I still consider myself a very new player of this game after the few months I've been playing. While I have come a long way with facing my models correctly and learning about other factions abilities there is one thing I still stuggle with. How to remove an ODD/TO model that has good board position and is blocking me from my objective? Take a game last week. There was a Thrasymedes on a tower near the midfield that was in suppesing fire. Against almost everything in my army I am shooting at -12 to hit him vs -3 or -6 back. I've been told to use grenades/flamers, but how do I get in range without dying? I try using smoke and lose the FtF roll or fail. Basically once my Mavericks were dead (Marut killed one on his turn and the second died trying to smoke the tower with 1 die on 15 vs 3 on 9's) I have nothing that could remove/stall that one model with any chance of success.
Personally I rarely play sectorials, I prefer vanilla Ariadna, for exactly this kind of reason. A dug-in position can be flushed out by Uxia very easily. Superior Infiltration means she can be placed where ever you need to apply pressure. Within USAriadna, I would think a Foxtrot LGL or something might be a good option? Order intensive, but you've got Infiltration to be near the problem already, then just start spec firing grenades so the only option is for your opponent to Dodge and lose suppression or just eat them until dead.
That is one option I can think of that I haven't tried yet. Was tempted to in one game but went with a hidden Fox Lt instead because of the mission I think. The Foxtrot seems like the only one who could safely pull that off. Will still be hitting on 8's but that is a hell of a lot better than the 1's that I was able to muster in the previously mentioned game.
Keep in mind, also, that you can solve the problem without necessarily killing the opposing troop, at least temporarily. Just forcing a Dodge with one Order breaks the Suppression, and then from there you can move in with an HMG or something for a less punishing Face to Face. It all depends on what you have to work with. There's also the AD options, try coming in on his flank/behind facing. There's always something, it's just question if you have enough orders. :) Another thing to consider is if you are completely pinned down by this one model in Suppression Fire, you might have a terrain issue? You shouldn't really have huge fire lanes where one model can pin down an entire board with no way around...
You can also try to out range the suppression fire, take a shot from more than 24 Inches and your opponent has to either let you plug away with free shots or drop suppression. Or if you have enough grunts:
Yea tried out ranging the suppression fire, didn't matter as he ignored me since I would be hitting on 2's or 3's. Locals are very good at preventing AD from doing much unless I am already winning the game. Rarely can I even place Van Zant without getting shot at least once. I did try getting around him with an Airborne Ranger but ended up dying to an engineer with a combi as there was no safe place to come on. This example was probably a worst case scenario as we had 2 towers in the middle of the table and he went first using a Marut letting him place the guy up there knowing where all my shots would come from and then go first with the big guy to kill them before going suppressive at the end of his turn. It wasn't pinning the whole board, just the important part with objectives I needed to get next to for any chance at winning. Ended up spamming Katausha rockets at it for 6 orders to no effect.
If we're talking about ODD + Cover, a -9 mod to your attack, and you're out-ranging Suppression with an HMG, let's say a BS 12? You should be rolling Burst 4 on 6s. That's still fairly dangerous. If you can ignore cover that only makes it better, but again I think you're screwed on that in USAriadna.
Yea can't ignore the cover with my decent shooting options. In this case I only had rifles to shoot at it from longer range. My HMG was already killed by the TAG and my poor missile launcher was struggling to get an angle on him that was in +3 and cover (he didn't and died). Again this was a bit of a worst case scenario but I can easily see it happening again. Thinking that I need to explore my Foxtrot options a bit more and use them for more than button pushing.
In a lot of cases, the way to "deal" with it is to throw smoke and go complete the mission objective.
Time to buy a 3rd Maverick then I guess! I'm finding them hard to place somewhere that doesn't get them shot on turn one. Ideally I'd love to smoke him on a 15 normal roll but angles with large bases are hard to find. I'm also being pressured into a Devil Dog but don't have the model as I hate the look of him and think Mavericks are a better option for my playstyle. I appreciate all the answers, lets me think out loud about it too. Next thing is deal with TO Camo TAGs that just let me fire half my army at it with -9's and kill me off in 1's and 2's while soaking up the odd random hit!
Learn to love the Devil Dog lol, he can put in a lot of work used correctly. I honestly didn't care for it initially either
Cry try using the dice calculator at http://inf-dice.ghostlords.com/n3/ to wargame some ideas Vs the target you mentioned. You should be able to make some favorable scenarios if you look at the right modifiers. For example, a Marauder sniper in the open as a 22% to kill your target and a 30 % chance to die. It is far more likely no one will do damage. Add in cover, the odds shift slightly. Add in a link team, cover, and move to outside of 24 inches and there is a 50% chance you will score a kill. Backwards plan your next list from that. UCM 4 Life
I'll try to throw smoke unnoposed, you can make a safe path if you are carefully with the angles to throw them, but keep in mind that it can take too much orders to do so. The Devil Dog throw smoke on 19's. The camos are another option he can't discover them without lossing the supresion, but with his 360 visor would be difficult to put a mine at his feets without been seen (and you lose alot of orders to do so if you ar not already prepared for it). Of course, the especulative fire sounds like the less order consuming option at first, but all deppend of the placement of your troops and theirs.
FO+Guided. Move-Move behind the unit in question, then FO them with your foxtrots, then rain down the pain
You could also try a coordinated order. You cannot split your burs in ORA so 3 of your troopers will have unoposed roll (and so won't have the -3 malus from suppresive fire) while one will likely die bloody.
He has 360. Actually, Aleph SF pieces are obnoxious due to either that, or ODD, or both. Or, failing that, 10 pts cost and some nice toolkit :P But other than that, yeah, Guided seems to be better than I was thinking.