Well, I'm having a hard time seeing a real person inside that armor, but just the same way I have a hard time seeing real persons inside the female Domaru or Brigadas (let's not even talk about ML Hac Tao)
Spoiler: Daoying Art I love the look of this unit, but I agree it looks to be a cybernetic operator or some kind of remote unit. Ignoring the boots for a second, look at those arms. If you took off the layer of synthetic muscle, that would barely be enough room for bone. Now look to those boots. You know what I notice besides the portal 2 landing gear? Spoiler: Garuda Art If I'm gonna throw out my speculation, if it isn't a super jumping unit I hope its some kind of fast 6-4 specialist. Hollow men, Dakini, and Garuda all have a form of the backwards toe and they're 6-4 for aleph, 6-2 for nomads. A fast specialist would alleviate some issues with ITS for single order groups
I'm sticking with augmented individual. Invincible Army is supposed to be a few steps above the standard goons and I can't see them letting skilled operatives going to waste. Cybernetic augments make perfect sense.
A lot of the talk regarding IA and what troops/skills will make an appearance has very much focused on combinations of existing skills and assuming new profiles similar to established troop types. I wonder if the Daoying might be our first look at a troop built around previously unseen skills? Let’s face it, before Tunguska dropped, no one was predicting Tron bikers with g sync’d bikes, or puppet masters, or even 6-2 super jumping, remote presence linkable HI.
Somehow generating 2 orders? One irregular and one regular. Maybe a special order that can only be spent on coordinated orders?
The regular human foot is way up at the top, the whole thing is a massive platform shoe! It would be really nice to have a 6-2 or 6-4 specialist besides the Weibing!
Which type of cybernetics? The cheapass stuff that we've seen on ateks where you saw off a limb and replace it with a robotic part or the expensive genetic modifications and bone restructuring we see in Tariq?
Probably some willy nilly nanosynthmuscles or nanomachines and stuff, something that far more advance than stuff atek had. Probably an attemp to go beyond standard Lhost. Since SPARTAN style biomodification are Haqq things, this could be (bio)mechanical versions of Khawarij, with more armour, more nanometal, and more survivability (maybe).
Exactly, Space Ranger, and her legs look nothing like Daoying. Metachemistry is I believe body mods of the less cheap version, but CSU aren't all getting the same stuff. I can believe that Yu Jing do not see the moral problems associated with implementing standardised mods on a regimental level for elite infantry, meaning 6-4 is not out of the question, and that could very well be for Daoying, but I don't see the robotic limbs others see.
I also fail to see the robo-limbs people speak of for the Daoying. The legs, up until the feet, look pretty normal, and even then, it looks like you could fit a human foot inside those boots perfectly fine. Would prolly take a lot of training to make walking in those comfortable or intuitive, but... isn't it kind of our thing to compensate for technological shortcomings with the skill and training of our troops, or did I end up hallucinating that statement from somewhere?
Genetic modifications and bone restructuring doesn't exactly scream "cybernetics". It's augmentations for sure, but not really cybernetic. What I'm talking about is, at least in my mind, taking injured soldiers and giving them high end cybernetic upgrades. There's a reason why I commented on this specific one since it seems like just the feet aren't from her original body.
I would say that's a given. Kan, if I put on furry slippers my feet no longer seem part of my body, but that doesn't make me a cyborg (I hope).
Ok. Looking closer it makes sense. As Mahtamori said, it's like a stiletto heel. I hope those are not breasts on the sides because she's horribly disfigured if the are there!
Depends on if the furry slippers are just slippers with fur or if they're cybernetically enhancing slippers made in a furry aesthetic? :P I'm actually leaning towards Climbing Plus and/or Super Jump. The heels remind me more of pitons than they do 'heels'--and if you look the 'foot' seems to have full range of motion while the 'spike' looks to be stationary. Also worth mentioning that where the 'heel' is pointed at would make her fairly short or she'd have to have her feet 'bound' somehow to fill out the toe of the boot.
Yeah, the arrow is pointing where the arch should be. The heel would around where that grey armor is.