I'm sure they have their uses but they don't beat out so many other things. If I need the Baggage i'd go for the other 2. I'd pay something like 15pts. for it.
I've used them a few times, I can absolutely say I'd definitely take them over the EVO REM 95% of the time, but it depends on if orders are at premium or if points are. If I can spare an order and a command token, then a few Zhanshi on suppression can get a similar job done, but the durability of this bastard of a REM can be surprising.
I'm the opposite from you on that, but that might be because I'm playing Ikari right now. I need that EVO. But it's sucks it doesn't even have a pistol to defend itself. Wouldn't call 2 ARM durable and if you have no Engineer, even less.