Im new to infinity as a whole and nomads really clicked with me as a faction I wanted to ask what you guys think would be a good simple starting list for someone thats completely new to the game and just getting started.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Infinity! The short answer is: Get what you think is coolest The long answer is: Infinity is a very intricate game where your list will be very mission-dependent. As a general rule though you are going to want to max out your SWC with weapons that have a variety of threat ranges and include at least a couple of specialists for taking objectives. When it comes to Nomads there is a good spread of both those things so you definitely picked an open faction to start! The jurisdictional command boxes are a good base to build your army off of (Except for the 300pt corregidor box, it's okay but not a good starting point). You might want to find a buddy to split the Operation: Icestorm and Beyond Icestorm sets, since they have a lot of great stuff that you will use frequently. From there you can start thinking more about what you want to cover more. Want more infiltrating specialists? Zeros, Bandits, Spektrs, Hecklers etc. Want more firepower? Intruders, SWAST, Hollow Men, etc. Want to focus on one faction? Get some SWC boxes for their main fireteams And feel free to ask questions, both here and on the FB groups, someone is bound to offer a hand! Enjoy!
For the first games, grap the Nomad starter box or the Operation Icestorm two player starter. You will be overwhelmed by the rules the first games, that's normal. Then you can think about the Beyond Icestorm box and from this point you should know enough about your faction to grep what you like. If you are completely in the game, I recommend these units as basics for different list CH: CAMOUFLAGE infiltrating Units (Zero, Bandits) Hacker (Interventor) Intruder HMG + Smoke (Jaguar or Morlock) Moran
Nomads have few great starting points nowadays icestorm if you can't decide on a sectorial or you are leaning towards Corregidor or you can pick up the Bakunin or Tunguska starters if you feel like playing one of those factions. you will want to start with a few 150 pts games until you learn the rules for Bakunin simply add doctari to the starter set and it will get you to 150 points or adding a jaguar to a icestorm set will get you to 150. I have to say stay away from the corregidor starter the wildcats suck id you intend to co for corregidor aguaciles are your core cheerleaders. as for Tunguska up get 152 points out of their starter box and arguably the most badass starter set up to date.
Wildcats aren't bad to start with getting the extra stats and DTW helps your units defend themselves during the skill level where you don't know how to position your guys defensively. However since you can only use two of the three that it comes with I would still not recommend the Corregidor starter unless you want to play Corregidor.
wildcats and bolts are bad for their points the models look good, and like a bad tag you can make them work, but they are not worth the effort in most cases.
Wildcats can be a treat to use defensively, with a HRL in a haris they can be scary They are also much better now with forward deployment, a good way to get D-Charges upfield with a spitfire
Right because a sensible nomads player would waste 1.5 swc on a wildcat when they can get extra intruder and make someone's day even worse, not to mention Lupe and friends link is much faster and harder hitting not to mention it can accomplish more objectives for fewer points.
What sensible player brings BS11 Alguaciles when you can have Jaguars fuelling a BS13 link that starts closer to the objectives, is bristling with DTWs, and can complete a much larger number of classifieds. Why spend 1.5SWC on an Intruder when you can get a BS16 Burst 5 Spitfire? Oh wait, different units have different strengths and what's good and bad often varies by player and play style.
right you make a great point bs 16 damage 14 is great but msv2 + smoke + damage 15 unanswered somehow seems better to me. we are supposed to give advice to a new player with what to start not argue if some player could make wildcats work but you are too damn focused on arguing over helping, and yes I will stand by aquaciles are better than wildcats even with the advanced deployment which is sweet and apply to intruders as well. and yes the corregidor starter blows the models look great but it is not a beginner friendly starter pack.
If you can get another dude to share it with, Operation Icestorm MIGHT be a good starting point. Otherwise... Tunguska OR Bakunin Starter (tunguska is more Elite, Bakunin has more variety) Zeros Blister Intruder HMG Blister Support pack Zond remotes box (you might prefer other S3 remotes, since it seems those are in the pipeline to be resculpted. Aleph's are first, then Haqquislam's). Smoke throwers: either Jaguars (if you grabbed Bakunin's Starter) or Morlocks (if you grabbed Tunguska starter). You will want both boxs eventually, but I try to balance things here in point costs. With this you have more or less interesting things, elite stuff, and cheap stuff. And the S3 remotes let you play a lot with the points value, since they can cost from 8 to 26 points.
I'd make the argument that presenting your subjective opinion of a unit as an objective fact is even less helpful to a new player. Wildcats work for some and not others, they have strengths and weaknesses. If someone likes the models they can definitely use them effectively in Corregidor, but they're not an auto-include pillar of the Sectorial like Intruders and Jaguars.
