Hunt for Red [October Releases]

Discussion in 'News' started by Solar, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Yes, Necromunda is a real clusterfuck, i dunno what they were thinking with that ;-)

    Lots of people are still butthurt about what they did with Fantasy (i understand that), but that's no reason to keep going on and on repeating topics that are just not true anymore.

    And when i say they are redefining fantasy, i don't mean they are redefining "Warhammer Fantasy" but fantasy miniatures for their original world, and imo that's way more creative than what CB is doing (even when I like both)
    #241 Benkei, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  2. Modock

    Modock Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Yes, I would say GW is the devil incarnate. Killing a game when people spent thousands of dollars and hours
    of work is a thing that should not be forgotten. Hobbyists were collecting minis for 20 years and even more.
    But lets just bury the axes...and do not worry we have another fantasy game you can spend hundreds

    How many codexes and rule books did you have to buy in the not fear you just need
    one more for the last edition...
    In this day and age where's the army app ?

    Creative...GW shoud be named copy pasta.... half the armies are marines in different shades..
    Ok, I'm exaggerating but not by much.

    Everything is overcosted from the minis to every other product they make.
    Every little detail is intended for money-grabbing. Like the shiety the paint dry out.
    Duncan still not using wet palette...never seen him mixing paints. You need every fucking
    lighter color for highlights (white everyone?).

    I apologize for sounding salty but I really despise them. GW should not be taken as a good
    example for anything.
    #242 Modock, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  3. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    I can be wrong, but shouldn't you need to buy books at all for 40k? Wasn't that a promise from GW, that the rules will be free?

    As far as i know, there was no promise from CB that was ever broken. I'm new and therefore I can be wrong, but if I have to trust CB or GW, my vote would get to CB.

    EDIT: And Yes, GW has become more customer friendly in the last year, but they are no saint at all.
    Pen-dragon, Modock, ZlaKhon and 3 others like this.
  4. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well I don't tink it was that hard to achieve, knowing their long-lasting reputation ;)
    Pen-dragon, Stiopa and Modock like this.
  5. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Also funny fact:

    Just remember it's not CB who has to disable comments section under their Youtube videos ;P
  6. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Ok, I am calling BS on this. I have only been casually following GW since they lost their minds, but the rules are a mess, and all over the place. People regularly complain about needing 5+ books/faqs to be able to play. The above may be true in a very narrow technical description, but has little to do with reality. Technically infinity can be played with 0 books and a starter box, but I would never tell a new player that, because the reality is a bit more nuanced.

    Games Workshop is certainly not the company I would hold up as an example of 'how to do it right'. The fact that they are even still in business is a testament to critical mass, and the power of inertia.
    #246 Pen-dragon, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  7. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Did you just literally post "i don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm gonna call BS on what you just said"?

    And no, GW is not going forward just on inertia, they have been doing lots of things right and they have probably the best gaming miniatures in the market at the moment; but you wouldn't know that and will only give your opinion based on hearsay and old prejudices.
  8. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    The complaint about "needing 5+ books and faqs to be able to play" is a thing that commonly comes from the powergaming side of things. People think that you can't be competitive without running allied soup lists and that you need to have Forge World and the Indexes(which have legacy profiles for things that are no longer in the codices) as well and that you neeeeeeeed to have every other book so that you can know what you're fighting against(again, because from the powergaming side of things "you can't trust your opponent to let you know what a thing does").

    It's an argument that doesn't hold up well to reality from anyone who actually knows what they're talking about.

    Not saying they're an example of 'how to do it right'--simply saying that repeating everything one hears on the internet about them is ridiculous.

    I'll agree that they shouldn't have comments disabled, but GW seems to recognize that they have a bit of an 'all ages' crowd that follows their stuff. Disabling comments lets them keep it that way.

    Not for 40k. And if you want to get technical, you actually can play 40k without ever buying anything but models...provided those models are from a certain timeframe where you get the 'new' style of instructions that have the Power Levels(which are basically less granular points values that include all possible upgrades to a squad).

    Problem is that due to the competitive players and insistence on using things like ITC rules and the like, it becomes unfeasible as they insist on points since points see updates via Chapter Approved but Power Levels don't.
  9. Pen-dragon

    Pen-dragon Deva

    Mar 6, 2018
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    No, I didn't literally post that. I don't need to follow the GW scene closely to spot the misleading hyperbole. If I smell a dead skunk across the street, I don't need to go poke it with a stick to see if it is dead.

