more in the direction of Hunger games(even though I hated the movies) then this... wrestling + football... something :) So we mainly would need new (asymmetrical?) maps and some additional rules.

    Don't get me wrong I really like the game and will be supporting it, but I would really, really, really like to go outside of hexadome and get points for something else then standing on red floor...

    And no: I don't want to try such scenarios with Infinity rules - as I feel that they are not so dense and more focused on outdoors fights/mission. And some would say that they are overcomplicated... ;) But thats are only my feelings haven't played Infinity game so far.
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