After long last Kazaks are finally here. Let's here everyone's thoughts on em. The site is still a bit janky for me and I'm at work. But I'll talk up some first impressions during lunch. Looking great so far. Mk12 vet kazak eWe so exciting
A Vet Kazak in every Link and a T2 Weapon on every guy, doing it Kazak style xD Frontoviks also seem interesting with their link options, Dynamos look great and a Kazak Doc Resclupt incoming is also interesting, shame he´s not linkable :(
Vet Kazak in every link sounds like most overpowered thing ever. I'm delighted. Also vet kazak is first unmodified human being carrying MK12 right? But I guess that is balanced by the fact that there is no Haris option. I wonder what are those unshowed profile on characters are, especialy on Voronin - mayby finaly something useful? EDIT: NOPE, there is Haris Vet Kazak.
Voronin has a T2 Shotgn (select voronin, show weapons on Unit or List) so I guess non-Lt. and Lt. Option. filtering for any interesting Skill brought up no result (like CoC only shows Tankhunters and Vassily) EDIT: should´ve filtered for Sensor ^^
There's still a lot of bugs, including link options, so let's wait a moment with final evaluation. One thing that really disappointed me are the Kuryers. They're just somewhat upgraded versions of old Traktors (will render older version obsolete). They could've been something much more interesting.
I stand by my initial statements of it basically being USARF +1. Also, what in the world? A Vet Kazak(Duo) profile with Mark 12.
Well. Whenever I get more money together TAK looks fun. If only to use a bad russian accent while my idiotically good Vet Kazak fireteam marches down the field....Shou..should I really *be* that cruel to people?
And I was just getting into my USARF. I mean we got nothing really that different. The Vet Kazak in any fireteams is nice. But Pavel is a cheaper not NWI Unknown Ranger. Frontoviks is Marauders. All we are missing is a character that can come in from the opponents side of the board. And then we can take every piece of flavor away from USA.
Well, tbh I don't see point of them, shitty range, basically just 8-16, BS11, Ofcourse you will take uragan for 21 pts 1 SWC, because B1 Katyusha ain't really exciting or threatening to anyone. Add on top of it cost of engineer for 14pts...yea, I don't see myself ever taking them. Minelayer is nice, but that's only thing I find fun on it, though being in your own DZ not that usefull.
So word on the street is that Bostria said Kuryers will have different weapons. Current setup might be a bug.
Looks like Voronin as base Lt and Vassily as ARO/CoC. + Spetsnaz HMG + TH autocanon are going to be my base lists...
Vet kazak HMG, frontovnik HRL, 2-3 kazaks(some FO/medikit)/voronin with T2 BSG...nice "cheap" link 100-110pts, brutal at almost all ranges.
I think we can count disappointed people on the fingers of one head ;) Yup. They'll be able to claim cover after dismounting. We've got dragoons in Infinity now. And they have Duo.
Well, at least i feel that the Dynamo isn't as good as "our" bikes... thats at least something, right? ^^ Edit: Missed that they can claim cover... still, i find them a bit expensive beside the 1SWC Molotok. I Want it to.