Think of the Posthuman as one trooper that has up to three bodies (Proxies). You can swap the Posthuman between groups for one CT, it doesnt matter how many Proxies it currently has. Heck, even if the Proxies are all dead and the Posthuman is kicking back in a Netrod you can still swap him.
No, because Posthuman Order is automatically added to Netrods Combat Group. You cannot shift Netrods between Combat Groups because they are equipment, not troopers.
Which is funny, because I can't stand Mk4 and Mk5. Mk3 isn't that hot either, but a head-swap fixes that. But profile-wise, Mk1 and Mk2 are bordering on auto-include for me now that Proxies don't eat slots in your Combat Group. Especially if the guys will let me break out the N2 'Mercenary Company' rules to mix and match units from up to 3 different factions.
Haven't decided yet, but the easy way is one of Statuesque Mini's Finescale Heads. The Mk4 and Mk5 probably need Statuesque Pulp Scale heads, or Hasslefree. Hasslefree is a good match for 3D sculpted infinity minis. Statuesque finescale is good for earlier minis like the Mk1,2,3 proxies. Another option would be to behead one of the Reaper angels, though that seems vaguely heretical (and expensive, even with P65 or Bones minis). I used Loftis for Togusa (converted from a Guilang) and Kuze (converted from a Nisse). Those pics are on my Botofukkit.
One, they are considered a single troop. Yes, that means you can deploy all 3 posthuman bodies when it comes to the last model for deployment. Plus Yudbots assigned to the mk1.
Deploy dakini link Wait for opponent to deploy Deploy the nastiest, most killy half of your minis Get punched in the mouth
post humans are the models which single handedly got me into Infinity about 4 years ago. I think they are a kind of faction centerpiece, much like Achilles. Post humans seem to be central to the faction design. Is it a bad thing? I like everything about them lol.
Well, they're one of few things that makes ALEPH unique, besides NWI everywhere, S2 TAGs and MSV3 TAG a.k.a. "the bunny of caerbannog"
I'm still new to Aleph. Started because of the new sectorial. Post humans are different. I've never had the jumper skill before and it's pretty cool. I think they went too far with the buffs from last edition though and they're very strong. They don't make every list though as I'm trying a bit of everything so far.
The TAG is MSV2, the S2 "TAGs" are the ones with MSV3!!! Having the ASS so hero-centered also makes Aleph... distinctive (pun intended, totally XD)
Posthuman are a faction benefit. The same way symbiomates and ghazi are. They are strong very strong but in the context of the faction they are in its not obnoxious. If they went up 5pts across the board is doubt I'd take them almost ever. That would add 15pts to an army. For one order that becomes crazy.