I really like old Spektr hacker and I`m glad I`ve just painted one. Spektr MSR is good enough, especially if you lean his butt on some terrain.
I agree about the Hacker--I picked one up not too long ago to add to my Tunguska-yet-to-come stash. I like the sculpt, and she actually works pretty well with the new fellas, the differences in scale and uniform can be attributed to her sex. Anyway, I'm glad I got it in a single though, because I want nothing to do with that circus sniper.
Well I am using the Combi as Hacker when needed at the moment - I eill convert a model to a sniper if they will release sniper/hacker in the repack. When can we expect more infos for releases?
I already wanted this box of Hospitallers, but it's at the top of my to buy list now. Really solid. Even with the terrain, the sculpts are so impressive that it draws your eye away from the repetition. Each pose is 10/10 for me. This is one of my favourite releases ever. Can I say some more nice words , or will this suffice? Edit: Upon watching the video a few more times, I have to admit to myself that the rocks are irritating and I can see people being annoyed by that. But, it serves the greater good by making the knights appear taller, more imposing, and epic as shit. Who left all these god damn rocks lying around my spaceship?!
Photos: I love that box. Looks great, will be very useful. Also, makes me wonder about possible future MO starter resculpt. Sepulchre, Father-Knight, Crusader, 3x OS?
Those Knights are amazing, makes me excited to run the Pain Train! Really hope a De Fersen resculpt is on the horizon.
And the Svalarheim sectorial just got even cooler. Who would have thought it possible. However, it's a bit chilling to see a medi-pistol in the hands of a Pan-O unit.
It's NOT a "medi-pistol" - in the case of the space k'niggits, it's "the lord's grace"; a 9mm aspirin dispenser.
I'd call it "the Lord's Mercy"... And maybe paint that medkit-toting Hospitaler in white to reinforce the reference XD
Actually I'm disapointed with how Doctor looks like. For such important good mini it really should have something going for it ;/ (instead of generic "healing gun" pose) Actually thats really interesting. I like old model but I'm very curious how would they make a new one...
Wow, are they fighting or training a Step or something similar :D Can you get more tactical rocks? :D Even my Yasbir isn't sure he can :P PozdRawiam / Greetings P.S. For all tactical rocks haters - buy something like this: or make something like this yourself ;)