Patches don't really go away after awhile. ITS changes last for the season--sometimes they continue, sometimes they get rolled back. That's IMO at least.
*Angry Machine intensifies* It being valid for ITS arguably makes it valid for the game as a whole without being a house rule, with the caveat as mentioned by @kanluwen above that the ITS rules can sometimes go away. It also doesn't take away from the other uses of a Grenzer team in the context of the original message.
I play both ITS/tournament games and Friendly/non-ITS games using the current season special rules. Why don't you use them in non-its games ?
I'd be absolutely fine with doing so, but you and your opponent do have to be on the same page before the game, and not everybody is always even aware of a game's official tournament system. If I rocked up to a friendly game at club night and my opponent suddenly pulled a pdf for a game variant with new rules that he'd built a force to take advantage off then I'd feel a bit put off. Maybe the ITS changes should be reflected in Army 6 during the season? That would lend them an air of officiality, and if they became permanent then, well, they are on there already.
I can certainly see where that'd cause problems with pickup games, luckily the Infinity scene here is a bit tighter knit, so everyone uses the latest ITS for the scenarios we play, and so we use the rules. Though I imagine that if CB was willing to take a look at old profiles for the update Boistra was talking about, and if the response is good for some of the blanket rules like the changes to MI and TAGS, I could see it bleeding into the profiles as a whole. Is it just me that thinks that these changes in ITS10 are a patch or a bandaid to see what sticks?
So helots... Irregular, frenzy? Move 4-2 since they're not used to solid ground (at least not as somebody born on it) CC 13? BS 12 WIP 13 since they seem to be more wise than a typical panoceania Arm 2? Bts 0 since open foots and everything Skills: acquatic terrain (lol), maybe mimetism?
Regular, frenzy MOV 4-4 CC14 BS11 WIP 13 ARM 1 BTS 3 Limited Camo, Mimetism, infiltration (or FD2), aqua terrain
I'm really torn on Varuna. I love what I see of the models, but I play so infrequently that I don't think I can justify another faction. And with Yu Jing as my primary faction, I'll have plenty to paint for IA when they come in the near future.
November and December have sometimes had more boxed sets than others. Personally, I'm speculating: Spoiler Securitate+Grenzer box Kurgat Autocannon Beyond Coldfront Varuna starter Of course it depends on how they're counting the releases. If Beyond Coldfront is counting as two releases rather than one, then that puts it at a full month.
If you're right, and I hope you are, that's quite the release schedule! 13 different troop types across 17 minis!
It was stated a few times the goal was for it to be a November release--which means it technically would be a December release, since it would be out then.
If I remember correctly (what I'm not sure about) it was said around November. I didn't taken it for written in stone. But I could be wrong and you could be right.
Releases generally come out around the end of the month, so a November release that comes out on the 28th might not get to some customers until early December, even though it was still technically a November release.