At a glance; Tunguska got a special Stempler Zond that's got Super-Jump because it can link with troopers that can Super-Jump while the Seraph did not get this treatment when it got Super-Jump.
To be fair, a disposable model with a heavy flamer gets a LOT more out of super jump than a model with a combi rifle. Being able to jump the Aux bots over obstacles to lay down heavy flamers might be a bit of a chore to balance.
I am honestly confused by this. Are you saying that the Nomads get the best of everything, yet at the same time they don't get the things you want to play? I mean, I am with you, there are other faction playstyles that interest me more. That is why I play those factions. But I don't then complain that my faction isn't Nomads. And proof the Nomads don't get the best of everything! Apparently they don't get the best lore!
And dedicated 2 pages of rules for Zondacaut to make it work (not to mention that traveling as single unit with smoke is MUCH BETTER than duo of Seraph+Auxbot as it makes it much much more resiliant to all kinds of ML, templates, mines shots etc.).
You are completely missing my stance, and I suspect stance of most people that argue this point. Nomads don't necessarily get the BEST profiles out there. But what they do get is most interesting and/or least wasteful profiles. The rest of us keep getting minimal changes and cosmetic profiles, lack (or minimal) synergies, etc. It's not about the best, it's about what it is. It's written well, but I cannot play a faction that espouses those values.
So they don't have the best values? I mean I get that the Nomads have some nice toys, but I don't necessarily feel like they are the most interesting, and least wasteful. But if someone does feel like they are the most interesting/least wasteful, why aren't they playing Nomads then? Values? I think for my own sanity I will see myself out of this discussion for the time being.
What he means is the latest round of nomad releases are the most optimized profiles cb has ever done. So much so that nomads now have the most synergistic optimized sectoral in the game.
I agree that Nomads are the player character faction (anything is possible and the limitations are there to create excitment, rather than coherent design), but that point about the zondbike did need an explanation :) @Pen-dragon there's a lot not to like about Nomads and even IF there were a power curve issue, please be aware that people are attracted to the under-dogs as well.
I can't speak for others, but for myself - yes. I actually bought some Nomad models back long ago when I started Infinity because I liked their playstyle options and models looked cool. However, once my N3 rulebook arrived and I read up more on their lore, I promptly sold them off. It's all fine that other people like playing with them, but it is not for myself. If I was choosing faction for their gameplay potential, I would go: vanilla Ariadna, followed by vanilla Nomads.
Seriously ? I play Nomads, Aleph and Ariadna and I don't feel lacking in very interesting/not wasteful profile in any of the 3 army
"Continuing with our politics of rotation of products and control of stock , we inform you that in the mouth of November we will proceed with the removal of the products of the shock army of Acontecimento which belong to Panoceania , this will concise with the release of Varuna , Acontecimento Will still be valid to play in its and available on the army , along with new profiles on the 15 of October" I saw this on the Mayacast FB group, and it's been verified by several stores/distributor employees.