Where do I go from Nomads?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by vyrl21, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. vyrl21

    vyrl21 New Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Hello all! So I don't get to play Infinity as much as I would like, and I am a relatively new hobbyist who is beginning to grow tired of painting Nomads ad nauseam... Don't get me wrong, I love these guys... But as I am trying to grow my skill in the hobby aspects of... our... hobby... I find myself wanting a 2nd, more different army to paint, play pretend soldiers with.

    The problem I am having is that it seems that the Nomads are positioned in quite the middle of the spectrum when it comes to varying aspects of the game. As a new player it seems we fall kind of in the middle of the WIP vs BS scale, as well as the middle of the points cost scale.

    On to my point, if you, Mr. or Mrs. experienced Infinity player were asked to recommend to me a 2nd army that played drastically different to the Nomads (I play primarily vanilla) what army would that be and why? Bonus points if I get to paint aliens :)
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Since I'm not totally clear on what are tired of, I'll give you several PoV:

    Playstile: Nomads usually go for cheap specialists spam, remotes+hacking combo, or bothering roadblocks. If you want something different, I'd suggest CE (Onyx, Generic or Morat), or Aleph (for a different, yet not entirely, playstyle).

    Painting style: what are you tired of? Painting armor, cloth, or in-between? If you want to paint cloth, Haqquislam and Ariadna are good choices, if you prefer form-fitting "bodysuits", Aleph (and specially the Greeks) is one of the best options, and while shasvastii go in the same direction they are due for a resculpt for 2018-2019 (with the new book, which will renovate the sectorial and give one more for the other factions).
    If you want to play armor, then either Yu Jing (specially Imperial Service, or the Japanese if you prefer the samurai armor style), PanOceania (Military ordes, specially. Juana + Hospitalers, Santiagos, and Magisters tend to go together in the box), or Morat (they are heavily armored, even if the profile lists them as light infantry).
    The kings of the medium infantry are the Nomads, so I'll leave them aside.
    The Tohaa are something by themselves, since most of them are the symbiont covered on parts of armor.
    Finally, if you want to paint robots, I'd go to the Combined Army, with the Unidrons, TAGS and Aspects. While Aleph has some robots aswell, I'd bet those will be resculpted soon (since the Garuda and Dakinis use the same basic chassis, and the Garuda have been resculpted).
  3. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Painting-wise, Haqqislam and Yu-Jing probably has the most similar to Nomads. Otherwise they all have similar features to the diverse Vanilla Nomads. If you want something very different you can go for a more gimmicky sectorial like Steel Phalanx, Military Orders, Japanese, or Caledonians.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  4. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Don't forget us Tohaas we are awesome also alien so different compared to the human nomads ;)
    And we play more like a sector than a vanilla army, I am playing mainly Tohaa and now taking up nomads to try some other stuff (hacking! TAGs that are worth to use!)
    Cothel likes this.
  5. freefall357

    freefall357 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I am going to second the Tohaa.
    Nomads are middle of the road on stats, but are masters of the soft kill and board control.
    Tohaa dont really do dirty tricks, they are rock solid and tend to favor bully gameplay. There are others that might be better and farther from Nomad style, like Steel Failanx, but they are incredibly boring to play against. Tohaa give you that bully feel with more interesting options, assuming you dont just net-list them and find fun mixes of units. Rasail Lt + KaeltarCoC is kinda funny. Gao-Tarsos can hotdrop and survive to pile up some bodies, hell, the Sukeul is a BS13 Mimetisim unit that can threaten TAGs with it's K1 loadouts. Even their "Remotes" are just normal S2 dudes with AVA4...that 10pt baggage bot is now a sensor/heavy flamethrower that can go prone on a building and contest zones well above it's actual cost. You can even get a little S1 pet Kaauri to help protect your deployment from sneaky bastards with it's BioVisor2, MSV1, and SS2.
  6. SuperD

    SuperD Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    In terms of painting, I find PanO to be very similar to nomads with their webbing and armor plating or REM design. Maybe Tohaa or Ariadna are better in that regards.

    In terms of gameplay, Ariadna have lots of similarities to Nomads with camo, smoke and warbands so maybe Tohaa is the way to go!
  7. theresponsibleone

    theresponsibleone Active Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    If you're looking for something different, have you considered the new Druze Sectorial?
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  8. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    I play vanilla Aleph as a second army and I've really enjoyed it. Coming from Nomads, it feels fun to play an army that keeps some of our forward deployment options while getting to play with units that have stronger stats in general. Playing with a Proxy Mk II is like having a spektr with cheat codes.
  9. Lothair

    Lothair Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I own 95% of the nomad line and decided to get Tohaa. I've regretted it. Then I chose USAriadna - regretted it as well.

    If I had an option of choosing a secondary force again I would go for Yu Jing because of lore reasons and a different playstyle.

