Branching this one off from other TAG discussions. Blue Wolf is a TAG mentioned in the fluff for Jotums and that the battles between Jotums and Blue Wolf were particularly ferocious* (thanks, Section9). What the Blue Wolf is, is not clarified, but there are rumours that it's just another Guijia squadron that's stationed on Svalarheima. We, the players who spend too much time on the forums, of course would like a new stompy robot toy and not a Guijia. - A minor gripe about this is that the battle between Jotum and Blue Wolf is meant to be ferocious, which is a bit iffy since we know Yu Jing aren't exactly known for their large amount of TAGs and that the Jotum is hands-down a better TAG in nearly all ways while both are optimized for the same type of combat. But what if the Blue Wolf was a completely different TAG, or a TAG specifically adapted to the environment? So, name of the game; wish-list a TAG that is distinctly Yu Jing. But what makes a TAG distinctly Yu Jing? Well, there's a few weapons or technology that's rare or unheard of in Yu Jing. ODD is very rare, AP HMG is too low tech, certain tech like repeaters or advanced electronic warfare is also (probably) a bit beyond what the highly pragmatic Yu Jing leadership wants to fork out for. <Edit: Annoying that you can't paste from Excel on the new forums> * No mention of any Aesir, but if the Fenris Wolf and the Giants clash, maybe Ragnarök can be staved off. But I digress.
The blue wolves are likely just Guijia. No Yu Jing sectorial includes the Guijia just yet so that leaves the Invincible Army or White Banner. Most likely the Blue Wolves are just going to be the White Banners access to Guijia. And lets be fair to the Guijia, a Multi-HMG is plenty enough firepower to take out a Jotum.
Forward deployment level 1, mimetism, light tag, full auto 1, mk12, feurbach. Or change the weapon to HMG and emauler, swap full auto for minelayer.
Let's test this... Probably won't work. 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span=11 style='width:48pt'> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 width=64 style='height:15.0pt;width:48pt'>TAG</td> <td class=xl656969 colspan=3 width=192 style='width:144pt'>Blue Wolf' Squadron</td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> <td class=xl656969 width=64 style='width:48pt'> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'>CUBE</td> <td class=xl676969>MOV</td> <td class=xl676969>CC</td> <td class=xl676969>BS</td> <td class=xl676969>PH</td> <td class=xl676969>WIP</td> <td class=xl676969>ARM</td> <td class=xl676969>BTS</td> <td class=xl676969>STR</td> <td class=xl676969>S</td> <td class=xl676969>AVA</td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'>REG</td> <td class=xl676969>6-4</td> <td class=xl676969>19</td> <td class=xl676969>14</td> <td class=xl676969>16</td> <td class=xl676969>13</td> <td class=xl676969>6</td> <td class=xl676969>6</td> <td class=xl676969>3</td> <td class=xl676969>6</td> <td class=xl676969>1</td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'>HACK</td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=2>Equipment:</td> <td class=xl656969>ECM</td> <td class=xl656969>X-Visor</td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=3>Holoprojector level 2</td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=2>Special skills:<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span></td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=2>Mountain terrain</td> <td class=xl686969>Manned</td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl696969>Name</td> <td class=xl696969> </td> <td class=xl696969 colspan=2>BS Weapons</td> <td class=xl696969> </td> <td class=xl696969 colspan=2>CC Weapons</td> <td class=xl696969> </td> <td class=xl696969>SWC</td> <td class=xl696969>C</td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl706969 colspan=2>Blue Wolf</td> <td class=xl716969 colspan=3>2 MULTI Rifles, Nanopulser</td> <td class=xl716969>AP CCW</td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969 align=right>0,5</td> <td class=xl716969 align=right>73</td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl156969 style='height:15.0pt'></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl156969 style='height:15.0pt'></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> <td class=xl156969></td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'>LI</td> <td class=xl656969 colspan=2>Blue Wolf' Pilot</td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl656969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'>CUBE</td> <td class=xl676969>MOV</td> <td class=xl676969>CC</td> <td class=xl676969>BS</td> <td class=xl676969>PH</td> <td class=xl676969>WIP</td> <td class=xl676969>ARM</td> <td class=xl676969>BTS</td> <td class=xl676969>W</td> <td class=xl676969>S</td> <td class=xl676969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'>REG</td> <td class=xl676969>4-4</td> <td class=xl676969>14</td> <td class=xl676969>11</td> <td class=xl676969>10</td> <td class=xl676969>13</td> <td class=xl676969>0</td> <td class=xl676969>0</td> <td class=xl676969>1</td> <td class=xl676969>2</td> <td class=xl676969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=2>Equipment:</td> <td class=xl656969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=2>Special skills:<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span></td> <td class=xl686969 colspan=2>Forward Observer</td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> <td class=xl686969> </td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl696969>Name</td> <td class=xl696969> </td> <td class=xl696969 colspan=2>BS Weapons</td> <td class=xl696969> </td> <td class=xl696969 colspan=2>CC Weapons</td> <td class=xl696969> </td> <td class=xl696969>SWC</td> <td class=xl696969>C</td> </tr> <tr height=20 style='height:15.0pt'> <td height=20 class=xl666969 style='height:15.0pt'> </td> <td class=xl706969 colspan=2>Blue Wolf Pilot</td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969 colspan=2>Assault Pistol, Knife</td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969> </td> <td class=xl716969> </td> </tr> <![if supportMisalignedColumns]> <tr height=0 style='display:none'> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> <td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td> </tr> <![endif]> </table> </div> <!-----------------------------> <!--SLUTET PÅ UTDATA FRÅN GUIDEN PUBLICERA SOM WEBBSIDA I EXCEL--> <!-----------------------------> </body> </html> Edit: didn't work. Works if you put it into a file (well mostly), but not on forums. Basically; take an Uhlan, downgrade BS to Guijia, upgrade melee and wip to roughly Guijia. Add Holo2, X-Visor, change weapons to 2x Multi Rifle and Nanopulser, and make it Manned and Mountain Terrain. Guesstimate price 73, likely a bit low, but should be in the ballpark.