I'd honestly recommend getting Operation Icestorm as a starting point, split it with a friend that likes PanO. Or at least borrow that stuff from someone as you work through the scenarios to learn the rules. Also, you're going to run into a scary amount of "wait, you can DO that?!?" moments that will likely kick your ass. Please do not get discouraged from losing a lot. Infinity is very different from other games, there's very little net-listing and definitely no 'One List To Rule Them'(tm). The first question to ask in building an army for Infinity is "what mission are we doing"? Once we know what mission we're trying to accomplish, we can get into the 5 rules of thumb (plus an optional rule of thumb) for list building: Orders - You need at least 8 orders in your primary Combat Group at the start of your first turn. This means no more than 2 models starting off-table (Airborne Deployment or Hidden Deployment) in that combat group. You can have more in other groups. Guns - While you should try to spend most of your Support Weapons Cost (SWC), what is more important is to have a lot of weapons with a variety of ranges. You win firefights in Infinity by being in +3 range for your shots while your target is shooting back in -3 range for their shots. The greater variety of ranges you have covered at +3, the harder it is for your opponent to get you in -3 range. Speed - This is more than just MOV stat. You win Infinity by spending the fewest orders to do whatever it is you're trying to do. If you need to get close to something, Deployment abilities reduce the number of orders you will spend getting there. So Airborne Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, Forward Deployment, Infiltration, you name it. Note that it may be better odds if you fall back a bit to get back into your +3 range for some weapons. Or if you can use the HMG back in your deployment zone to take the shot instead of spending 2-3 orders to get someone into position to shoot with a rifle. Specialists - These are the people that can make your other troopers tougher, get them back into the fight, or maybe just do the mission while everyone else blows things up around them. I like keeping at least 3 in a list, and prefer a hacker, doctor, and engineer at a minimum. Forward Observers are also specialists, and they're not as expensive. Plan - This one is important, but it's purely on you. Have a plan for your primary attack piece. Have a plan for your secondary attack piece. Have a plan for when you had bad dice, both your primary and your secondary are down and you need to save what you can. And try to not use that last plan! Theme - This is the optional rule of thumb. Why are those particular models together on the table? As you can probably guess from my forum handle and avatar, I'm a bit of a Ghost in the Shell fan. I tend to make a lot of Ghost in the Shell themed lists, where I pick various models to represent the different characters in the story. But your 'theme' can honestly be as simple as "I like these models". You can have overlap, so a Fast Specialist or a Fast Gun. So, let's build an example. Ghost in the Shell, using Nomads: Nomads ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1 10 Major SPEKTR Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 36) Togusa GRENZER Lieutenant Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 25) Batou MOBILE BRIGADA HMG / Pistol, Knife. (2 | 42) Saito INTRUDER (X-Visor) MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CCW. (1.5 | 43) Pazu JAGUAR Light Shotgun, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 13) Boma WILDCAT Engineer Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 23) Ishikawa INTERVENTOR Hacker (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27) Batou's Tachikoma REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26) Tachikoma STEMPLER ZOND Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 17) Tachikoma STEMPLER ZOND Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 17) GROUP 2 1 Tachikoma plus Aramaki's support SALYUT Hacker (EVO Hacking Device) Electric Pulse. (0.5 | 25) 6 SWC | 294 Points Open in Infinity Army From the top: Orders: 10 regular orders, though The Major can start off the table in Hidden Deployment. Guns: A few more combi rifles than I like, but I do have a shotgun, a couple flamethrowers, two HMGs, and even a Multi Sniper. Decent variety. Speed: The Major can start almost anywhere not in the opponent's deployment zone, and the 'Tachikomas' are all pretty fast. Specialists: I bend my own rules of thumb a bit here. I have 6 specialists. Assault Hacker, Hacker Plus, Evo Hacker, Engineer, and two Forward Observers. But Public Security Section 9 doesn't really have a field medic. Plan: Kinda depends on mission and table. The list itself is biased a little more towards shooting, but does have enough Specialists to be able to do a lot of the button-pushing. Try to use the Tachikomas to draw fire and protect the human troops. Major will probably be on my half of the table, close to an objective. Theme: Should be pretty obvious. That help?
MY first question is "what troop(s) do I want to force in no matter what?" Yeah there's just no way to read and register everything in the game. You don't know what your opponents will be using. You just have to have it happen.
Im thinking of grabbing the Bakunin Starter because riot grrls looked pretty cool to me and if i add a zero hacker that puts that list at exactly 150 pts to get me started at my local lgs what do you think about that?
Sounds like a good start, it's honestly better to focus on learning the game and what your stuff does than getting caught up in list theory.
yeah I was thinking that too I figured this way id have an even 150 points and good range of things to do and learn while playing i was also looking at maybe getting a Daktari dr as well but i dunno yet.
You can always proxy the bunny eared moderator from the Bakunin starter as a Daktari if you want to try it out before buying the support box