So it's your fault... :P HRL, HMG, BS, E/Marat, Drop Bears... looks pretty useful to me. You go hate Yadu all you want, I'll use the shit out of them.
Sorry, I misread what you wrote. I ignored the Yadu part of the sentence and then thought you were saying "CB will provide Devas with useful weapons". XD I promised no more Yadu complaining and I'm keeping to it. XD Mostly.
Something new, yes. Like, Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Cybermines, Stun Grenades, Nimbus Grenades. That sounds about right. Oh, maybe somewhere in sectorial we get Whitenoise grenades! To stack with all our MSV!
I wonder the the Arjuna will have a fueurbach... that seems to be up there with the SMG for everyone getting one. It might be nice having another Long range (reactive) option, since we have either Dakini, Zayin (ava 1) or Marut for long range... Neurocinetics... 2x Fueurbach... ¬_¬ Or you know... smoke...
As stated back in the first pages of posts. Arjuna are some kind of amazing archers - so i read this as either more Dart-style bow skirmishers or the vedic equivalent of Agema with Marksmanship of some variety and long range heavy weapons.
I find the rem fireteam special interesting...especially the Samekh...goes in a Dakini link maybe? Thus providing Dakinis a ML option?
@Nemo No Name , on the assumption that danavas can't link with dakini... but deva can... would this make you happier for the deva HD and see a purpose for it? (along with giving you more ammunition for hating the danavas ;) )
That would be interesting... especially since Daks are core... If you go second - having a ML bot and MSR dak on top of a building as part of a link would be a painful aro duo (paired with a TR bot even more so!) Then on active turn, reform with ground level troops (maybe rudras/hmg dakini/2 para + deva HD?) and advance in a robotic dance of destruction!
Gonna be honest. Even if Devas link with Dakinis and Danavas don't, I'd still rather bring the Danavas. The HD+ is just such an enormous upgrade.
Absolutely not, it was never about linking for me. I'd actually prefer to have the Hacker outside the link. It's about functionality provided. Deva HD regular is overpriced and underpowered. If it was HD+ with upgrade program, then we could talk. Besides, I already said, I'm just gonna ignore Danavas from now on. I just want a good Deva Hacker, and perhaps other good profiles for them. Give me a semi-expensive Deva HD+, maybe with Exile upgrade program and ideally Devabot. Devabot Repeater if I'm being greedy. :)
A Deva with a HD+ and a pitcher would probably make me reconsider. One thing to note, though, is that I don't think Danavas are poorly designed. Danavas are great. I think Devas are poorly designed. Essentially, you take Devas in N3 for their gear - their NWI and such is pretty irrelevant since it's not on a unit that you're banking on as a FtF fighter anyway. People play two Devas: the Spitfire profile for its MSV2, and the HD profile for its WP15. Occasionally you might see a vanilla Deva as a backline Lt in lists that couldn't fit anything else, but this is an edge case. In previous editions that WP15 really meant something when hacking, but now there's so many hacking modifiers available that if you don't have a HD+ or a KHD you may as well roll over and die in hacking contests, and the additionally functionality of the + is just too good to pass up. Theoretically, the Deva is probably meant to be taken as a generalist who can use these tools okay but not great, and can do other stuff as well. The problem here is that Infinity is not kind to that sort of listbuilding. Personally, I never take the MSV2 Deva because it's a waste of expensive equipment on a unit that isn't very good at killing things. I don't take the HD Deva because, again, it's not good enough at non-hacking stuff that I'd ever make use of its bells and whistles - and if I'm not going to make use of this stuff, why have it? If I'm not going to use that NWI and BS12, why not just take a cheaper, better hacker, with extra hacking tools? Basically, Devas epitomize the problem with generalists in Infinity, and they need an overhaul.
Too similar to Danavas. Would be still too expensive unless they downgraded the Combi to something cheap. And if they did, who would ever touch Danavas again? Never said Danavas were poorly designed by themselves. My problem was that they were poor faction design, because they completely invalidated Deva HD, and made Asura HD+ (already borderline) ever less unique. I disagree strongly. On most points. Deva Spitfire is actually an excellent backup attacker. it's not too expensive, and it provides useful functionality even without Smoke, and with Smoke she's a great given her point cost. There's also use for Deva + Devabot Lt, but it is marginal. What she needs is a leadership skill (Strategos L2 or Advanced Command would fit excellently). Otherwise, the profiles are too expensive not because they're generalist, but because they're completely unfocused. There is a huge difference. Machaon is a generalist, and a great one, because it can both do missions, it can gunfight, it can provide protection via Smoke, it can heal. He's not great at gunfighting, and not amazing at CC, but he can do both. Devas cannot. BS12 Combi Rifles are garbage on a high 20s unit. They're not cheap enough to be support troops, with Combi Rifle only they don't fight well enough (even when you add Devabots, they're simply too weak to be even backup fighters), and their kit is completely lacking. What they need is either more skills/equipment or better weaponry or both.