Not really. They have quite good stats for LI across the board, multiple skills, Nanopulser. I do miss NWI, but it is more recognizable as Aleph profile. It's also a wasted new unit slot - they should have been a Deva loadout rather than a new unit.
So basically, you want a nanopulsar on every Operations Lhost unit? The stats are very similar between the Danavas and Shukra with a trade of 1 BS for 1 WIP (which is more important for a hacking character anyway.) (Agreed with the Deva upgrade though :( )
The problem with that is she being a cheerleader for half the game... she's too expensive in a game where orders are gold to sit idle doing one Cybermask until the rest of the list has cleaned the way... the Mk2 hacker can do nearly the same for 1/3 the cost :(
Yea, but the Mk2 hacker isn't as strong an end-game presence. I'll grant you the Mk2 is still good, but a single mine can get rid of her, easy. I've really found that there's no such thing as a "too expensive" cheerleader in Infinity... In fact, I often prefer to open up with cheaper pieces who lose you less when the opponent rolls a lucky crit early, or commits to killing your now-overextended attack piece. For reference, as a long-time Nomads player, I usually have an Intruder HMG or a Kriza HMG cheerleading for most of my games. One will end up doing work, and the other will be held in reserve. Having that expensive (read: highly capable) model left at the end of the game often turns a tie or a minor loss into a win for me.
Bad nomad, get your facts straight! My beloved Mk4 with Heavy Rocker Launcher is the one that costs 20 pts (well, she also has a SMG :p). The one you are thinking costs *24* That being said, Aleph cannot field many HI troops... (vedic: Mk3, Mk4, 2-3 Asuras. For generic you can add Hector, Achilles and Ajax...), but the new Yadu troops... well, they somewhat fill it a little, but the workhorse is still the Deva ^^
While I wouldn't mind Nanopulser on every OS unit, it's not about that, or even about raw BS or WIP or whatever. It's about the whole profile. WIP14 is already elite enough for a cheapish unit, BS12 is also on the nice side, Biometric Visor L2 is very Aleph-lore-appropriate garbage, overall gives impression of an Aleph unit (although just barely). Danavas does not. It is a competent but uninspiring Hacker and absolutely nothing else. And to add insult to injury, it makes the already effectively unplayable Deva Hacker ever less playable. They could have upgraded Deva Hacker to HD+(Maestro), and gave it Pitcher, Nanopulser, Viral or Breaker or Heavy Pistol loadout and presto - cheaper, yet amazingly Aleph unit.
Do you realize how incredibly stupid that argument is? I'm not saying you are stupid, but that argument is, beyond words.
Danavas H+ with that profile and set-up low cost points, isn't a joke, can't compare her against Deva in terms of hacking game and sinergie. ¿You want to see a Deva added with the equipment than Danavas? :/ pay some more points for that +40pts cost and ill prefer again, to switch the Danavas for that for doing the same.
I'm quite clear on the difference. However, I have no idea why you think so. Deva is an elite light LHost, through and through. It's highly computationally capable (BS15), confident in firefight (BS12), decent defences (ARM2/BTS3) without being super-top-tech-extra-expensive-materials like Asura, even physically on the upper edge of normal humans (PH11). It functions until there is too little left to function (NWI). It has built-in last-ditch weaponry (Nanopulser). When I say "classic Aleph unit", I don't mean due to historical reasons, but in the sense that it matches Aleph lore. It is not overly specialised, just good at everything. Then we see loadouts and realise the potential is mostly wasted or underutilised (Spitfire is the exception). I wanted to see Deva with similar equipment what Danavas got, yes. With appropriate points. And, had you bothered to listen or even understand my points, IT IS ABOUT BEING LORE APPROPRIATE, not "better than Danavas". As I said, upgrade Hacking Device to HD+ (Maestro) (0 pts normally, but hey, let's make it 2 pts), remove Combi Rifle (8 pts), give Pitcher (1 pts), give Breaker Pistol (1 pts). Total, 27 points, but a much more lore appropriate unit. (I'd also claim it's more effective, but that's a separate issue and I do understand some people would prefer Combi Rifle).
Ah, I see. Because it's economical, you mean? The way I see it, the Danavas exists to make room for more durable, versatile, expensive units. The game runs on orders and you need to be able to fit a bunch of them in your lists. I guess CB could have given the Danavas an SMG to make room for NWI or something.
You get the idea. :) Although I'd still prefer just fixing the Deva Hacker (by giving it HD+ and changing weapon option), which is a profile nobody took even when Danavas did not exist.
Maybe. But I really don't see why would Aleph produce LHosts inferior to what Nomads can churn out (BTS 9 is a killer, not to mention FastPandas are superior to BS11 Pitchers) when it also produces excellent Deva LHosts with inferior Hacking equipment? Must be some mystical interference*. Same as when you combine HD+ and MULTI Rifle, it obviously creates powerful psychic storm that shuts down Asura's leadership modules.. *I mean, let's call this for what it was; they wanted to sell the model, saw that Aleph doesn't have cheap hackers but has lots of remotes, bam, new unit! Who cares about Devas...
Do we really have to point out that fluff /= rules, or else Ariadna should just be stomped upon by every army?