Kan's issue is more with the look of the troops, what with the cowboy hats and whatnot. I think they're awesome, but then again I'm not originally from the USA so I might be missing something.
My issue is the look of the troops, the fluff of the troops, and in general the asinine way that USARF was handled with aspects of its fluff.
The name on the new Traktor Mul badge is now settled. It's called "Kuryer", which is Russian for "Courier". Calling it right now, the Kuryer Mobile Artillery Division are Traktor Muls that have a heavy weapon on them that a nearby model can utilize.
Hot damn, an Traktor Mule mini Tank with a Spatsnaz on top firing an Autocannon with Marksmanship 2? That hillariously stupid-awesome :D
Was looking this over earlier, now that clearer picture is up. I'm super thrilled to see Vet Kazaks got Core, Haris and Duo. Gonna be awesome running them. So hype. Even though I dislike bikers in infinity in general. I do acknowledge that both Desperadoes and Mavericks are great units. Desperadoes especially. I actually also rather like their whole cowboy merc thing. And I'm sure that minelayer kazak bikers will probably be good too. Just extremely unwelcome. Also still pretty sure we're gonna be seeing out first real Ariadnan TR bot. autocannon seems unlikely, but would be really fun.
"Cowboy merc" is a wild misconstruing of what the Desperadoes are and what they likely were patterned after.
A mounted weapon would be thematically awesome, but Spets already have HMGs, what could possibly be better? Other than a twin autocannon of course
I mean, it'd be pretty damn amazing having a Traktor Mul that can trundle up and your guys can be like "Oh hey, look! R2Death2 brought me my anti-TAG autocannon! How cute!".
Looks like Kazaks saw Ontos and wanted in. Or, possibly, BMPT :3 Wysłane z mojego Lenovo A6020a40 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Tbh one of the reasons I collect Ariadna is because I've always wanted to collect an Imperial Guards list but couldn't bring myself to paint 5x Chimeras and 80x IDENTICAL Imperial Guardsmen.
So it could be called courier simply because it carries a weapon type. The US Army has a robot that just carries a gun, which is modular to accept a few types. I kind of think a weapons platform like you are describing would be very rules complicated requiring a few new additions. I don't think they would do that for one release.
Chimeras? son transports are for cowards and Guardsmen aren't bad i've got 100+ with three sets of twins(all by accident), whats bad are the new stormtoopers i've got like 20 and the way they're sculpted means they're mostly copy-pastes of each other. but back to the game we all play, if the Kuryer is a more offensive version of the Muls then i'd like to see something like 2 rifles, a molotok, or HMG. I think that an autocannon might be a little much though i would welcome it gladly.