I wouldnt claim a jumper lvl2. I would find interesting to get other posthuman with new proxys and shared availability with the current one. Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 4 mediante Tapatalk
Why leave CC out of OSS? A Ninjas-like profile I think would be nice for the OSS. Silent and deadly assassins fits the MO. It's when you arbitrarily bump the CC stat and give some irrelevant CC skill to a profile that will never use it is when there is an issue...
Honest question: is the Arjuna a freaking joke? What does it have in common with an archer? Also, does Bostria speak the same language than the rest of players? Because I don't see Yadus having "super flexible fireteam options", specially not after that "everybody and their dog counts as a Securitate" shit they pulled off (edit: Vet Kazaks can join EVERY TAK fireteam, but Yadu are "flexible"?) On the other hand, 19 points KHD Apsaras and KHD Devas linkable with Asura
I think the deva is AHD... with Lightning, however. I feel dissapointed about the linkability, there is a shortage of explanations (the Arjunas have a bot... but what kind?). Andromeda being Superior Infiltration looks like "hey, let's gift this troop to the enemy" in a non-camo troop... And the Apsaras are a better, cheaper Zero KHD without camo for Vanilla, since the Jumper LZ demands a fireteam as a target. Well... Better than expected, but not by as much as I'd like. Still, no smoke and Marut at the same price means I pass on fielding a Marut with this Sectorial.
There you go Am i the only one thinking OSS just gor released so CB could release TAK? I mean, TAK feels much more thought out and is like ten times more powerful
It's KHD. Try Control+F5 However, notice the price difference KHD <> HD (also account 1 point for Boarding Shotgun vs Combi Rifle), and then compare to Interventors. Refresh. Bot is right below Arjuna. Yup. Although it can work if you're going first. Yup. But most importantly, Asura HD + Lt.L2 ==
...I can't help but notice that a good number of fireteam options listed in the Nova panel aren't here. For one, Sophotects are supposed to be able to form a special fireteam of some kind and Yadu are supposed to be core? Mistakes or have they changed their minds at the last minute?
There's a number of bugs in both armies, give them some time to sort it out. Also, OSS less powerful than TAK? Really? I don't think so.
In Spanish it lists AHD :p Having a Strategos L1 non-Lt non-linkable troop feels kinda like that XDDDD Not having smoke, yet having the only TAG in the game able to see through it seems like Aleph was sabotaged, incidentally.
Extra Lt Order. Jumper: Z is pretty much what everyone thought it was, by the way, except it doesn't stack with supportware.
Lol Asura gonna be fun. Where are the new skills? Can't seem to tap in the names Edit: nm, found the PDF