Ok, that one I haven't realized exists. But it's still a difference if you have to spent 53 points or 27 points. You could field 2 Tankhunter for this costs. That's more falue than one Daofei.
I would still probably take the one Daofei. It has infiltration, better BS, some actual BTS, and I would rather invest my SWC in something that doesn't die to one nanopulser. Tankhunters are great, but the Daofei has already paid for the efficiency difference with infiltration.
I prefer the Tank Hunter over the Spetsnazs. But this is due to the guys i play with. I also like the Tank Hunter more because Spetsnazs tend to die too quick.
I don't choose and often play with 2 Spetsnaz and 1 Tankhunter. My meta includes a few players who use TAG and Spetsnaz is strugling against them (plus multiple HMG is good when all of them are on 1 W platform and you don't have cube for your doctor). With CoC becoming easier to access with Vassily, the choice may become different as the lieutenant AP HMG Vet Kazak will become a much more interesting AP HMG platform so the choice will become even harder : Vet Kazak lieutenant is 12 points more (+4 to make your Vassily CoC instead of lieutenant) but gain sixth sence lvl 2, a second wound, a better BS, a lieutenant order and less SWC cost. In LI, the vet will be the obvious choice. In standard play, the choice will be hard.
Try using new Strelok. 8-24 with either ap or T2 does the job, I had a blast last few games. Better even than 8-32 ojotnik. FD2 only though.
Yea, but TH would be different enough in a way that is more resilient, has better weapon(B4) and better BS and infiltrate. Ofcourse he would be more expensive.
Oh Boy, you are spoiled :D Spetsnaz shoots nearly as good as a Swiss guard (-3 BS for the opponent for the TO/CH difference), and Swiss is likely the best shot in the game (him and the Cutter, Avatar, Marut). Ariadna is full of dirt cheap overoptimized stuff, with camo everywhere. Bit more on the Swiss comparison. While obviously the Spetsnaz is a lot more fragile than the Swiss, it has ambush camo, and Ariadna has shitloads of camo markers all over the place. So while if you see a TO marker or just nothing, because of HD and 70 points missing in your opponents list, you can guess there's a Swiss (or cutter, or two hexas, or whatever) in your opponents list, while if you see the Camo saturation of Ariadna, while you also know there's a Spetsnaz HMS somewhere (because of course they will take him or two), it's not exactly trivial to tell which Camo token is the Spetsnaz. That would be a tough skirmisher. It is, really. BS15 HMG with Ambush camo (-3BS + surprise shot + marker state and an extra camo token for deployment) for 38 pts and 1.5SWC. In my opinion, ARM is just a myth in this game, mostly because cover gives you ARM3. ARM 1-2 is just cardboard. Strelok is the new Scout. TAK has AVA 5 Forward deployment 2 with so much camo marker it's ridiculous. This isn't a bad idea! Infiltrating Tank hutner is a bit odd, but the idea is not bad.[/QUOTE]
I choose the Tankhunter for their AP ammo; whilst the BS bonus the Spetsnaz has for MMlvl2 means he's better at hitting most things, my meta has been running heavier stuff recently, (mostly due to Limited Insertion), so lowering their armour is always handy. (Once I start running TAK then I'd like to try the unit out as my Lt; a WIP14 camo Lt for 25pts seems a cheap way of getting a very protective Lt). As to whether the TH actually needs to change; well forward deployment 1 has meant I've been using them pretty aggressively recently, mainly so I can set them up on suppression fire in the midfield. PS: Although getting the Spetsnaz on suppression fire has been very entertaining!
It's not like it's mandatory, but I find there are a lot of things for which Ariadna simply does not have an answer or struggles to find one without taking a spetz There are other options that fill similar roles, such as the HMG Blackjack, HMG Vet, and recently the Molotok Ratnik that can function as a brute force gunfighter; Antipode Packs or Pavel that can deal with ODD, etc.
Saving 3 points can be important, especially in Ariadna where that can be half an order. I love the Spetsnaz, but I've cut my second one for a Tankhunter HMG a few times recently because I really needed those points. AP can be valuable against hard targets as well. And while I don't disagree that the CC skills on the Spetsnaz are bloat-y, they've come in useful for me with more frequency than I ever expected. I tend to try to flank my opponent with my Spetsnaz, and being able to stab fools who are very close to me or in smoke or otherwise difficult to get with an HMG has been very valuable.
Sure, if you just ignore marksmanship L2 as you did to make your argument while ignroing facts. Everyone tries to use cover, whereas msv2 will not be useful in all situations. That, and you ignored ambush camo too. Enough whataboutism.
Sentence 2, paragraph 2, Ambush Camouflage and Marksmanship L2 are explicitly cited. The post is not about which is *better* it is about which has less bloat. Read more, anger post less.
Once my opponents find out that the Spetsnaz has MA2 and CC20 I noticed they don't try to CC him as much. Tbh I rather shoot than CC any time, but it's nice to have. Yeah it's bloat but it's not bad. It could be worse, like Assault pistol with a combi-rifle.