Yeah, there's nothing particularly unusual in those AVAs, except maybe the Asura. Two of a Sectorial's TAG is almost standard, look at the Szalamandra, Raicho, Squalo, Tikbalang, Seraph, O-Yoroi (when it was in YJ), arguably Geckos in Corregidor (AVA4 instead of 2). Two Netrods and 1 Zayin is exactly the same as Steel Phalanx.
Calling it now, Dakini cheap defensive core links are going to be utterly over the top when paired with efficient rules nonsense like Post Humans and Netrods.
I had guessed ava 3 Asura... other than that, yes... because that's what is in steel phalanx as Ian says :P
Yes? Whats surprising about that? Everything gets extra ava in sectorials. Whats interesting are the linked teams. I really want to know what the special links are. Edit: Oops, I'm late in my response. lol
I don’t think the efficacy or power of the sectorial can be fully understood until all of the special fireteams are explained, so I’m not getting my knickers in a twist until then :)
Except the Marut is far more expensive than all of those and still need a lot of support, thus fielding two of them is quite improbable. Especially since as far as i know there won't be smoke thrower. There is no need to field two ultra expensive MSV-2 units.
Not sure why AVA 2 on the Marut is such a big deal to some people, it’s not like it’s taking AVA from anything else so even if you never use it it doesn’t matter. Same with the AVA 4 Asuras.
Actually I'd very much like to try a double Marut list. I think Limited Insertion is doable, but SWC is gonna be tight.
25 pts CoC and Counterintelligence? I would take it in Pano. Not everyone can be a Kaeltar. Just pick up Tohaa like I did. 13pts Eclipse smoke, cheap smoke + MSV2 tricks.
When i saw AVA2 for marut and AVA4 for asuras, i just had the feeling they put the standard sectorial AVA without even thinking about what they were doing. AVA2 for TAGs in a sectorial is a standard, but for Marut it really feels out of place, since we are talking about a 116/120 pts 3 SWC TAG, not your average 80-90 pts 2 SWC. Said TAG needing some support, as every TAG, in an army that has very good choice, but very expensives too. 236 pts 6 SWC, in a 300 pts list it is close to unplayable - you can make a 10 order list with it, but honestly, it just means the TAGs will have no support and will be sitting duck in reactive since they will have nothing to cover them, no zayin (1 SWC), no thorakitai (sectorial) ... with a TAG that is rather poor in reactive for a TAG (no visual mod, average TAG armor) Even in 400 pts, it's a very huge deal to field 2 of them. If the opponent has some airbone AHD or impersonators, you are basically screwed. Same for asuras, even in 400 pts will you really take 4 asuras ? Don't you think there are better ways to spend points ?
So... seeing as AVA is our bone of contention today... Is anyone else interested in the AVA 4 Yudbots? Or more interestingly.. the Special Fireteam for the sophotect, Could she be able to core with Dakinis?
Seeing sophotect with a special fire team has triggered me into actually buying it. Especially as ava 2. Before now the proxy engineer and paramedic dak has been enough since I do not expect to heal anyone with all the dogged/nwi
I'm hyped for this sectorial: defensive dakini core, with a strategos+counterintelligence Lt, dart, posts, and a haris doing work? Should be a lot of fun
We get ava 2 Sophotects - so we can link one and run another with Yudbots :P Also, additional Yudbots for Post-Humans. For when you really need to saturate Doctors/Engineers. Kinda hoping the Sopho links with Dakini - because she won't slow them down like a Deva or Yadu would.