This? Are you aware that IJW is one of the main play testers and a CB employee (albeit in another country)? He has access to all the stuff to confirm these things and therefore what he says is as good a proof as you can get. The current profiles document and army both confirm that (bar the one IJW states is a mistake) they shouldn't be in there.
Druze are listed as 'Duo, Haris, Special' in the list of Fireteams for Ikari, so the Haris option is needed.
Potential additional issue with Ikari in Army: Wu Ming are listed as having "fireteam: core." However, if you look at the fire team chart in the most recent "profiles" PDF it only lists "Haris" and "special." This question may have been answered in Ian's pinned post about fireteam composition but after reading through it again, I still believe there is an issue. If we follow the PDF (as we are supposed to) then you cannot take 5 Wu Ming as a core fireteam (which is unfortunate). But in other instances where only a special fireteam: core is available (see e.g. riot girls) the unit does not have "Fireteam: core" listed below their profile.
As listed in JSA, the Kaizoku spec-ops does not list keisotsu as their unit of origin. As such, it would mean that they could not join a fireteam with keisotsu. Is this intentional? They definitely have a keisotsu statline, so I'm guessing that they are meant to have that as their base unit.
Proxies add a second order if you add the 2nd proxy atm. Maybe this is a transinstent bug, just for your information. Asuras add 2 orders as well
Lieutenant level 2 is not considered as a lieutenant by army (when added you still receive an error message sayong there is no lieutenant in the army)
Adding an MSV 2 Spitfire Deva to an OSS list gives 3 orders. (see group 1 in pic) EDIT: This appears whenever I add something to Group 1, not just a Deva Spitfire The Yadu Haris option has a comma in 0.5 instead of a period, which may be the cause of the next problem. Yadu Haris don't add to the amount of spent swc. (see group 2 in pic)
Anyone else seeing a weird bug where it says, for example, "twenty one" instead of 21pts for a Dakini etc?
Kaizoku appear to be a distinct trooper and actually have their own entry in the Fireteam chart: They count as Keisotsu for Fireteam purposes.
Ah, thanks. I double checked the Brawler one and it actually says "brawler spec-ops" as the base unit as well. I guess the merc ones are just handled a bit differently.
I don't know if these were already said or not, but for OSS: - Posthumans give a order per body and each Proxy takes up a troop slot for Combat group - Yadu and Dakini have Fireteam: Core but not on ARMY - On the unit icons Ajuna unit name comes up in Spanish. - Yadu (Suboficial) should be NCO...I think
Lamekh (OSS 8 pts bot with Flash Pulse and Repeater) is apparently missing Mimetism skill. Samekh (Guided ML OSS REM) is apparently missing G:RemotePresence and "FTO version" is possibly wrongly priced/missing equipment.
There is a problem with opening links in Army, generated from "Export list to forums" and from "Open in Army" in pdf version of a list. Javascript console returns something like that: A6_compilado.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nombre' of undefined Example: Open in Infinity Army Links from other armies than Tunguska seems to be ok... Hope it helps ;)
Strelok has no classification (veteran, elite...). His classification shows the classification of the previous unit you clicked on When applying the classification filter, non of them shows the strelok
The app is up and running with the new sectorials, but in TAK many of the profiles show up as blank or missing gear. This bug appears to manifest on the new troops as follows: Frontoviks (name fields blank) Col. Yevgueni Voronin (new profiles name fields blank) Vassily Plushenko (name fields blank) Pavel Aleksei McManus (gear blank) Carmen Johns (gear blank) Traktor Mul Kuryer (gear blank)
I have the same problem with vanilla Ariadna on infinity army desktop. Dynamos and Vassily Plushenko's gear is blank. I've tried to refresh, two different browsers (Mozilla and Chrome) and two different PC. I'm almost sure that's a bug of the site.
Problem come from army, not from the computer. I connected on army after deleting temp files/cookie/history and I have the same blank as you