The problem being that the Shasvastii know how massive the CA actually is, and how small the CA expeditionary force in the human sphere is. Switching sides, in what is effectively a minor skirmish for CA, wouldn't make sense.
Combined Army are good bad guys Because they are initially evil and then you can be like "oh, on a macro scale they can kind of justify it a bit..." but then you realise that lol no they're fucking horrific.
Pretty sure the Tohaa get beaten and absorbed by the Combined Army in this book. One of the new things we will see is Avatars with a price drop, symbiont armor, and access to symbiomates.
So much salt in here the only left to do is make pasta. I loved Paradiso, and the narrative style of the missions was something I really enjoyed. Hoping they could do something similar here, although I expect they will tone down the wackiness of the missions, which could go either way for me. I got enough value from uprising that if the mini is nice enough I'll preorder. Sounds like I'll need to take a hiatus from the forums though because it will probably be the same ol echo chamber of russled jimmies giving us expert criticism.
Tell that to the Fracta who came to understand the lies of their Tohaa leaders! Not to mention the fact that CA has vast numbers of wildly different species working together for a common goal, for the greater good, where as humanity is consumed with petty infighting over corporate profits and interstellar war over racial identity and oppression.
This is just a tiny bit evil enough to be true. People would actually froth if everyone's favourite new Merc was a preorder exclusive
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.