Oh well, never mind, EXPLOSIONS! Anyway - We know what comes September, and we know what comes October. But there's another month after that, so what mysteries shall we see? ...I mean, the Varuna starter, probably, but what else do we think will explode into our purchase schedules and local game stores like fireworks of fun? Oh and so we don't accidentally have all our gunpowder found all get confused, here's the September and October releases in a picture so no one mistakenly says Aragotos. I'd assume something else Tunguska, since of course the Hollow Men are apparently actually September but left off this list, so possibly the slightly disappointing Securitate box (why no Feuerbach, why a hacker in an army with so many better hackers, why a grenzer in there making us think there's no grenzer swc box grumble grumble grumble... :() i think... but it's not so common that two bigger boxes get released at once so maybe not. Anyway, remember away! ...Speculate, I mean speculate.
Here is my prediction: November - Varuna starter, BEYOND Coldfront, Odalisque spitfire, Kurgat Autocannon, Dakini SWC box December - Line Kazak SWC box, Zulu cobra jammer, Deva Spitfire, Securitate SWC Grenzer box, Yu Jing Invincible army Single blister January - Invicible army starter
Odalisque is a December release. Beyond Coldfront and Varuna have been stated to be November. Kurgat is supposed to be November as well.
My guesses : November - Varuna starter, McMannus blister, Yadu box, Kurgat Autocannon, Beyond coldfront December - Securitate SWC box, Zulu cobra jammer, Deva Spitfire, Frontovik box, Odalisque spitfire January - Line Kazak SWC box, Daikini SWC box, another rescultpted REM box (Pano, YuJing or Nomad), Hellot
Left to Right Securitate: Hacker, Boarding Shotgun Repeater, Grenzer with Combi Rifle+LFT, HMG November has Beyond Coldfront and Varuna Sectorial tentatively hardset. December has the Odalisque.
Well, if you were betting money, you might look at what we most often get and put your money on Jean D’Arc v1 resculpt and Musashi resculpt... just sayimg I never understood their fixation with continually remakimg those minis; is there any explanation?
Many thanks Kan. Don't know how I missed that. I wonder if that means separate MSR & FB blisters or a double at some point.
I suppose it could have been worse, at least we got the shotgun and HMG. Imagine if they stuffed a paramedic in. Wait, I know how to fix this disappointment entirely! You're welcome, everyone!
Bostria was pretty adamant that Beyond Coldfront would be November. It's not in the preorder list for September or October, so I'd hedge bets for then.
Quick plug for my attempted project over on Dakka. I'm trying to make sure I have the most up to date renders and things of that nature, then I'll gradually phase stuff out as it releases. Link to the thread is in my signature.
Surrender, surrender, you wallet in November? I'm betting on the Securitate box. I'm also disappointed by the Grenzer and Hacker over the Feuerbach and MULTI Sniper Rifle.
$5 says that CB packages the Sec Feuerbach & MSR in with two of the other Grenzer profiles. If so, it's an interesting new approach but it fits with their decision to release more mixed links. I would not be shocked, at this point, to see the fourth member of the Dakini SWC box turn out to be a Deva (either the female we've seen, or a third sculpt). I also wouldn't be surprised by a 3x Frontovnik, 1x Vet Kazak box down the road. Or maybe it's just a one-off blip. Guess we'll see.
They included the Grenzer with the Securitate because they knew no one would buy a Grenzer blister. There are bad profiles, worse profles and then Bolt and Grenzer profiles.