With the new rules for MI, Ariadna deployment will be a mess. With the future release (FO strelok, vassily) you will have in vanilla : Superior infiltration limited camo (Uxia2, AVA 1) Infiltrated minelayer (chasseur, AVA 2) Infiltrated ambush camo (hardcase, AVA 2) Infiltrated standard camo (foxtrot, SAS, scout, Uxia 1) Forward deployement 2 ambush camo (strelok, AVA 2) Forward deployement 1 ambush camo (Vassily, AVA 1) Forward deployment 1 standard camo (Tankhunter, AVA 3 ; Scots Guard, AVA 2) Standard deployement ambush camo (Spetsnaz, AVA 2) Standard deployement standard/lmited camo (antipodes) Having to explain who is who and what camo marker use which rule to deploy will be interesting and using/not using deployement rule will make the shell game very interesting
Extreme mode is even more... [THE] Grid I assume ^^ Plus the 16pts basic Myrmidon gets a glue gun (Veteran troop), same as the cheapo Ekdromoi (20 pts chain rifle... gets ADL). However, prefectly fluff-wise, since only Penny, Achilles, Hector and Patroclus were "made that way", all the other characters earned the name the hard way: combat achievements. The old adage was "random tables make random disasters" for a reason. Granted, it was for RPGs, but even so... this season has the potential to be EXTREMELY frustrating due to the classified deck. To be fair, seeing a table with some cool minis on a side a full camo markers on the other was never a way to attract new players... unless they wanted to play with tokens. In which case, there are much cheaper options :S
<players discussion> Can we agree not to interact and try to score any objectives or you agree on 0-0 score and we can go for a dinner?
Nah, you stupid ? It's PanO, give them throwable Sniffer to let them use their mere PH13 instead of meh BS14 ^^
So much salt for the new stuff in Season 10. I find it very fun. More Classified options, Xenotech is a flavorful, fun little extra rule. I have no idea how its an issue. It prevents from coordinating with the trooper being used, but besides that, you could just attach him to a little LI, and move them up when its safe. It doesn't cost points, it doesn't really cost any extra orders, and it fits the story flavor of the season. I feel like folks just dont like change and season specific flavor rules.