Hello. :) Al-Djabel is one of my favorite Infinity model. -- This is still the only fan art of Infinity in my gallery. If you like to check out my galleries it's https://www.artstation.com/jinwoopark, https://taonavi.deviantart.com/ Thank you
Again, gorgeous work there Jinwoo. I was impressed after your first picture but this is just blowing me away. I am going to watch this thread and see if you give this level of awesome to some of the characters or units I really love.
Really great art! This inspired me to such a scene in the next conversion [emoji6] Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
All of this is stunning and masterfully executed. . . The "Colour Style" reminds Me quite of a lot of Asian-made recent illustrations in Warhammer 40.000 related Books and Manuals (especially the ones of the recently defunct R.P.G. line, no more owned by Games Workshop but acquired, controlled and, sadly, left to die by Fantasy Flight Games). . . Is a desired kind of chosen style, or just a "Convergence of Mix between Eastern and Western styles of colouring". . . . .???