    Either choose the 2nd army because of the models or because of lore. That's what I recommend.
    WolfofWinter, Golem2God and osoi like this.
  10. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    If this means anything. I started with Yu Jing. Then went to Nomads. As i felt that they had a different playstyle. Of course this was back in N2 when Yu Jing was just a weaker Pan'O clone.
  11. LunarSol

    LunarSol Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Rather than jumping into a different faction entirely, perhaps you'd like to try out some different lists as a side/hobby project? Something like the JSA all the bikes list or a legion of MO knights? I'm a terrible faction hopper, and what I find is that once you flesh out a second faction, it loses a lot of what made it unique and worth jumping to. I find that if you just paint a list focused on the wildly different style, it keeps your side project to something that ends up being truly different.
    reaper1714 and Golem2God like this.
  12. Zakalwe

    Zakalwe Bomber Harris, Do It Again!

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Have you had a look at the Qapu Khalqi sectorial, a sub-faction of Haqqislam? That sectorial makes use of a number of Nomads units, and can field four Alguaciles, a Mobile Brigada, and an Iguana, meaning you can still use many of the units most Nomad players have lying around as a base for a new army. However, playwise it also offers something unique in the ability to take a handful of cheap Airbourne Deployment units, the Yuan Yuan and the Bashi Bazouks, which Nomads can't really do at all. Qapu Khalqi also has units with Holoprojector Level 2, which is a piece of equipment Nomads lack entirely.
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Be warned about QK, however. Most of the time, the only Nomad troop you will see is the Iguana, because once you have enough Haqq models they perform better than the non-linkable Corregidors :S (10 pst Alguaciles are the cheapest non-rem cheerleaders, though). Well, and you can use Nomad models for the S3 and S4 remotes XD
  14. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Brigada are fine but it's almost a coin toss which you choose. Putting them in with the similar Jannisary was pretty much just for fluff. At least the Hacker has a niche now.
    I do save the few points from an Alguacil now and again.

    Give them Hellcats or something and they would get used all the time.
    xagroth likes this.
  15. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    In the Wotan Blockade campaign, a friend and I had an idea for a game where I'd use QK with a Mobile Brigada LT, but count in the campaign as Nomads, and he'd use Imperial Secret Service but count in the campaign as CA. Fluff-wise, a Sepsitorised Crane Imperial Agent using ISS resources for a secret CA mission being stopped by a Nomad special operation where a single Mobile Brigada hired a group of mercs as reinforcements.

    I like that you can do cool fluff stuff like that. Hope that unaligned armies keep up with that sort of thing. Also I'm hoping that Tunguska has one or two mercenary or other faction troops. Be cool if they had an AVA 1 Ninja or something, to represent hiring a Shinobi Clan Ninja for a mission!
    xagroth, Golem2God and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  16. Raghart

    Raghart Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    In the situation you described, i would go for the Combined Army.
    There you have great variety choice and several greatly alien designs to choose and experiment.

    From the new Onyx style, yo the bizarre Shasvaasti and the hairy and armored Morat.
    And even more: worm doctor, Renegade tohaa, umbra....
  17. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I'm going to nitpick, here, but QK don't have Holo2 nevermind, I'm dumb. They do, however, have a Holo1 unit that is pretty important for their list building.
    #17 Barrogh, Feb 5, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
    Golem2God likes this.
  18. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Actually, they do - Bashi Bazouks have Holo2
    Golem2God, Barrogh and xagroth like this.
  19. Zakalwe

    Zakalwe Bomber Harris, Do It Again!

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Yeah, Bashis are fairly easy to miss as they're overshadowed by Yuan Yuans in the AD role, but they're my favourite unit in the sectorial. SMGs are excellent in Suppression already, Holo2 just makes them so much better because you can set them up in line of sight of your opponent using the free Holo2 reactivation. You can choose to AD them, or you can set them up at the start of the game in Holo1 like you would a Hafza. It's something that's fairly unique to the faction.
    T. Rex Pushups and Barrogh like this.
  20. Romulas

    Romulas Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Humm.. Well if your tired of painting humans in various peices of armour... 2 suggestions:

    Take a good look at the alien forces, if friends own them pick the models up and see if they catch your attention. Would they be fun for you to paint? Can you handle a little net agro & over zealous punning?

    Play style. This is what may turn you against your new force, or draw you completely in. Tohaa's main gimmick is the Swiss Army knife of the triads. Morats just don't care :). Not sure on onyx, shasvasti, or vanella EI, but do face down an avatar every other Wednesday....

    I'm returning to nomads after playing tohaa for a year. I was a relatively new player and managed to win the army box in a draw, painted 'em up and started the head warp. It took time to figure them out and see what I could do. (Was also the first actively playing them in my area so had to plow ahead with some advice from folks on the net). But I will admit I didn't have to force myself to paint, the hard part was playing them. after six months of steady weekly games I started winning a few.

    Would have to also second this comment by Lothair. All in all it is your hobby time, do what you need to do to enjoy it :)
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