@inane.imp From that picture, Piwell is namely listed in the ISC line, thus should be a Character. Moriarty isn't mentioned in the ISC, so he'd be without troop classification like a normal Zondcat, Auxbot, etc.
The PDF is always right unless when it isn't (new Deva Profiles lol). Someone should write Gutier a little program with a simple state machine that keeps track of interactions so we can avoid all the confusion of Army6 vs Wiki vs PDF.
In truth, I think the last communication was from Zoe stating that Army > PDF regarding troops (take with a grain of salt, due to new stuff tending to be buggy as hell). In this case, consider that Moriarty is a G:Synchro remote, while Pi Well provides his own order and is deployed the same way Cordellia is with Scarface (and you cannot deploy one without the other). Also, both have the indication of Character on the top right of their profiles, while other units that are Synchronized (for example, the Devabots or the Auxbots) show an empty space there. So yeah, I'd say both are Characters, and thus this season become Veterans aswell and get Adhesive Launchers on Hunting Party XD
^ is why I asked. I have NFI what the actual answer is nor what it's intended to be. I mean I want Moriarty to be a Character. Because that would be cool. But ultimately you still get a B2 BS13 ADHL Engineer with AD and a helper bot which is *extremely* good in HP.
Thank Heavens that Bit&Kiss are mercs, otherwise we would get "top Decaptiation/Hunting Party" unit ^^
Bit is listed as Character in Onyx, but as Mercenary Troop in Vanilla CA, Morat and Shasvastii sectorials ;)
Bit is always a Character, afaik there is a bug in army mobile that shows Bit in different lists depending what the last troop you had selected beforehand was listed as. Army 6 also doesn't list Bit properly but the ISC says Character, so that's what should apply.
I loaded Bit using Firefox in incognito/private mode, and selected Bit the first troop each time. Now I performed some testing, and not only it's as you said, it also persists between "vanilla/sectorial" selections (if I select Sheskin in Shasvastii, Kiss shows up as character in Shasvastii, and if I change to Morat, she still is a character... until I select anything then Bit again).
Only Kiss would get an ADL due to Bit being a G:Synchronised (like Devabots, Auxbots, etc...). Else... behold Servant remotes assigned to Veteran/Character/Elite Engineers or Medics and turning into 3pts ADL ARO walls... not to mention the AVA: Total on Auxilias on Neoterra (14 points per duo of troop + bot!) XD I think it's better the way "ghost: Synchro troops are just remotes, they won't get the classification their controller does" XD
Helper bots (other than Moriarty, Zondcats and Nasmat A2) have their own entries as Support Troops. Both Zondcats and Nasmat A2s are attached to Spec. Trained Troops. So, Moriarty is a special snowflake. He's the only G: Servant (a type of troop that normally has a Classification) that can possibly get a free ADHL. For Kiss the question becomes do other G:Sync REMs not get the free ADHL because they're actually "Support Troops" (or whatever) or because G:Sync Troopers just don't count for this purpose (for whatever reason). Or do all G:Sync Troopers share the same classification as their controllers? We just don't know. FakeEdit: I just checked and I can't find where it was answered that Devabots and the Guarda's Auxbot don't get ADHLs. All I can find is @Mahtamori saying that they don't. https://forum.corvusbelli.com/index.php?posts/4353/ His argument is that they don't have a designation. I find that no more or less plausible than "they share the same designation as their Controller". Nor do I think it'd be game breaking either way. Carlotta and Moriarty will continue to be good in HP. Bit and Kiss aren't awful at it. Guarda and Devas getting a slight bump is neither here nor there when you look at what other options exist.
@inane.imp my memory tells me we have had an official answer on the topic since then; the unit gets ONE ADHL and you'll have to decide whether it's the Guarda or the Auxbot who gets it. Edit: Nope, that was for an extra called "Hardened in Battle". I don't know if we've had an answer for this, but I guess you now have one more configuration to add to the list of possible answers.