Yep, CC20 is definitely bloat. Until you face TO Camo or ODD, when it's then better than shooting a Combi Rifle...
Sorry I upset you pal imo CC20 is more of a deterrent and something to use on TO guys. I'm sorry you think that Varuna will some how be an unstoppable force, but maybe it would help if you saw the complete sectorial with points cost first?
Unless you're BS14 3/4 dice on 8/11s against 1 die on 11/12 and have a Chaincolt for good measure. Rolling 1 20 vs a 14-16 seems completely redundant next to that. Not even counting shotguns and Flamer/EMarat ARO s which make CC that extra little bit more dangerous for some one as bad at it relative to his point cost as a Montesa. Personally I think CC is great and I get a lot of use out of it. But that is always assuming CC capability with a high base crit chance, good FTF capability and an ammo type that is universally useful. Basic Domaru for instance are terrible CC troops next to an universal CC Specialist like Neko or Yojimbo. AP CCW Joan on her own is a huge questionmark compared to a pair of DA CCW Magisters. CC kind of needs a certain balance of reliability, massively increased damage potential compared to shooting and vastly increased chance to win a FTF. A Montesa or Fatherknight with BS14 is so good at shooting already he'd need to be better at CC than a Domaru to make the option attractive. Otherwise you're simply better off just not paying the points for CC and going for a more basic gunner without it. Frenzy is often the big game changer here as it often means you get a Frenzied troop that gets CC capability and the added utility (Courage, Stealth) for effectively free. Yeah so far so good for reading comprehension. No reason to be upset here, just the usual disbelief why people feel the need to spout nonsense that isn't backed by stats. Care to take a look at the odds of a Monk vs an Orc compared to a Montesa? Probably also missed where I said playing Varuna with existing troops and profiles on top of the Link options from the article would already be quite good? Oh my a CC 20 Shock CCW with no vis MODs, guess I'll have to agonize if I'm just gonna shoot him with a Combi Rifle or bring a competent CC dude to show him where to stick his "CC deterrent". Boy do I wonder how if the average 5 points Warband will handle losing a couple % more of their CC FTF rolls against that 40 point Knight. I dare to claim the usual dedicated Attack pieces are still gonna beat him up or shoot him with their guns same as before. This isn't meant to be hostile, but boy do you need to take your tinted glasses off to take a proper look if you're gonna talk big the way you're trying to.
yikes. its upsetting that you think that. you seriously under value berserk and the unique ability to either beat in a FtF roll or trade up with almost any model in the game
Again.... reading comprehension mate. The basic Domaru has issues making chaff dead, Neko on the other hand straight up kills stuff indiscriminately. Unfortunately most things on the board are 1W and killing them is a much easier and more effective way to deal with them. Sure you're going to be very happy if you IMM-2 a TAG with a Berserk Crit. But that is still going to be there and needs to be killed (assuming there is an Engineer somewhere) so you might again be better off hitting the same TAG a couple times with Neko. More reliable and more Order efficient, Neko most likely even survives that. Facing off against another CC Specialist the Domaru again has a good chance to Isolate them and maybe cause a wound, Neko on the other hand is very likely to completely get rid of anything that isn't Acilles with one Berserk. TL:DR Domaru suck at killing Fusiliers and Neko is good at it. Being able to kill Fusiliers in CC is a basic requirement if you're as bad as shooting at a Domaru.
Yeah my Domaru complaint is more about weapon types. Shock + DA would be fine, or hell, let's go full weeaboo and give them all three swords, shock, DA, and E/M.
you can insist that you didn't mean what you wrote all you want, it won't change the fact that what you said is ridiculous when its against a 10 point line troop, of who you are gritting on an 8, the difference is literally negligible.
71% unless you want to give the Fusilier Normal Rolls. Considering what you need to do to get a Domaru close enough to do that it's really bad. Heck Neko still doesn't do a great job at killing LI efficiently, he just does it at significantly lower chance of failure. 87% is still quite bad to Neko's >96%. That's reducing the chance of failure to less than a third. On an actual board you want neither of them for that situation. That Domaru aren't good CC troops for their cost? If you're relying on BS12 and people better than you at CC to throw smoke, that makes you pretty bad at getting into CC. Which is arguably the most important part about using CC to begin with. Against the average target a Magister DA CCW outperforms a Domaru at significantly increased defensive and offensive capability. Monks are better CC than Domaru point per point. Yojimbo, Neko, Saito, Kitsune, DA CCW Ninjas, Neko and Oyoroi do a better job at being a CC troop than Domaru. Domaru are simply not good at doing their job in the current JSA. They look good on paper, I'll give you that. I really wish they were good so I had a reason to run them. But a footslogging HI that is a terrible shot and ultimately contributes E/M to situations where you could already have removed the target is a little sad. Oh yes I meant what I wrote, I'm not happy about it, but that's how it is. 71% in a FTF vs a linetroop in CC is terrible for a CC Specialist. 87% against a Normal roll is still nothing you should boast about. A Proper CC Specialist can usually deliver himself there and gets better odds in a FTF than the Domaru does with Berserk. It's just sad. What the Domaru is good at is trading himself for something more expensive. The main issue with that is the same principle applies to Warbands that aren't 26+ points, provide better Order economy, cost to efficiency ratio and have a lot more targets worth trading against on top of utility like Smoke and Jammers. Berserk is a neat trick that is simply better on Galwegians and Krakots. Neko is no exception, he also has it pretty hard to earn his points back, but still miles better at it than a Domaru.
"Mainly light force" with Cutters, Squalos Duo, ORCs and ORC characters, HI bikes... :P Also, this article is in a dire need of some review by an English native speaker. But yeah, fun times ahead. Thanks for sharing, @Solodice ;)
Im with you on domaru not being the most point efficient cc combatant in the game. But for their points they are certainly better combatants than magister knights. And they are certainly better at repelling warbands than magister knights. They also have utility in trading up against harder targets like you point out, something a magister simply wont do. And trust me i love the magisters and they are the best cc MO has to offer outside joan(who you dont want to risk by virtue of lack of coc), the domaru are poor gunfighters, and if anything the tanko take the active gun fighter role half the time, as compared to the relationship between magisters and full knights. But i am willing to commit to. Domaru + neko and daiyokai haris. I agree with a lot of your analysis, but i think we are just valuing certain aspects differently.