Another idea is to have Guijia gain a blue wolves profile for the white banner sectorial. Where it gains skills like Mountain Terain and maybe an x-visor. That x-visor would be expensive since its a big upgrade for a Multi-HMG. A little too powerful......hmm. How about a Guijia profile for the white banner with Multi-rifle and X-visor? Hmmm, its ok for Yu Jing to want another TAG option the problem is Pano still needs to have the edge in their TAG design. Much like how Pano is never going to get remote presence HI or the dirt cheap Zuyong invincibles. A light TAG with full auto and mk12 is an interesting idea.
My idea has always been something like this: 6-4MOV, CC19, BS14, PH15, WIP13, ARM6, BTS6, STR3, S6, AVA1vanilla, maybe 2 in WB. ECM, Holoprojector L2 Manned, Mountain Terrain, maybe MA1 Spitfire, Feuerbach/AP CCW Forward Deployment would be interesting, but I don't know that it's necessary. Plus we're getting expensive, I'd like to keep the total around 80 points. Options instead of the Feuerbach would be Panzerfaust and/or Blitzen (but would look a whole lot like the Su Jian). Might drop the Spitfire down to a Mk12, even further relying on the AT weapons.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who immediately thought about giving it Holoprojector Lv.2 (or even HP3). I think something like 6-4 movement, light armor (6-8), and a Monofilament CCW would be my wishlist. Multi HMG or even an HMC (like a ramped up Yan Huo.) The problem with the spitfire is that it gets too much into the realm of the Su Jian after that.
Are there any pic or short comics that related to Blue Wolf? I am seriously intrigued with this, Yu Jing has their own S6 anti-TAGs TAG is pretty nice idea. Especially with their whole rivalry thing.
I would love to see a light T.A.G. become reality. Here's hoping that the Blue Wolves are a specific T.A.G. model and not just a Guijia with a slap of paint or new equipment on it
Bostria did one mention a Blue Wolf was playtested, I seem to remember HMRC and ODD/TO being mentioned, along with it quickly being vetoed :P I got the impression this was "back in the day" so N2/Human Sphere era. Certainly before Silhouettes existed, and the idea fell to the wayside in favour of a focus on HI and units like the Karakuri and Susan.
Yeah, rings a bell or two as having been mentioned, though I do think it was distinctly pre-HS. I think what we might've ended up getting at long last instead was the Yan Huo.
If I recall the playtest was a mobile TAG with good CC and impetuous or fury which proved to be too dangerous.
Bostria mentioned the Blue Wolf being tested with frenzy and HMC and being quickly discarded, all well before HSN2. Also, the first edition rulebook had a comic strip of some Kriza Boracs spying the maintenance of a Mongol Cavalry TAG, which is another name of the Blue Wolf, although seeing how little the Kriza Boracs resemble de final model, I don't think our TAG will resemble those images either.
A light TAG with AP Spitfire would be interesting. There's plenty of precedent for the AP Spitfire as a TAG weapon.
Wouldn't it be to Guijia what Scarface is to Anacondas? A character pilot of a customized Guijia? Like our remotes, could the BlueWolf carry a repeater? Could the pilot also be a hacker? If the pilot disembarks from the TAG can the repeater still be active? Can the pilot hack from inside the TAG? I like Section9's idea of a holoprojector. He could be a TAG version of a Kanren. Heck, give the pilot a monofilament blade to boot.
Slight edits for the list. Blue Wolfs were specifically mentioned as a squadron name, but anything is possible. Yes, but I'm confident that this isn't going to happen for Yu Jing. Yes, but I'm confident that this isn't going to happen for Yu Jing. The TAG doesn't enter Null state, so it should still be active. The lack of proper rules for dismounting makes it a bit odd, though. No, not unless the TAG is also a hacker - the relationship between TAG and pilot is odd in this game and the rules do not distinguish between them as cleanly as could be. They are the same unit, but they are not the same model, both profiles can't be used at the same time.