I think I like these better than the old ones. Never picked up the old ones, but I might pick these up in the future. (If I can't find some actual tachikomas to use)
They look waaay too CA for my taste. I'll have to get another box of the old ones despite already having 3 because i do not like this design for ALEPH. For themselves? Hell yes they're cool and i might have to get them at some point to paint them. For ALEPH? Nope, they look like plundered Combined tech.
I really like that I'll have two different kinds now. It'll be easy to differentiate between the cheap flash-pulse bots and the others.
i dont know what the hell is happening but i hate all the new models in vedics. maybe not my taste but. which weapons are these ? how can these rebots have climbing plus ? weapons and body are too bulky. and worst of all, they look like combined rems.
But, GW design philosophy is like 80% skulls. That is like saying it looks like fried chicken without the chicken.
Mmmm.... Eldar, space clowns eldar, Tau and Genestealers are not big on skulls so... I'd say it's like going to a steakhouse and order some fish XD
Personally I prefer the old ones, these are too alien, they could be excellent REM for CA but not for aleph.
jeez, the lads in Vigo should draw starker design lines between humanity and CA. I distaste these as I distaste the Hollowmen or Szalamandra from Tunguska. If BG wise they start talking of alien tech retro engineering, well I may do not like, but I will be sold on the new trend. Now it tastes like a creativity drain due to template 3D sculpting ...
I never got a CA vibe from the Szally as some did past the colours (and they were Tunguskas colours from the start anyway). The tail was a thing on Nomad TAGs before CA. I think the issue with the remotes is more that the CA ones look too human, rather than these looking too similar to the CA ones.
Totally not a fan of their colour scheme, but I love the sculpt. It looks meaner and more durable. The old ones look like, well, an early sculpt. I will definitely be happy to have these in my miniatures box.
I´m not enthusiastic about the resculpts, but I like them. As I only have 2 of them so far, I will add two resculpts. That distinguishes the loadouts to me, which makes them more playable. I already confuse the two I have in the heat of the battle... So, I wonder: When can we expect them to be in the shop? I have some more stuff to purchase, but I´d like to order together with the Remotes.