    GW has been doing some things right, now, and they are seeing some business growth, now. GW did many things wrong, for a long time. My opinion is that the only reason that GW survived long enough to start doing things right, is because of critical mass and inertia.

    I have some old GW miniatures, and I have looked at the rules for their latest edition. I could technically play without spending a dollar. It is still a frightful mess and not worth my time. I demand more out of my miniature games. You could technically play 40k without ever buying anything more than the models, just like I could play with my infinity miniatures by setting them up on the table and going 'pew pew'. But I think saying that is a little disingenuous. (and who am I kidding, I totally set up my miniatures and go 'pew pew')

    As to GW being the best gaming miniatures in the market at the moment, I have to strenuously disagree. They have good technical production abilities, but I find them to be artistically shallow. However aesthetics is all down to personal opinion, and there is not much point arguing it. Not to mention the bizarre pricing that is all over the spectrum. No I do not think GW are the best miniatures in the market.
    #249 Pen-dragon, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
    inane.imp and Balewolf like this.
  10. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    you could technically play 40k without even buying models.... this is always been a weak argument because there is a great divide what people have to buy, and what they end up buying
  11. kepkeilen

    kepkeilen Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    Right now CB would have to do so if they had one-third the name recognition of GW. CB only has a comparatively much much smaller, much more hardcore and loyal fanbase. Their base can't become as hostile as GW's and they know it. Also Infinity fans on the net themselves and this forum as a whole also have a less than stellar reputation.

    But is the whole point of this conversation or rather the whole thread is the biggest player in the market is evil so its okay as long as you are a relatively smaller evil?
  12. Wombat85

    Wombat85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Im yet to see a CB anything tatoo on anyone, no shortage of GW ones out there, hardcore is not the right word here.

    Pretty much. I dumped GW when they shat on me (Squats), I dumped Battlefront when they started to shit on me (Dont ask), and for now I am still playing Infinity becuase my local meta is awsome, but I am hoping to see some changes next year at CB and if not then I will walk away from this game to.
  13. Cartographer

    Cartographer Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Then you really haven't been checking out the Interplanetary photos from the past 3 years...
    @gamma ray @WarHound (I don't know the tags of any of the others).


    Found in literally 10 seconds of browsing
  14. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Sry, you are right, now I remember. Wasn't the promise with the 8th edition, that you don't need codices. Everybody bought the (don't know the name) and after 2-3 months the released a real codex for SM?
    Please tell me, if I'm wrong, it didn't care me at these time.
  15. Wombat85

    Wombat85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Thats at the world championship, I would expect that. I am talking people who dont even play getting them becuase the designs are cool level of crazy commitment to the universe.
  16. Balewolf

    Balewolf It's all opinion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Yeah, it started with a relative simplification and "balance" (apart from cheeselord flyer/character shield builds) with the indexs. Then they started rolling out the codexs, which of course have the standard power creep associated with GW. Chapter Approved was then released to introduce new balancing tools, missions, rules and points costs. That isn't including all of the FAQs that address the rulebook, individual indexs, individual codexs or Chapter Approved. Then you have things like the Space Wolf codex where they forgot to put a whole section in it, so they got to download and print that part off the internet. To be fair, GW never stated that you wouldn't need to buy the codexs, they just stated that everyone would be starting with the indexs at first.
  17. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    id get an infinity tattoo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Balewolf

    Balewolf It's all opinion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I was really hoping that Outrage would have some good tattoo design inspiration, but it unfortunately didn't. Probably going to go with hexes or some range band rings, lol. None of the Infinity logos really grab me as much as the 40k ones do, but then again, I've been looking at the 40k ones for the past 16 years...
  19. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Can't you remember the statement of kepkeilen you quoted?
    Then you wrote the following
    And now explain me please, what your last post has to do with the statement you had a problem with. He said nothing else.
    WH40k is the bigger brand and has arrived in the pop culture, no doubt.
    So why are you till arguing with wrong statements who have nothing to do with it?
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  20. DarkBlack

    DarkBlack Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2018
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    As far as I understand it's more like taking it off life support. People who actually like the sectorials probably have the mini's and can still use them. Others seem to be getting upset that a door they've ignored for several years is being closed.
    #260 DarkBlack, Sep 21, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2018
    Bohrdog, invalideffort, sarf and 3 others like this.
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