Cover when attacking with no LoS

Discussion in 'Rules' started by Tipzntrix, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Active Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    How does cover work when one side has no LoS? (Ricochet, Marked state) Do you still need to have an adjacent space Blocked or Occupied that would obstruct LoS?

    For example, what about these 2 situations where Defender is either Marked or Attacker has Ricochet on:




    Can the Attacker get cover when defender is Marked? What about if the Attacker is using Ricochet? Marked state, unlike :SL: Range (which has the rule that all cover rules are ignored) doesn't say that your attack is :SL:, it just says that you don't require line of sight.
  2. Damiel

    Damiel Domaru sexytorizado :3

    Feb 21, 2017
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    From the Wiki:

    As Cover is defined by the Line of Sight, if you don't draw it, you have no Cover. Note that it's the same with :SL: Ranges and with "no LoS required".

    -V- and Roadrunner7431 like this.
  3. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Active Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    What about Ricochet, where you are drawing line of sight, but the defender is blocked off?

    Also, by taking that rule at face value it seems like if you get adjacent to a space that would block the line of sight, you should still get cover.
    #3 Tipzntrix, Sep 16, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2018
  4. Roadrunner7431

    Roadrunner7431 Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Ricochet is saying that Occupied Spaces do not block your line of sight. However as you say the defender's line of sight may still be partially blocked. If so then I believe the Attacker gets the benefit of cover but the defender does not. Defender would not inflict :4: in any case but there may be rare instances where the extra :1: rolled on a :): might trigger an Attacker's switch. A possibility is that Bixie's Celestial Wind has a switch where :1::1::1: gives an extra Action Point. Prysm's general switch of :1::3: allows a taunt. I think the only way Mushashi or Murtair could benefit would be in the extremely rare instance of Holographic Sight being played in the same activation as Ricochet since Cover never applies in an Attack between adjacent characters.
  5. Damiel

    Damiel Domaru sexytorizado :3

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Well... Let's see the cases:

    1. Marked: Objectives Marked can't get benefir of Cover. Easy. The opponent of a Marked character, if doesn't draw LoS (Marked character being behind a wall or something else) can't also get Cover, but if it does draw it, apply Cover rules as normal.

    2. Ricochet: if the Target of the attack is partially behind a wall, it applies normally (i.e. gets Cover), if not, it's exposed ando no Cover dice is allowed (bad luck X3). If the attacker is partially behind any blocked or occupied hex, it gets Cover as usual. That's becaus you're drawing LoS, exactly.

    3. Smoke and Kozmo/Bixie attack: As smoke blocks LoS, the Target can't get cover (and can't inflict any wound); however, as the Ricochet case, Kozmo/Bixie can draw LoS, and thus they can get Cover.

  6. Kaloupilé

    Kaloupilé Member

    Apr 1, 2019
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    I disagree about the third situation

    For example:
    an obstacle is between Kozmo and Bachmann, and Both are adjacent to this obstacle.
    Bachmann is in smoke, and Kozmo attack Bachmann.

    Cover's rule:
    "Both the Attacker and the Defender can add one :): to their Combat Rolls if they are Adjacent to a Blocked or Occupied space that is partially obstructing the Enemy's Line of Sight."

    Now Let's see who get cover or not.

    Does Kozmo is adjacent to a blocked or occupied space ? YES
    Does it partially obstructing the Enemy's Line of Sight ? NO, due to smoke Bachmann have a blocked Line of Sight (not partially obstructed)
    So Kozmo have cover ? NO

    Does Bachmann is adjacent to a blocked or occupied space ? YES
    Does it partially obstructing the Enemy's Line of Sight ? YES, Kozmo ignore smoke, his Line of Sight is partially obstructed (not blocked)
    So Bachmann have cover ? YES
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